>muh delores
Thank god you weighed in op with your well thought out opinion, we were all wondering whether you liked it or not. Whew glad that finally got cleared up!
I can't wait for Southworld
>talulahbot isn't the main prostitute character
>mfw this is exactly what happened
>my sci-fi kino got hijacked by normies before the first season was over
Haven't seen the show but I liked the original movie.
Is the show trying to be too serious or does it feel like an adventure like in the original?
tfw a strong female robot is gonna win the game of westworlds
It takes everything very seriously even when it's unironically turning characters into robots
I wish I was making this shit up.
It's an intellectual scifi drama about consciousness and the blurred line between man and machine.
Oh, so it's twist after twist, mystery shit?
The first 2 eps were so promising, it had pretty incredible use of tonal shifts that would make you empathetic towards the robots one second then seeing them for the lifeless husks they are the next.
As soon as I identify the piano pop song I change the channel
I fucking new this was going nowhere as soon as I read JJ Abrams! I fucking knew it!
Will be cancelled after season 2.
I dropped after the orgy episode and stronk feminist woman, weak beta white male ending.
>muh board isnt gunna like this
>paint it black starts playing
This is when i knew the show was gonna be shit
>This is a 3/10 in the westerworldz
Why is everyone praising Thandie Newton? She literally just recites her lines with an accent but people are acting like she is Christian Bale.
>emmy for thandie
>my favorite character
>I've died a million times (what a badass line!)
She's a good actor with absolute shit to worth with
At least Hopkins has some decent material.
How many episodes left, three? I want to drop this shit but I guess I'll watch the rest.
Why ask that question ? You know the answer.
>Oh, so it's twist after twist, mystery shit
No, but since you're stupid enough to believe what you read on Sup Forums, the show would probably fly over your head regardless.
lol no
That's one thing I love about it. The seriousness is a just a veneer, this is high quality trash, like true blood.
>amish girl from banshee
aw yiss
>ass girl from TD
>qt wife from Bone Tomahawk
Is it just me,or does it seem like they spent all their budget and this looks like a CW show?
it did lose a ton of steam after 3 episodes or so.
That Blind Item site always referred to Westworld actors as "stars from that horrible big new show". I always thought he was full of crap,but now I believe he has some inside knowledge. He also claimed that the executives are pulling their hair because of how messy the show's story is.