How did he get away with this unlike Polanski?
How did he get away with this unlike Polanski?
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Allen is a full jew not some half-breed like Polanski
Woody Allen is a national treasure, one of America's great directors. He is innocent of any crime, Mia Farrow destroyed his reputation.
>Soon-Yi was 44 years old at the time this comment was made
>this is a claim of Kathy Griffin
I am literally shaking right now
he's a jew
He didn't do anything illegal
Neither did Mel Gibson
He couldn't pick one that was better looking?
Because the world isn't and shouldn't be run by the hypocrisy police like >SLIGHT SIMILARITY, FREEDOM IS A LIE
Because he didn't rape her, she willingly married him.
They're still together after all this time and controversy and if he was pedo he would've dropped her as soon as she matured, I say good luck to em
> Allen started dating Soon-Yi while still in a relationship
> This previous relationship was with Soon-Yi adoptive mother.
> Allen was fucking the adopted daughter while still fucking the mother.
Is he our guy?
>the mother was fucking frank sinatra
You are my child, bride
I am your daughter, groom
>all of these pro-pedo threads today
can we please stop
can you stop being a bigot?
On one hand Mia Farrow is a compulsive liar and her children are brainwashed
On the other Woody's self-defense was unbelievably lame and halfassed, and he's undoubtedly perverse
Don't forget he was also fucking Mia Farrow's biological daughter
>Before that year was out, Woody was sleeping with Mia’s adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, who was either 18 or 20. (She has no birth certificate, and her age was roughly determined by a bone scan.) Mia learned of the affair Jan. 13, 1992. She had brought 3-year-old Satchel to Allen’s apartment for his regular therapy session — the whole family saw shrinks — and discovered six nude Polaroids of Soon-Yi on his mantle, her legs spread open.
>She phoned Allen, told him to stay away, and rushed back home with Satchel. Soon-Yi was there, and Mia attacked her, at one point reportedly breaking a chair over her daughter. Allen rushed over and declared his great love for Soon-Yi and his intent to marry her. According to a 1992 Vanity Fair story, Mia said, “Fine ... Take her and go.”
>Suddenly, Allen changed his mind, fell to his knees and proposed marriage to Mia. The thing with Soon-Yi, he said was “a tepid little affair” that was “probably good for Soon-Yi’s self-esteem.” Mia slapped his face, then Allen sat down with the rest of the family for dinner.
He's not "our guy," we're "his goys"
WM/AF proven best combination once again. Asian boys btfo by based Woody.
Now that the election's over we've returned to our home board, you cue to go back to r*ddit because all this racism, sexism and homophobia? It's here to stay and it's going to overwhelm sjws like yourself
>either 18 or 20
>her age was roughly determined by a bone scan
audibly chortled
>at one point reportedly breaking a chair over her daughter
that's a DQ
Feels like the old days of Sup Forums before all the SJW's took over the board.
>Allen is a full jew not some half-breed like Polanski
it's LITERALLY LEGAL in America to marry someone underage as long as a judge says it's okay and/or their parents
> joke about what the tabloids always refer to your wife as.
> somebody makes a whole article years after.
>Sup Forums will defend this
>they don't think they'll be put on some pedo list where everyone can see your address
Jewish privilege
but really got in trouble for Mel saying some politically incorrect things
>nudes on the mantle
what a retard
it's not "politically incorrect" to say "raped by a pack of wild niggers" lol. it's just plain incorrect. (inb4 edgy teenage contrarianism)
okay he wasn't a pedo in that instance but it was pretty creepy and would be jerry springer fodder if this happened with regular people
>hating pedos makes you a SJW
i don't doubt that is was an assholish thing to say on a few different levels, and i was more thinking of his statement that 'jews started all the war in the world'
Sup Forums was always pro-pedo, and worked hard to develop numerous petitions to lower the age of consent to 12. Only recently have Sup Forums been invaded by those brainwashed by the anti-pedo propaganda that has convinced the masses that a women shouldn't have sex until she has turned 52 years old and is going through menopause.
As it is in most of the world. Luc Besson impregnated and married a 15 y.o. and no one in Franc batted an eye.
he also dumped her a few years later for prime milla jovovich[/spolier]
This, one of my favorite memories of this board is when Sup Forums spammed 13 year old chloe's twitter with pics of cum tributes and she deleted her account
That was good work. Sup Forums used to do the right thing, regardless of popular opinion. We'll probably never do good honorable stuff like that again due to the delusional anti-pedo morons who've started posting here.
that's France though. hebephilia was an accepted part of culture in the 70s-80s.
Karma gets everyone in the end. Woody got cucked by Alpha Sinatra and therefore has no biological children of his own. Woody's genetic lineage will end with him. Ooops.
