When will we see the first anime kino brought to life?
When will we see the first anime kino brought to life?
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When will we see OP find a girlfriend?
Hopefully never, they'd have to make the bounty some bullshit that puts the universe in peril or some other crazy high stakes stupidity that just doesn't work with the tone of the show
spike is not white
15 years ago
I am gay
please no
Youre probably right
It can't just be interpersonal conflict for Hollywood
good anime:
Cowboy Bebop
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
is this literally it?
That's a cartoon, user.
Yes he is
hopefully never. why do you fags need a movie adaptation? what the fuck is wrong with you morons, you're ruining this world.
Who will play him?
He's a jew
>Jews aren't white
Also Hellsing
t. Redditor who's watched 10 series
I've seen enough to know that they're almost all shit
Initial D if you want an actual good anime
>Quite the opposite. A redditor would believe there's a lot of good anime.
>I've seen enough
so movies can't be cartoons?
Hello re/ddit. Looks like you don't know how to use the """""meme arrows""""" as you call them.
Don't know why I greentexted that.
This first
Anime is just like any other medium. Most movies are shit. Most television shows are shit. Most books are shit. Most radio programs are shit.
Most anime is shit. The trick is to find the gems. Just like with any other media.
Nope. Quit being a fag bitch.
Did it on accident.
>reddit Japanese cartoons starter pack
please go back
is anyone else optimistic about GitS?
Reddit doesn't have the attention span for LotGH.
give me one show that isn't trash then
They had the attention span to watch Mushishi though
Mushishi. Most recent would be Shouwa Genroku and the Great Passage
>shouwa genroku
overrated as fuck
kinda reminds me of him
f/a/ggot get out
Most animu is overrated.
modern animation is pure shit
most people there have varying degrees of shit taste as well
I'd rather see a live action Hollywood version of this first.
>starring a bunch of niggers
>i was a criminal but now im a bounty hunter because i had a fight with my bff and i have a girlfriend that appears every once in a while for some reason
really movie worthy
For what purpose?
Oh shit man bummer
ninja scroll was such a waste of time
literally the worst episode.
it's got a rape scene.
americans wouldn't allow it
He's talking about the 90s Berserk, user.
We're not all 16 here.
For the same reason anyone wants to take something that was perfect in its original medium and translate it to a different one: because reasons. Why is Ghost in the Shell a live action movie? Was it necessary? No, but it'll be fun and visually interesting. I think Ninja Scroll could be as well, provided they kept the over the top action and violence, arterial sprays, weird ass ninja magic and mutant powers. It'd be a CGI-fest to be sure, but if it was done right it could be enjoyable.
Best episode was the Ed filler ep.
literally the worst character
gungrave live action would probably be shit but it'd work better than most anime as a movie
it's better than bebop anyways
Was that the mushroom one? Because that was the best episode. Also, what do we think about a Wolf's Rain movie?
Fuck you
Movie when?
nah. Most of it, yes
I do not see any scenario possible where a life-action movie of this is anything other than steaming pile of shit. Besides there is already a movie.
Cowboy Bepop was great, but it's dead. Let it rest in peace as one of the few popular anime that didn't turn into a cash-cow franchise.
Jack Nicholson would be the perfect choice. He's already fat like Tongpu too.
>literally the best episode.
We know
>tfw this would be considered trolling 6 years ago
>tfw theres normies everywhere and they literally only watched recommendation charts
so all those Disney movies are...?
nope. both him and the little devil-boy episode are the worst. the magic bullshit doesn't work in this anime.
opposite of that, the episode with the transhumanist cult leader is quite cool.
>literally the worst episode.
Worse than boogie woogie feng shui? Think carefully now
Is Brain Scratch the most criminally underrated episode?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Spike Spiegel
Bruce Willis as Jet Black
Li Bingbing as Faye Valentine (subject to change)
Millie Bobby Brown as Ed
Keanu Reeves as Vicious
You don't even watch modern anime.