So how was it?
The Grand Tour
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>three rich white guys talking about cars
wow what a show
more shitty unfunny scripted trash like top gear
The usual garbage for modern far right british scum
Would it be better if they were poor and Chinese?
About as good as old top gear. Made me question what they spent the extra cash on.
Also, the "American" test driver was a humour vacuum.
Good. Like a normal episode of prime Top Gear
Dull. Sup Forums types project far too much in the way of their hopes and expectations onto these droning old twats.
Also there's just something insufferably odious about Hammond in particular; I'd really like to fight a cruel and bloody "knacker" match with him.
It was Top Gear.
So great.
Don't know about better, but it would certainly be funnier.
Make them female and with big tits and you're on to something
>niggas from da hood jacking cars
I'd watch it.
>Made me question what they spent the extra cash on.
I think we'll see that later on.
You're the dumbest poster in the thread and will be even if it gets up to a thousand replies but in your feeble reductive way you're also the most honest.
>About as good as old top gear.
>Like a normal episode of prime Top Gear
the fuck you talking about
>endless "bits" and making them "act" and wasting half the fucking show on nothing
>hour long super car commercial that went nowhere and proved nothing
the fucking episode was garbage
It would be hilarious watching them crash constantly.
its literally Top Gear with a new name and "studio"
>not wanting to see some hick chink crash a mirrion dorrar mcraren
Which is pretty much what the last few seasons of Top Gear was like. Still pretty entertaining. Hopefully they find their mojo again.
All you need to know is find out what Sup Forums thinks, then accept it was the opposite of that.
The none studio parts was like a regular episode of Top Gear when they don't do any challenges or some shit.
Studio parts can only improve
by having two men with 'em it seems at least some effort's being made to accommodate you, user.
could you elaborate? I don't know what "knacker match" means.
>by having two men with 'em it seems at least some effort's being made to accommodate you, user.
What did he mean by this?
It's bareknuckle fighting as practised by "knackers" (Irish gypsies, "tinkers", "Travellers", "fucking pikey scum").
Goddam, lads. We got an 'ard one 'ere.
Just don't. It's a sign of weakness.
What did they mean by this?
Please don't hurt me, sir.
Pretty bad. They had a shot to do something fresh but went with what was stale 5 seasons of Top Gear ago.
It was good, but it felt too safe and scripted. Even by ordinary Top Gear standards.
Hopefully they dare to play around more with the show as it progresses.
The higher production values were obvious, though. But I'm not sure yet if that's a good or bad thing.
Also, they testing the 3 hypercars felt a bit moot when Chris Harris did a better review on them (exactly) a year ago.
I like the new tent setup, and their seating arrangement.
You get to see some of the audience reactions when they cut to Jeremy saying stupid shit, but most of the time you get to look at a gorgeous view through that giant window.
And even though this first episode was a little boring and pointless, it's still much better than what current Top Gear is right now.
>Being mad about the "American" correctly representing their monosyllabic nature.
Once again proof Americans can make fun of any culture they want but don't you dare make fun of theirs.
It's great.
>far right
they are lefties
I honestly don't get how anyone can watch a show about cars... you might as well watch a show about trigonometry, it'd be more exciting
Top Gear isn't a show about cars, and I doubt GT will be one either.
nice meme
Stale politically incorrect rubbish that only appeals to knuckle-dragging Brexiters, and Drumpfkins.
The shows are about people doing stupid shit in cars, but they are not about the actual cars.
This is the only legitimate answer.
Am I the only one who is grateful that they scrapped Star in a Reasonably-Priced Car? Never liked that part.
How's that autism treating you, pal?
can you shitskin Brits please stop obsessing over this disgusting creature?
she was top qt
seeing as both those sides won there is a huge population to appease then, good point
nice false flag
If you like Top Gear then yes, you'll like The Grand Tour
If anyone has autism, it's the retards who fawn over cars like they're anything more than a simple transportation tool. You guys are the same type of autist that spends hundreds of hours on train simulator
You can check out Bait Car
What do you like?
Pretty good. Just about the same as Top Gear classic except without the Stig.
They weren't gone that long
Yaoi, Origami, Mecha, and trains. You?
They were waiting years to get all three of those hypercars together. It was a running joke practically in the last few seasons between Clarkson and May how McLaren or Ferrari would pull out of having them head to head. They literally managed in their first episode what the bbc producers couldn't pull off in about 2+ years
It's literally the same show which I don't mind but I do miss Jessica
Science fiction, documentaries, dramas
quite shit
too American
It's true though. Top Gear was a boring show about cars for 20 years before Clarkson took over and made into something that more than a handful of autistic car enthusiasts care about.
are they seriously trying to make me believe they're the ones doing all these drifts?
>dumbest poster
Not while you're around
But Chris Harris did it a year ago. And even if it was a few months before he got acquired by BBC, Harris is now a part of the nuTop Gear team and that lowers the impact of Clarkson & co doing it this week.
I'm hoping some of the later episodes will have some specials where they go to different countries and perform challenges with shitty cars. I'm pretty sure they had the budget for that.
Could have done with about 45 seconds less of super car blur cam.
Otherwise blew Diversity Gear out of the water.
intro was great and the ep was decent overall. they definitely need to find their stride again though. even for those 3 it seemed a bit off. and that segment with the dying celebrities was unbearable, i had to skip it. complete waste of time they could have been talking about cars or actually interviewing someone.
