Is it too much to ask that a group of people with decades of watching movies and how they're made use some of their Patreon money to buy better Lavalier mics and colour-correct that bright-ass center camera so it doesn't look and sound so embarrassingly amateurish?
That image someone made a couple years back of HITB's production values compared to Nostalgia Critic's feels pretty irrelevant now.
Elijah Hernandez
Jesse has expensive taste
Benjamin Gonzalez
they hold their own content to the same standards they hold other peoples- very low
Aiden Mitchell
Blake Bailey
how much money do they make on patreon?
Nolan Martin
These are quick turnaround videos because they're about new release movies. Who the fuck cares? And what's wrong with their mics?
Brody Morris
Lol you clearly don't even understand what color correction is or how it works.
Ryder Reyes
this is what I imagine OP looks like
like 90% of the people I went to film school with
Lincoln Baker
>That image someone made a couple years back of HITB's production values compared to Nostalgia Critic's feels pretty irrelevant now. Not really. They still make a point of using proper mics, they still use hair lights to stand out from the background, they still have good editing skills. Are you really getting this desperate to find things to bitch about?
Ethan Richardson
For about a minute on almost all of their videos they have some kind of audio problem.
It's usually something stupid like they'll be using Jay's microphone when Mike is talking. It's not ear raping horrible noises, but it's obvious and distracting.
Justin Collins
At least post a pic of some guy who went to film school rather than some teen band member
Liam Hughes
>so it doesn't look and sound so embarrassingly amateurish? Is it too much to ask that OP gets some treatment for his obvious autism?
Colton Moore
Matthew King
>it's obvious and distracting Not really. I remember their was some wireless interference on their Fantastic Four review. That's the only time it's ever been distracting. I think you may be autistic.
Elijah Nelson
>I don't understand why a quickly produced web video that is shot with no crew doesn't look like a Hollywood feature film. faggot
Justin King
i hate the wallpaper in plinkett's house. fuck these guys
Aiden Walker
I like that they still have the hammer in the wall from their Civil War episode. They've had the knife stuck in the wall behind Jay since one of the very early episodes too.
Hunter Wright
>November 7th - Half in the Bag: Dr. Strange >November 9th - Land of the Dead and the Social Commentary of George Romero – re:View EXTRAS >November 17th - Half in the Bag: Shut In and Arrival >November 18th - Best of the Worst: Plinketto #3 (Mike, Jay, Rich, Max Landis) >November 22nd - re:View: Black Narcissus (Jack & Mike) >November 25th - Half in the Bag: Bad Santa 2 >November 28th - Previously Recorded: Super Metroid—Is it the worst game of all time? >November 30th - Fletch Commentary >December 1st - re:View: The Dekalog (Rich & Jack) >December 2nd - Ken Russell's The Devils Commentary >December 5th - Half in the Bag: Jackie/Planetarium *Rich as guest* >December 7th - re:View: Saving Private Ryan (Mike & Jay) >December 10th - Jack on the sublime beauty of The Double Life of Veronique – re:View EXTRAS >December 11th - Best of the Worst: Mike's Christmas Package (Mike, Jay, Rich, Jessi) >December 13th - PG the 13th >December 15th - RLM Diversity University with Mike & Rich >December 17th - Previously Recorded: Super Star Wars feat. Mr. Plinkett >December 18th - Half in the Bag: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story *Rich as guest* >December 19th - Clickbait Hellscape >December 20th - Gremlins Commentary/Gremlins 2 Commentary >December 21st - re:View: The Silent Night Deadly Night Saga (Jay & Josh) >December 24th - Mr. Plinkett's The (Continuity) Error of my Wicked Ways >December 26th - re:View: Die Hard (Mike & Rich) >December 28th - Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #13 (Mike, Rich, Colin, Jim) >December 29th - Untitled RLM Game Show Pilot >December 31st - Half in the Bag: 2016 wrap-up
Hunter Watson
I haven't watched them since Mike become vocal about his alt-right views.
Nathan Jackson
>more autistic RLM fanfic Fuck, you faggots aren't even creative with this boring shit.
Christian Young
What the fuck....
Isaiah Gomez
And that's just Patreon money. There's also youtube ad revenue (which is probably right around the same amount) as well as merchandise sales.
Isaac Martinez
Based on the few patreons I've seen, they make more than other channels who have the same and even more views than RLM. They just have very devoted fans (think of all the people who pay just to talk to them of PreRec).
Caleb Gomez
>There's also youtube ad revenue (which is probably right around the same amount) As a youtuber: AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY FUCK AHAHAHAHAHA
Best laugh I had in ages, user.
Adrian Powell
except nobody knows who the fuck you are
Colton Scott
If your videos got more than 20 views, you would understand.