I don't get it. The pacing was rushed, the plot was flimsy at best, the action sequences were laughable...

I don't get it. The pacing was rushed, the plot was flimsy at best, the action sequences were laughable, the cgi in inception was better... aside from occasional visuals that may look half decent on imax, this movie was a subpar 5/10 for comicbook movie. Even less for a real movie. What's the raving about?

Disney's shills have hijacked the Internet word of mouth machinery turning it into an extension of their marketing departments.


stopped reading right there

you wanna know why anyone criticizing it always say something about the pacing?

because it was SHIT

dude just switch your brain off haha enjoy the ride lmao

Critics switched from telling people what they need to hear to telling them what they want to hear

Plus all the blogs which qualify for RT which are set up by comic book autists

A 90% on RT for a Marvel film is a 60℅ for any other genre

because it's pleb 101 term to criticize a film when they don't know what else to criticize :^)

>I can't believe this fall release movie based on a lesser-known comic book character doesn't adhere to my high standards of cinematic excellence in every way

Nomies go see it once, say it was great and don't talk about it again.

>visually interesting and captivating
>comedy was solid and not too much, just enough
>ending was super interesting, not just all-in "i have the largest power", used the time mecanic really well and the resolution is cool
i thought it was the best marvel yet
sure, the others aren't amazing but at least they did better with Dr.Strange
well of course they screwed up Mordo big time, especially the after-credits, this was ridiculous

The plot was a vehicle for the visuals. The innocence and brilliance of youthful perception. A love letter to our world and what is in it.

If you cant see that then this medium isn't for you. Try video games.

Critics review films on what they assume the director of was trying to do

The director of dr strange was trying to make a shitty flick and he did...so it got positive reviews

Snyder tried to make a serious meditation on use of power ..:and the movie was dumb so it got bad reviews

everything is 8/10 on imdb nowadays, it doesn't mean shit

>Dr Strange is higher rated than Incepiton on RT

In any way.

Nothing suspicious here folks. Move along now.

Yeah the audacity of expecting good movies and not just feces

>The director of dr strange was trying to make a shitty flick and he did...so it got positive reviews
The mental gymnastics of you fucks. It's honestly amazing the extent you're willing to go to defend a soulless focus-tested watered-down shitshow.

Bland and inoffensive is king.

But he also criticized other things you retard. Plus it did have shit pacing. The entire story was rushed and there was minimal character development. Dialogue was filled with cheap lulrandum jokes

Critics love Marvel for some reason

This was taken from the new Fantastic Beasts movie/.

>plebs eat up mediocre movies
woah what else is new

It's marvel brah. They don't have to do anything and it's good

>visually interesting and captivating
>1990s level cgi

>comedy was solid and not too much, just enough

Ok Beyonce

>>ending was super interesting, not just all-in "i have the largest power", used the time mecanic really well and the resolution is cool
>lulrandom time hax
>no explanation of how his time power even works
>didn't use it to bring back Ancient One
>breathing in space

Hacksaw Ridge looks pretty good though

The image is supposed to imply that Dr Strange has way inflated scores compared to Hacksaw and Nocturnal while being derivative Marveltrash.

So the other 2 movies are actually good?

>the pacing was rushed
So what exactly did you want to take longer? What did you want to remove? Or do you just want every scene to take 20% longer and end up with a 2.5 hour movie?

Marvel pay off thousands of people. I was approached by them because I run a small blog. I was offered two free tickets and $200 for a good review. Don't trust marvel.

>The pacing was rushed, the plot was flimsy at best, the action sequences were laughable, the cgi in inception was better.
Haven't seen Dr Strange yet, but this is how I've felt about the last 5 movies I've seen in theaters.... is Hollywood always trash?

Yeah much better than this Marvel feces

Can you give more proof? Maybe a print screen of their mail? People need to know Disney runs a bribe scam game.

Are they for real ? never heard of theses websites.

Yea, in general I just laugh at DCucks at how they get triggered about their man children movies, but this movie is 6/10 at most.

Suuuuuuuuure you were.

If this was true, this would be a massive thing on the internet

Is nocturnal animals even out yet?

Obviously not. He clearly accepted the money

Hacksaw yes. Nocturnal Animals is imdb trash

>1990s cgi
what did he mean by this
i give you that
>breathing in space
it's called the dark dimension, not space
>didn't bring back Ancient One
so you really didn't listen to what they were saying

Yeah no worries. Uploading now.


Post her tits

That's actually how RT works. You only need a minimum 6/10 from every critic to get a 100% fresh score.

I´m OK with this score:

Doctor Strange plays safe, but overall works better than Hacksaw Ridge or Nocturnal Animals. Hacksaw Ridge is good but I doubt I will watch it again. Nocturnal Animals is average at best. Doctor Strange is easy the best Marvel Film since Iron Man 1 or Winter Soldier.

>Winter Soldier

Why do people like this one ? The first captain america was the best marvel by far.

Why do people keep singing praises for Winter Soldier? The initial premise was interesting but I literally fell asleep in the third act.


>and the movie was dumb

s level cgi
Name ONE movie.
>>comedy was solid and not too much, just enough
>Ok Beyonce
There were good moments too, bargainposting was one of them IMO.
>>>ending was super interesting, not just all-in "i have the largest power", used the time mecanic really well and the resolution is cool
>>lulrandom time hax
It wasn't random, Wong warned him about the power trapping him if he was careless.
>>no explanation of how his time power even works
He has a time infinity stone. He can pretty much do anything regarding time manipulation.
>>didn't use it to bring back Ancient One
Ancient One: I have lived too long and seen many futures ant they all converge to this point in time. I can never see past it.
If he revived her, it would be a plot hole. Probably some side effect of her borrowing time from Dormammu
>>breathing in space
It is an entirely different dimension visualised as space to illustrate how different and far away, yet similar and close it is to us. It makes the scene stimulating but relatable. Because we all see space as something wondrous and far away, yet it can be reached in theory by a simple human like us if you bust your ass hard enough and have a bit of luck and talent.
The dude used a flying cape to go somewhere where "time doesn't exist", don't argue about physics ffs

You're an idiot. DC movies can't get a good rating, and even Harry Potter v2 is 20 points below this film.

Why didn't you put Ang Lee's new film in this list, you cunt?

>this marlel movie is shit
>lol dcucks

Like fucking clockwork. When will we rid of the disneyshill scourge?

Holy shit. You went too far this time Mouse, just too far

Why would you want the people who made it possible for people like you(who started posting after 2014)to post here to leave?

Welcome to Marvel, friendguy. And if you like comic book movies, too fucking bad because DC sucks too and Fox and Sony.