Why were the japs so fearless?
Anyways, this movie was great. Best war movie since SPR.
Why were the japs so fearless?
Anyways, this movie was great. Best war movie since SPR.
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When the fuck this shilling is going to stop.
>Talking about a popular new movie is shilling
Shinto. They melded religion into their concept of their nation, so patriotism was a religious-type passion, dying for their country was dying for their religion, and they literally believed their Emperor was a divine being.
Because the japs' mindset is culturally different from western civilizations
Ever since their last tremendous civil war it was basically okay for a upper-class citizen to kill you for any reason including "to test the sharpness of their sword". Life is cheap in Japan and loyalty to the "Emperor" during that period was placed above anything else. Every soldier was willing to die.
We won because of the nukes and they prevented millions of deaths.
>directed by Mel Gibson
>being anything other than historically authentic emotion gore
ESPECIALLY if it's Disney,fucking marlel mousketeer shills DChad here, BTFO!
hell hath no fury like a manlet scorned
>historically authentic emotion gore
explain. do you think this is a negative?
Because Japs have no soul
>Best war movie since SPR.
But the best movie since SPR came out the year SPR did.
all Asians were crazy as fuck during wartime, same with Vietnam
anyway it was solid 4/5, but it needed another 20 minutes of final battle that didn't consist of 90 seconds of slo-mo guns blazin' and grenade soccer
based Mel's movies don't need shilling senpai
>following bushido implies one has no soul
fucking baka gaijins
>shooting medical officers
>dismembering GI corpses
>shooting dogs
yellow monkey go home
Ma nigga
doctor strange killed this at the box office
Zipperheads are like robots or rats.
really bad release window, and even worse now everyonr will be crying about how capeshit killed Melkino instead of blaming the appropriate parties like the studio
>Flick made by the jewish mouse + Marlel
>Vs a film made by an anti jew
of course it made more, and who the fuck cares. Hacksaw Ridge was a million times better and more enjoyable
See? Like clockwork
>film made by an anti jew
>starring a jew
>probably at least partially produced by jews
>screened in theatres owned by jews
>Why were the japs so fearless?
They weren't really fearless, they were just conditioned to keep running forward and die for the empire to say they didn't feel fear is bullshit its just an intimidation tactic that never worked aside from the Russo-Japan War.
>reviewers complaining about gore and violence
>in a war movie
>Why were the japs so fearless?
Let me tell you something: the Jap I know, the Japanese soldier, he has been at war since you were in FUCKIN’ DIAPERS! He’s a combat veteran, an expert with his weapon. He can live off of maggoty rice and muddy water and endure misery you couldn’t dream up in your worst nightmare! The Japanese soldier doesn’t care if he gets hurt or killed, as long as he kills you.
Its a 6 or 7/10 movie, pretty cool movie but Im having problems trusting this movie.
Like hell he was up there alone, if one guy starts doing batshit crazy stuff like this, it nags his entire group to death until they come and help him running around up there. He probably was for some time, but not all the time.
>We won because of the nukes and they prevented millions of deaths.
Idiot. The US produced more airplanes in 1945 alone than the Japanese war industry did from 1941 and 1945.
The Japanese did not protect their shipping convoys until later in the war. In 1942, 40% of oil shipments arrived safely in Japan from the Dutch East Indies, Japan's major source of Oil. In 1944 that number was down to 5%. In 1945 it was 0%.
By the 1944 Japanese fighter pilot recruits were hardly even put in a cockpit before being sent to the frontline. Instead of practicing actual aerial combat, they just watched simulated footage of it. The result? Google "Mariana Turkey Shoot".
The Japs lost because they were fucking shit at waging war. Their "muh honor" mentality meant that all things not directly related to frontline combat was not prioritized and of very low quality. This included such vital systems as food supply and protecing convoys (vital for an empire of islands), damage control systems on large capital ships and downed fighter pilot recovery. If an American fighter pilot ditched at sea, he was 5 times more likely to be rescued than his Japanese counterpart.
Anway, film was decent
Does rejecting the Vatican give you +100 Kino skill or something?
What's your point?
I'm not gonna watch a Youtube video. Make a retort or fuck off
The Japs were putting up an absolutely tremendous amount of resistance. Moreso than the US faced even in Europe and Africa. Yes we would have won the overall conflict with them, but it would have cost millions of GIs and Japs if we had invaded. The nukes ended the war quickly and with minimal loss of life.
>Discussing a recently released film by a big director on a board for television and film discussion
Are you fucking retarded?
Fuck off kike
Incorrect, there were factions within the Japanese military that did not want to start a war to begin with (let alone continue it). The war would have ended in 1945, with or without the nukes. What pushed them over the edge was most likely not the nukes, but rather this little bad boy:
>Why were the japs so fearless?
Insects who don't see themselves or others as human
>The war would have ended in 1945
With many many more casualties
>With many many more casualties
And where would they come from? From thin air? Did the japanese have an ace up their sleeve?
The only other casualties would be japanese, suffered in Manchuria.
That little bad boy is why we dropped the nukes though. Performance theater for the Soviets, let them know who post war boss was going to be.
Didn't work out exactly as expected long term.
Sure, I can dig that. But to suggest that Japan wasn't on the brink of surrendering already in summer of 1945 is just not true. Whatever invasion took place would face a military without ammunition, air support and food and a civilian population inclined to do anything to end the war as soon as possible.
The civilians were ready to die protecting their country. Projected losses for US forces was catastrophic, purple hearts issued today were manufactured in anticipation of the invasion. Also the US gave the japanese the chance to surrender after the first nuke and they refused.
They took drugs like german soldiers
Not true, in fact Japan was willing to surrender if they got to keep their Emperor, but America wanted them not only totally subjugated but also desperate for our help to rebuild. You'll never learn that in an history class though.
That was the prevailing idea at the time, but it was completely unfounded. Today we know a great deal more about how the japanese civilians felt about the war through letters and diaries and few, if any of them, wanted it at all. There are many incidents of civil disobedience during ww2, including one incident of a mother who kept sending anonymous letters to the local government pleading for them to end the war.
The civilians would not have offered any fight whatsoever, much like the ones at Okinawa did not. They might, however, have comitted mass suicide but that was more or less unavoidable and a similar wave went through germany.
Armchair generals seem to think that fanaticism alone is enough to build a defence, but it isnt. Food and supplies were in such scarce supply that everyone knew the war was lost.
The Japanese surrender was well underway when the second nuke fell. It was simply not an overnight process, because of cumbersome politics. And there were still many high ranking military officers who did not want to surrender, but the people as a whole most certainly did.
This was the most formulaic oscar bait heart plucker trash I've ever seen. I walked out before he even got to the war. Everything up to that point had been flawlessly by the book, from the romance to the military companionship. Hugo Weaving acting hard, definitely wants that nom for best supporting. Mel is almost certainly doing this to get in the hollywood good graces. Absolutely nothing remarkable, captivating, or artistic about this flick.
Kill yourself
Here's a (you) and go back to your Marvel cancer containment thread
>Superhero movie aimed at kids and the lowest common denominator performed better than a grisly, passionate war movie
Who could have guessed
I hate marvel movies. This flick was boring as shit. That is my genuine opinion.
Jew detected.
Well, in my opinion that's a half shitty opinion
>family-friendly "funny" action scifi movie that immediately was being shilled before it even came out and that everyone and your mother could have "fun" seing
>a completely unironic movie about the bravery and moral dedications of a pacifist in the middle of some of the most explosively violent war footage since Peckinpah
I got a veteran's day pin for seeing it
Fuck off with this shit, any movie about a soldier that doesnt fire a single round goes into the thrash.