Fictional foods you've always wanted to try
Fictional foods you've always wanted to try
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Poplars too, episode did a damn good job of making them look appetizing.
Krabby Patties of course
This. I always figured they'd be like really good popcorn chicken.
Slurm and Bachelor Chow
futurama had a lot of great fictional foods
Soylent Green
I don't care it came from a giant disgusting creature, it looked tasty as fuck.
>full day's supply
>unless you're a fat Hobbit
I've always wondered what the Star Trek food cubes would taste like.
Those crazy worms that were in that truck stop bathroom sandwich
turd sandwich
>Not wanting to drink the giant douche
You mean the parasites Fry had? Those seemed amazing.
Green syrup
>No Soylent Green
You guys really dissapointed me
How dumb you are?
tubby custard
I really wish Bachelor Chow was a thing.
I don't have time to cook shit and preppers ruin the MRE market.
just get sioux city, it is literally the real life equivalent
Served as they should, of course.
He said one bite is good for a day.
Assuming 2000 calorie diet
~8 bites per bread
Pippin ate 4
84,000 Calories
Jesus, fucking fatties.
the baguettes from twin peaks
blue milk
The doughnuts and pies from Twin Peaks also
the stew some asterix and obelix hooly shit it looks so fucking good
Thompson's Teeth aren't a food though.
Fucking this. It's so disgusting but looks so good at the same time.
tubby custard, it's a no brainier
Ah, an inflation fetishist.
Anything Bud Spencer.
Futurama's "Bachelor Chow" looked pretty easy to make and filling.
Canker burgers looked sooooo tasty
I thought more like jumbo popcorn shrimp, since they're pink on the inside.
So were they green because the meat was bad, or was that supposed to be a giant gherkin
I tell you what.
>Ah, sitting down on my sit furniture for some nice food cubes and drink liquid brought to me on a carry tray
I fucking hate sci-fi sometimes.
Boar isn't a fictional food dumbass.
Better question. If you had access to replicator technology, what would you order for lunch. Personally I'd ask for human flesh or scrambled dodo eggs, just to see what it tastes like.
They weren't burgers. The "meat" of the sandwich was lard.
so, lard with hot sauce in a bun? That sounds vile.
It looks so much better in Asterix than it does in real life though.
Reptar Bars
It was ketchup, not hot sauce. You haven't watched Ed Edd n Eddy have you?
butterbeer exists.
They made these for a quick minute I think when the movie came out.
>You haven't watched Ed Edd n Eddy have you?
Not since I was a kid, no
So do baguettes with brie and butter.
A beverage called butterbeer exists, but it's not the butterbeer from the text.
I imagine they'd be like freddo bars
This shit
-Nearly every food from Futurama.
-Soylent Green
-The Blue Bread Pudding from the novel of 2001
- I want to eat at a Hogwarts' feast.
- Paunch Burger
>>>>I don't care it came from a giant disgusting creature...
Speaking of which, I also want to try the Spice melange, and all the food served at the Banquet Scene in Dune.
I also spent years wanting one of those pink donuts. Like 15 years. They are not even that good.
>I want to eat at a Hogwarts' feast.
Why would you? It's shitty British "food" like toast sandwiches and spotted dick.
That explains a lot. The show made them look good but you have to watch it. Looking at a screenshot of it isn't the full experience.
It was just various colors of cake frosting.
64,000, braniac.
Still a fuckload of calories.
>Pippin ate 4
How many could an American eat?
blue milk
I imagine Paunch Burger would just taste like Smash Burger or 5 Guys.
lmao yeah frosted doughnuts are low tier doughnuts. Glazed is superior.
The food from game of thrones
I dunno...I saw several crown roasts and piles of chicken wings. Plus, I'd be eating at fucking Hogwarts.
>plus, I'd be eating at fucking Hogwarts
It's time to graduate elementary school, user.
Lol when all of their dads robes had different names
>Bubba, Rod, and Butch.
Also why did they have their dad's robes?
It's spooky how I was thinking the exact same thing
Treestars, nigga.
Don't know how but Land Before Time always made that shit look delicious.
>Denobulan sausage
If it's good enough for this nigga.
Just like muh dick
this. Muthafuckin' tree stars nigga, you want a gram or...?
>Canker burgers
But isn't it just their imagination?
Triple fried egg chilli chutney sandwich.
>tfw you will never drink moloko plus at the Korova milk bar with your droogs
Milk + vodka
gif related
Isn't it laced with drugs?
flaming moe
Not anymore, Bedelia lost 20lbs for that scene.