What did Charlie Brooker mean by this?
What did Charlie Brooker mean by this?
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That was the guy in the jail cell at the end so I guess it meant she subconsciously always wanted to break away from the rules of society
>That was the guy in the jail cell at the end
lol no
no that was the guy from the office with a shit rating
or just some random black guy I don't know
that was one of her hookups that she didn't bring back to her place because she was embarrassed of her white brother.
You guys are idiots. The entire ad isn't catered to your preferences, they just superimpose your body on the billboard when you look.
That entire neighborhood used a shirtless black man as their selling point.
jesus christ, all you guys see is skin colour.
It's literally the least important thing. Skin colour changes over the course of hours. It's like making a big deal out of the difference between brown/blonde haired people.
Absolutely disgusting.
It's meant to show his fear of technology and its role in dystopian futures but it really shows his fear of being cuckolded by his fat wife.
Was this an episode about Reddit and how going to Sup Forums makes you a happier person?
also IQ levels
>trying to find a good house to buy
>real estate agent show me around a pretty good one, suburban development, but I'm not reall sold yet
>shows me a hologram of a fit black man fondling my manboob and kissing the nape of my neck
Is this rape? I think I get SJWs now.
wtf i love black mirror now
wtf i love black cock now
Because sheltered white women view the idea of idealized romance with a black person as exciting.
>having a high enough rating to qualify to live in the nicest neighborhoods
pick one
it's funny how it's always the ugliest, goofiest and fattest looking women who are exceedingly into black guys. makes you wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they go through to convince themselves this was their voluntary choice
If you unironically believe this, then you might actually be clinically retarded. There are different species of the human race. We are different, in many ways. I'm not saying there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but saying otherwise is just really dumb.
This, it always makes me laugh to see black guys walking around with their Aryan landwhale gfs and 6 kids from Jamal, Tyrone, Jose, Ja'Davius, Terrence, and Duantell. They never can keep their hands off of the disgusting tumblrite's baby-factory belly, and just fondle the fat rolls like it's the sexiest thing they've ever experienced, knowing full well that every time they move one of those rolls they're releasing the ugly wench's stench upon the world even more. They act like they've stolen away some great prize from the white man, when in reality, they've taken a used-up leech off the market. The """woman""" often just sits there smugly, her tramp stamp flapping in the breeze as her sad, droopy butt crack burns the eyes of anyone so unfortunate to be behind her. She acts like she's some kind of queen, some fertility goddess, and she makes sure everyone knows just how "fertile" she is, barely concealing her """womanly curves""" in a disgusting tank top that doesnt even attempt to cover her massive gut or bulging frumpy armpits or her love handles that stick out a full 6 inches on either side of the waist of her all-too-tight pants. Her Michelin man neck will fold up even more as he kisses it, sending her entire hutt-like body into convulsions as it changes shape, the fat sections moving to fill the empty space. You want to feel sorry for them, but you just can't. They're too far gone. Too indulgent in that which anyone else would deem too disgusting to even look at. You wonder why anyone would find this abomination to be an object of sexual desire, just as Marcellus looks up at you with a huge grin and says "SHE THICK!"
That's not the point he was making
Bad news, brehs. Bryce wants to lose weight
It's about fucking time, she used to be a super qt
You should write books, man.
White women were made for the BBC. It's a known fact.
she has to or she won't get to be in the Jurassic World sequel
well it's a dystopian future
>Posting this in a thread about BDH, a well known thick actress
you should pick battles better
>not thicc
Howdy reddit
Trying to write a couple movies right now; thanks man
Do you enjoy posting here? Does it give you fulfillment?
I think that was Brooker. Ron Howard's daughter is thirsty for BBC
My wife agrees with this.
I dont mind you and your wife and your pet black devulging in your depavity, just try not to repoduce, any of you i mean, im fair like that x
>skin colour changes in hours
oh shit, am i going to be a nigger now???
Lefties love forcing their idea of a trendy progressive multicultural paradise even though anywhere that has a mixed or all black population is a complete shithole and the majority of the white world never sees a brown person in their comfortable, low crime all white towns.