At least he's a terrific filmmaker...
>not even your wife's son defends you
Jews get away with everything.
He has the two Asians (Soon-Yi and Moses) on his side, the goyim are on Mia's
Ronan just needs to beat that shit out of Woody, fuck I would pay for a ticket to see that long before I paid to see a Woody Allen movie.
13 should be age of consent, it's ridiculous that some people are in jail for consensual sex with 16 or 17 year olds. shit's fucked.
Lads, Polanski literally drugged her. She even released a statement forgiving him, for drugging her, before he had sex with her, while she was drugged.
I have yet to watch a Woody Allen movie.
Any suggestions?
Manhattan, Annie Hall, Stardust Memories, Hannah and Her Sisters, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Deconstructing Harry, and of course Midnight In Paris
Yeah, Polanski is an evil rapist piece of shit.
We're discussing consensual sex in general. Since Jew almost always rape young girls, they decided to make 'statutory rape' a thing so that when they got caught for raping a girl they could use the concept of 'statutory rape' to make it seem like they didn't actually rape rape.
midnight in paris maybe
I mean did Woody really do anything that horrible? He waited until she was of age to marry her and they are still married to this day.
jews didn't invent a law you conspiracy theory fucktard.
Polanski is without a doubt a rapist, I didn't mean to imply otherwise. I meant that in many cultures including 1st world western ones like France, there's literally nothing wrong with a 15 year old girl marrying a 32 year old man as long as she and her pai as long as she and her parents consent.
well yeah, the alleged rape...
There is stories of him raping and molesting other young relatives. It's obvious it's his thing if you watch his movies, but I am not sure if he did anything illegal, I think he just did it legally and literally waited for his step daughter to turn 18.
but midnight in paris is mediocre?
>It's obvious it's his thing if you watch his movies,
never got that vibe from the ones I saw desu
his most famous movie is about him dating a teenager because of her youth and innocence.
Bananas: "I'm doing a study on perversion. I'm up to Advanced Child Molestation."
wait, is Annie supposed to be a teen?
haven't seen that one
well I assumed his most famous movie was Manhattan.
In any case Mariel Hemingway plays a 17 year old in that and he has to justify dating her throughout the movie.
He only had one asian daughter to choose from.
>be Woody
>bangs adopted daughter
>never casts Asians in his films
What is his endgame Sup Forums?
>She even released a statement forgiving him, for drugging her, before he had sex with her, while she was drugged.
I love how that picture always gets used to villify him.
given that's not Soon-Yi, it automicatically makes you racist for assuming so.
>She even released a statement forgiving him, for drugging her, before he had sex with her,
note that she may have only done this because she was harassed for years by Polanski's 'fans'
>then Allen sat down with the rest of the family for dinner.
That's pretty alpha to be honest.
she's done several interviews saying so over the years, there has been two documentaries about the case and she even wrote a book about it.
each time she says the damage is done and she wants to move on with her life. can't blame her.
>then Allen sat down with the rest of the family for dinner
For fucks sake, I totally forgot about the plot of that one. And yes, you're right of course. I recently rewatched it even...
like i said earlier jerry springer fodder
Being racist against Asians.
The youngest girl he dated in a movie character's age was 17. I don't see how that makes it obvious he's a child molester.
>The Life of Woody Allen as written by Woody Allen
>other, Mississippi
what's so special about it?
the inevitable biopic will be entertaining
He's clearly joking you bandwagoning fuck.
That's a creepy joke.
Complain about it on tumblr.
>Woody Allen makes a self-depreciating joke
Holy shit, didn't see that coming.
So if I look up the history of statutory rape, I'm not going to find a bunch of Jewish lawyers and politicians behind it?
just another asian loli he was mentoring
Being a pedophile who molests Asian children is like being a double pedophile. Disgusting kike.
>the most PC and cucked industry in america
>making rape jokes
I'm 11 years older than my SO and I've dropped the same line, it's just a fucking joke. This shit ain't a story.
>Alabama is 16
Wew I didn't know that.
Sure, he started raping Dylan just after the Soon-Yi scandal came out. You have to be retarded to believe that it really happened.
>But if Mia’s account is true, it means that in the middle of custody and support negotiations, during which Woody needed to be on his best behavior, in a house belonging to his furious ex-girlfriend, and filled with people seething mad at him, Woody, who is a well-known claustrophobic, decided this would be the ideal time and place to take his daughter into an attic and molest her, quickly, before a house full of children and nannies noticed they were both missing.
>ywn be rich enough to get cunny and get away with it
In the meantime, one of her adopted children...
>Following the new allegations, Moses Farrow claimed Mia had physically abused him. Moses also asserted that Mia Farrow had coached her children into believing stories Mia Farrow made up about Allen