Other urls found in this thread:
m-mommy I want milky please
if she braps in that suit does it leak out? or do they collect in there only to be released when she takes it off
ironically, these threads are all being posted by one morbidly obese neckbeard who would wash himself with a rag on a stick, if he ever washed.
pig in the blanket
sub in the bag
What else?
Bloat in the Shell
fuck you!
>Anons think this is fat
It's actually a fairly normal body type
but why would anyone order a 5/10 android?
More like Pig in a Blanket lmao
Hahahaha that's funny OP :-)
she looks like a giant grub worm. bear grylls would rather starve
Why did Amy Schumer dye her hair?
That makes no sense man, Bear Grylls would love a nice big fat chubby grub like her in survival situation.
don't you think millions of dollars is incentive enough to be a little above average?
Set photos mean nothing
normal ain't good
>live-action anime
will this replace capeshit? the difference is that normies actually care about capeshit
Why am I thinking on this?
and the major doesn't/shouldn't have a normal body type
the major was originally a man tho
if only she didnt chop off her tits
>mfw a woman takes advice from other women on what they should do to their body
I love her body desu and would ravage her with the force of a thousand ugandan niggers senpai
>defiled her body with tattoos and sliced her tits off
I miss LiT Scarjo
they're cheaper?
>those hands
Nope, she is overweight.
Having that gut isn't 'normal'.
>ghost with a chub
Gut in the Shell
by the standards of most grossly fat americans, she's dangerously underweight. someone get this woman a tub of lard, stat!
What the fuck happened to her that she got o JUST?
It's not like she got on 10,000 drugs like LiLo or got $60k a month alimony like Captain JUST himself. She's just become pugly naturally or something.
Jews show their true form as they age. The nose usually starts to take over the face.
I really want to fuck her in this suit while she makes pig noises.
pls, mai waifu is pure and a saint virgin
>these threads are all being posted
by shills they know even negative publicity is good publicity
americans, everyone
Did she have cancer
Gout in the Shell
U for sure senpai?
And The Major is the character being portrayed
get out of here maki, you dirty slut
She's a Jew whore who's aging, has shit out a kid and knows Hollyjewland will CGI her fat ass into a more desirable form!
dumb makiposter
She was never a dude wachowski
Everyone whos recently fapped to her, post the pic you fapped to, i need a good fap. This morning I came buckets to pic related
I hope it does replace capeshit.
You know it doesn't seem so bad of a choice.
Hell Scarjo is already so wooden that she can pull off how the Major almost never changes her facial features in the first movie.
i want to cuddle with major
>White girl pretending to be Asian
pass, if its any good itll be remade in 10 years with better effects and an actual Japanese person
childrens will do that to you.
>lazy eye
cant unsee
>It's actually a fairly normal body type
If you're fat
How did this image pass quality control?
How did no one think of digitally retouching this image? Unless they did and that's the best they could do.
God I'm so glad I don't have some fat has-been bossing me around am I right user. Just me and my video games and Sup Forums on friday night, no woman going to get in my way
t. Scarjo
Gordita colored egg shell
It's a shot from some behind the scenes thing. Why would they spend any time or money with retouching? You literally can see the harness that will obviously be digitally removed from the final cut.
That's a big ghost
a picture of a fat actress means that actress is fat
nobody is saying they will keep her in the film that way, you can see that scene in the trailer where the camera angles hide her chub
Roast in the fridge
fuck, I lost it
major kusachunki
You know how they say the camera adds 10 pounds? You know why that is? It's because of how lenses work.
Scarlett isn't even that fat. You're basing your information on one bts image.
Then they shouldn't have included this shot at all.