here's another thread
SNL General 2
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I want to father Villasenor's anchor baby.
Pearl is cute
We are only on page 4 and still have fifteen minutes left, needs.
She is /ourgirl/
why to split the replies for the last 15 minutes dipshit
You're not the only one
What were they about?
judging by that, yes
Because fuck you, that's why. I never get to make the thread. So I made this one and you little shit eaters are going to post in it now.
Probably about how horrible niggers are. Mexicans hate them more than white people.
I'm in love
>non white
cracker please
but I made this thread
time to piss
>British """music"""
More bland music.
I am so in love with her now
>The xx
which one has the jewish TV executive father?
i dont get these jokes
what caused Brits to look like such ogres?
They're British? Damn, I thought they were mid west American
they're not jokes shes just venting about minorities
she is now my favorite cast member. intellectual diversity > skin color diversity
I love Oasis!
She's scared of Blacks and Mexicans because they are violent.
Melissa VillapeƱor
i always assumed it was inbreeding on the island and shitty healthcare.
Wait isn't she Hispanic? With a name like VillaseƱor you would think so
Why are they playing castle?
>this dumb cunt
>Dat Owl
>Moloch/Minerva summoning
Save us Kek.
Yeah, but the joke was aimed at Mexicans and she probably isn't Mexican.
Never met a Hispanic who likes Mexicans. Not even Mexicans like Mexicans
Why did they bring back the worst Wiig characters? Even Gilly is funnier than Sue and secret word lady.
Probably Puerto Rican or Cuban, one of the good ones.
>all Hispanics are the same!
Mexicans are shit-tier amongst us.
t. Civilized Dominican
NBC15 in Wisconsin? Same here, I'm fucking pissed.
that was fucking terrible
god that was awful
Fuck horrible last sketch
The whole sketch was just women shreeking really loudly.
Actually yea, they were abruptly cutting into sketches the whole night too
How was that any good?
Was that the guy from that really old David Blaine comedy sketch?
Seriously. Worst sketch of the night.
>yet another sketch involving gays after lesbian cat lady sketch
Was basically one autistic woman REEEing the entire time.
>I stand with standing rock
Why are you such a bigot?
Whats that?
I wish they wouldn't cut off the end credits
It is finally over. I was under the idea that the Bubble skit was the start of something new... I was wrong.
>please stand with standing rock
nope, corn niggers should be happy we left a few and didn't exterminate them while we had the chance
>ywn go to an SNL after party
It's a local Illinois location where a bunch of Indians were killed.
>Le fuck corporations and stand up for the oppressed natives!
If a brother is a gay millitary man, his flaunting behavior would probably get him assaulted or even killed by his own infantry mates or the enemy, who ever comes first.
But if he's a manly man and still gay, he'll still be fine.
>watching 1st Look
>mad about a gay guy on the show
Lawls and keks were had.
>its fun to have a bomb because you alienate the audience
Rate this episode 1 - 10
7 by modern SNL standards.
>first time i see it after snl i laff because it seems like a parody sketch
>end up genuinely enjoying it and feel down when something replaces it
I got the Pussy Eating Blues
She should be. Her credit score dropped 20 points the second she said yes.
A user posted from the thread a 25 minute Norm MacDonald weekend update compilation during the 90s Clinton regime.
I unironically love you for this, what Weekend Update should be. No not because they made fun of Clinton I am not butthurt but just sincerely trying to make me laugh which is what Norm is about.