Shit, partly because of the stupid American audience but mostly due to them trying way too hard and being seemingly nervous. Hope it gets better in the upcoming episodes.
>car reviews
Still god-tier
>new racing driver
Great, editing felt a bit too aggressive at some points though.
Fucking this, I don't get why people eat it up.
Are you shitting on Rory and Harris?
The "diversity" cast on nuTop Gear was the only good part about it.
More shitting on "LOOK WE HAVE A [NOT A BLOKISH GUY]" attitude that colored the series.
What makes Clarkson, Hammond, and May fun is that they are three middle-aged-to-old-ish blokes who are unrepentant drunks that drive fantastic cars and have mad adventures.
NuGear just seemed like it was an unfunny bunch of sitcom replacement actors trying to use the signature lines of the original people.
That and Evans thinking if he shouted it suddenly it became less annoying somehow.
That an
fucking hated the American. god damn he is terrible, and even more terrible if you realize that he's the fucking replacement for the godamn Stig.
other than that, it was solid.
Do they have a new writing staff? The jokes were lackluster for the most part as my only complaint.
bad cops already exists
Cancelling my Amazon Prime subscription.
>More shitting on "LOOK WE HAVE A [NOT A BLOKISH GUY]" attitude that colored the series.
I see your point. But that attitude was literally the only thing that somewhat "saved" the train wreck that is post-Clarkson Top Gear.
If you actually like cars (not judging if you do not. Top Gear is not a car show.) check out Extra Gear. It's half and hour of Chris Harris and Rory Reid testing different cars and interviewing British C-listers (very skippable).
Thank God Evans is off the show, though. He absolutely ruined every single second he had on screen. Joey wasn't very good either.
>What makes Clarkson, Hammond, and May fun is that they are three middle-aged-to-old-ish blokes who are unrepentant drunks that drive fantastic cars and have mad adventures.
I completely agree. Which is why I hope TGT gets its shit together and gives us all those wacky adventures, while nuTG perhaps can turn into an actual car show but with a fuckhuge budget.
>same 5 jokes as 10 years ago for 'banter'
>90s tier humour about Americans using different words
>cars are still boring
Great cinematography though. A shame that team is working on such a bland show.
Yeah. The American was horrible after the first 10 seconds when it dawned that they probably was serious about keeping him.
The same with the new test track. It is awful. You can't test new Ferraris and McLarens on a track that's overgrown with weeds and has tarmac that looks like it hasn't gotten a touch up since the 19th century.
Little different than Top Gear.
The "Eboladrome" cracked me up...
Film sequences 10/10
Tent 5/10
The American 0/10
>hasn't gotten a touch up
"Has not gotten a touch up"
>opinion discarded
Are they going to be doing anything with older/shitter cars or is it just going to be exotic car challenges in exotic landscapes? With the occasional whacky DIY challenge.
My favourite videos they do are the ones like the Saab and Lancia videos.
Not a native English speaker and I genuinely have no idea what I did wrong there. Mind filling me in?
Will we get any classic TG segments ie cheap car challenges and silly reviews like
Piss off cats
Is this supposed to be an insult?
What watch is that?
Bored, kiddo? Or just BTFO?
They do a lot of driving and drifting too, but pro-drivers pick up a lot of slack, because there needs to be retakes for the perfect shot etc etc. Also all three of them are excellent drivers, especially May, he has even drifted with Hakkinen
>new amazon show
>its the three fat autistic slobs' """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""car"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" show
Some studio gags went on for too long and went into cringe territory.
The filmed sequenes were awesome. Funny, good flow and even better cinematography than on old Top Gear. Tbh i'm kinda glad there's 11 more weeks of this stuff. Gonna be fun.
I think it lost it's edge and track is quite garbadge.
Scandinavian flick. Not drifting.
mostly the same as Top Gear, with very few, minor changes
if you didn't like Top Gear, you won't like this either
if you stopped liking Top Gear because of Clarkson, you won't like this
if you suddenly started having a problem with rich white guys driving fancy cars while 'ain a giggle, you won't like this
really, my only problem is with their new racetrack; I think their old abandoned airfield was way better but oh well
and I kinda liked The Stig but I guess they're not allowed to use him anymore
Your post has no edge, cats, despite you trying to force it.
To be fair, why would anyone who didn't like Clarkson even go near Clarkson's new TV show?
also this, I could barely focus
and I like the moving studio with a view thing
so that they can come here and other forums and bitch about rich white males takin a piss at others
they would never watch Top Gear, but this is now trendy for a bit and they're upset that recent trends don't fit with other trends (PC) that they're trying to follow
and no, not PC as in PC "gentoo" masterrace goddammit
You are getting more incoherent, cats. Are you angry now?
Let's face it at its peak this show was elder god tier but was getting stale by the end and there's nothing that makes me believe this new one will be able to match the heights of what TG was 8 or so years ago.
>Scandinavian flick
Manji drifting is still drifting
That was obvious going in. And the new show shouldn't try to be Top Gear 8 years ago.
What it should do is take a long and hard look at what Top Gear did right and wrong for those 20 years, keep the parts they liked, remove the parts they didn't like, and add new parts to keep the interest up.
But if it *tries* to be Top Gear, it will fail.
The American driver and the celebrity parts were cringe worthy as fuck... everything else put a smile on my face (albeit a nostalgic one)... over all its bretty good.. but those two segments are so fucking awful they almost ruined the entire thing.