Why are niggers so violent?
Will based Donald Trump save America from these savage?
Why are niggers so violent?
Will based Donald Trump save America from these savage?
im black. should i just kill myself?
This video is like a superhero origin story for that little girl on the sofa to be a huge racist
if you're 100% willing to commit to white supremacy we might just have use for you after all
honestly yes
it's 2016. how anyone can still be racist is beyond reason, and quite frankly beyond me. we are all humans, we all have the exact same DNA and we are all related to each other. that man in the webm just has been disenfranchised by society, hence leading to him believing that crime is good. its not his fault. instead of pointing fingers we should try fix society that makes people commit crime. dont be racist.
What did she do to deserve that?
Not too mention you could probably see shit like this commonly in Alaska which has a large amount of domestic violence.
>its not his fault
really? so someone else made him go in there?
who let this nigger out of his slavefarm
and why didn't the white master show the nigger whos the boss
>that man in the webm just has been disenfranchised by society
someone call this nigger's master
It's in dey genes.
>alaska has a large percentage of Natives
No shit theyre going to have domestic violence. indians rape and beat family members habitually
Hmm most of the states with higher Domestic violence tend to be majority white...
she was born a woman
No user. You can still be like Neill DeGrasse Tyson.
Don't give up hope.
A fate worse than death.
The male would actually have to be around for there to be domestic violence.
damn the poor kid just sitting there comatose unable to help her mom. permanently traumatized. fucking nuggets man...
>Being a beloved black celebrity is a fate worse than death
I would fucking love to be a black celebrity. You are basically immune to criticism unless you are still a literal who and may have raped somebody.
Why? Higher testosterone / lower IQ.
why haven't you people died? you're not worth anything in society, why haven't you just stopped existing?
if you're going to beat your wife, have the deceny to do it at night when the kids are asleep
my mom has told me i once walked in on some domestic abuse and said something like "pls daddy stop hitting mommy." can't remember it, but sounds legit.
white btw, irish nigger
So why EXACTLY can't we kill people like this?
I'm not even talking race here, just these violent pricks who ruin lives.
It's just one of those days!
>Sup Forums - Television & Film
>Hmm most of the states with higher Domestic violence tend to be majority white...
In a majority-white nation? Surely not.
Because if not being worth anything to society mattered in the grand scheme of things this site would have a lot less traffic.
prison's moral purpose is the confinement of people who have displayed violent tendencies in contravention of the law. the only moral right to jail a human being is when they act like an animal.
unfortunately the law is excessively punitive and does not differentiate violent crime and non-violent crime. it is by this perversion of the law that people who sell pot get life in prison, but mr. wifebeater does 5 years.
We save capital punishment the REAL monsters, it'd be too expensive to kill everyone guilty of violent crimes.
Society doesn't make people commit crimes. Some people are just bad. You can't fix that.
Yeah my parents had the decency to scream at each other downstairs.
>people ITT thinking this is domestic violence
It was a home-invasion you nogs.
>White Femanon here
My boyfriend is black and I've been having the best sex of my life, so fuck you, Op. Enough of this racist bullshit.
Hold their head under water, burn the body, crush the skeletal remains.
Sounds easy enough.
Man, you guys don't even try anymore do you?
And no, Trump will only make things worse.
A couple of reasons.
It's against most people's religion to kill people "thou shall not kill" etc...
You don't want the state to be able to kill people because that starts a slippery slope that leads to awful shit.
And you don't want to encourage vigilante justice because that just leads to even worse shit than state killings.
Essentially as much as you might want to save people by doing away with violet pricks it is in everyone's best interest to do as little killing as possible. It is better to have a justice system that throws people into holes for the rest of their lives with layers to argue to try to get them out of said holes. It balances power and allows some manner of justice to be served while allowing systems to help ensure that the innocent don't get wrongly convicted too often.
Shit sucks, but the shit system we have is better than the alternatives.
>it'd be too expensive to kill everyone guilty of violent crimes.
Average retail price of a 9mm bullet is 20 cents.
>Psssh, nothing personnel
Also, 8th amendment dummy.
How much for a bullet that can actually kill someone?
>people falling for this weak ass bait
wtf I don't hate blacks anymore!
Spoken like people who know absolutely nothing about the criminal justice system but somehow still have the ability to vote. I'm all in favor of preventing niggers and women from voting, but can we prevent you dumbshits from voting while we're at it?
Pretty sure firing squads fall under "cruel and unusual", although I might be wrong.
Don't worry, I know I don't know much about this shit and I've never voted.