This movie was really boring. Anybody actually liked this?
The story is goddamn simple that if you fall asleep half the movie you won't miss any of the plot.
Fucking 8.1 on imdb?!?! I rather watch Batman v Superman, hell I rather watch Hairy Potter again.
The movie is not bad, it's just extremely boring and the jokes aren't even funny.
Worst blockbuster movie of the year not even memeing
johnny depp was so forced in for sequels
Jason White
when did this even come out?
Benjamin Taylor
I liked it. bit slow but once the grindewald plot kicks in its great.
Kayden Wright
I'm going to see it tomorrow with my dad
I hope it doesn't suck, and I hope you don't need to know all that much about Harry Potter to be able to enjoy it.
Brayden Richardson
Bree Larson was great in this
Gavin Jackson
Its how it went for the first hobbit movie too don't worry
Justin Martinez
wait this is out already?
Aaron Martinez
OP here user
I actually saw it with my dad
don't do this to him, trust me he will fall asleep like mine.
Nolan Scott
The pacing of the movie fucking killed me.
They could have cut the entire plot of the movie into 1 hour.
There was like so much nothing happening on the movie I wanted to leave the theater.
I'm not even memeing, OP is right that something like BvS is way way better than this. At least BvS is entertaining crap. This was just boring crap.
Lucas Williams
it's been out for a week and it's flopping
Ryder Johnson
Haven't seen it, not planning to see it.
I like the trailers though. Is this a mob movie with wizards?
Leo Williams
Damn, I don't know what else to pick. Everything else my local cinema shows seems like some super generic action ( jack reacher, inferno), or horror (before I wake, ouija) but my dad is over 70 and I don't plan on giving him a heart attack.
Zachary Fisher
What else did you expect from the dullest spin-off in the history of spin-offs?
James Gray
>too boring >story wasnt epic enough huh, if a retarded person like you didn't like it maybe I would
Dominic Jackson
A girl I like invited me to see this with some mutual friends this weekend. I don't give a shit about Harry Potter or any of this shit, but I thought I'll suffer through it for the sake of possible pussy. Is sitting through this film worth it? Is there a possibility she'll fall asleep from boredom and lean against me or something?
James Long
Jack Reacher is crap but far more exciting than this.
Dr Strange might give him headache.
Watch the accountant with him
Jackson Bell
>tips fedora.
go watch it. I just want to see you suffer now by the movies boredom
Connor Gonzalez
>Is sitting through this film worth it? no. It's a movie for 4 year old children.
>Is there a possibility she'll fall asleep from boredom and lean against me or something? If you watch the movie at the night screening 9pm, 90% chance she will give it a try
Cameron Ward
I took many short naps during the movie, it's actually the first time this happened to me
Eli Anderson
So why exactly is it boring?
My 6 year old son liked it. I didn't think it was good though.
Jayden Adams
I'm thinking about giving Dr. Strange a try. I'm not sure whether he'll like super hero movies, but it looks like it'll be action-packed and visually impressive at least.
Thanks for the advice.
Evan Kelly
There was one girl in our screening that was contantly laughing out loud at stuff nobody else in the theater found funny. She laughed every 5 minutes except when the villain came on screen.
I felt embarassed and cringed man times like all the other audience. Maybe she had autism though, I don't know, it was like she was watching the movie of her life yet nobody else had a similar reaction. Maybe we are all dead inside and she is the only person who legitimately enjoys movies. I wish I had also found the movie so hilarious, like the scene where the big horny beast wants to fuck the fat guy because he smells good. (that sounds funny but it wasn't well executed.)
Juan Walker
thanks for this new pasta
Andrew Wilson
did you get her number?
Gabriel Davis
Dr Strange is good but depends on how old your 70 year old dad is.
Because the movie is visually insane so if he can handle the crazy visuals he will like it
Brody Scott
>The film will be released worldwide on 18 November 2016 doh
Cooper Ortiz
No she was with her date/boyfriend who was sitting next to me who felt embarassed for her
Liam Nguyen
Maybe she was a die hard fan of the book
Carter Wright
He's pretty fit for his age, but he's never seen a movie in 3D before. I guess there's only one way to find out. He wanted something with action in it, I'm sure it'll be fine, and I'm just overthinking things.
Hunter Sullivan
>Dr. Strange is good
It's literally like every other Marvel movie. Seen Captain America before? Seen Iron Man before? Seen Thor before? Then congratulations you've seen Dr. Strange also. Fuck capeshit, I figured I'd give DS a chance since I hadn't seen a superhero movie in awhile and then I realized I had already seen the movie before just like all that trash.
Matthew Jones
>The story is goddamn simple that if you fall asleep half the movie you won't miss any of the plot.
what is it about?
Isaiah Gonzalez
wizard police want to hide from humans, but wizard farrel wants to rule the human world by finding autistic kid with dark magic powers.
There is also the main character who is a green peace wizard and saves magic animals but his plot has nothing to do with the actual plot.
Christian Richardson
I want my fucking money back
Jackson Taylor
>12 IPs in the thread
I liked it
Bentley Parker
Saw it with my GF and mom and dad.Everyone liked it.. very comfy.
William Jackson
I don't think you have a gf. Hope you enjoyed a night at the movies with your family.
Angel Gonzalez
I'd watch for the qt main character
Kayden Morgan
I liked it but I admit the rape scene was a little over the top
Jacob Martinez
A cute. Forgot she was a tumblr singer from way back.
Austin Baker
Film like this probably has a ton of dramatic irony via callbacks and references to the books. Sometimes people just laugh because they want to make sure everyone knows they got the joke.
Caleb Gonzalez
>set in America
Trashed, how can they expect it to be comfy like in Harry Potter?