Did he do it?
Did he do it?
hated how they gave him a girlfriend and they stuck together after. the ending kinda sucked too. the whole thriller drama between him and the rest of his crew was good though.
He doesn't have a basement, bro.
He should've killed the neighbor's kid and the fat guy though. The kid for killing his dog and the fat guy for being annoying.
I'm not sure I mean who knows really
Isn't it pretty fucking obvious that he didn't?
Children don't lie.
t. pentacostal american who thinks children are born with perfect empathy
Yes, Ive got no idea why anyone would think he did it. There is not a single thing in the whole movie pointing in that direction.
This film was scarier than any horror movie.
No, t. someone who actually watched the movie and is able to make references to it
The fact that people treat The Hunt like some kind of crime thriller is crazy. It was never about the case, it was about how eager we are to start witch hunts and how these kinds of things can ruin not only friendships but entire communities.
To me it wasn't scary, it was infuriating. I've never hated fictional characters as much as I hated the people in this.
the falsity of that argument should be found at the first unit: you
you never lied as a kid? i find that hard to believe
It's just your autism. Regular people feels like shit because they know they would do the same thing his neighbors did
>getting mad at unreasonable people is autism
>Regular people feels like shit because they know they would do the same thing his neighbors did
are you retarded?
the girlfriend was essential in this film, what are you talking about.
my favourite part was his badass headbutt, though
Would they though? If your best friend was randomly accused of something like this, would you go for this throat and treat him like he was guilty from the get-go? I can't say I could.
i can't believe i didn't recognize that that extremely distinctive and memorable line, translated into english by a subber of a danish language movie
Family would believe you, and some friends. Everyone else would always wonder and parents wouldn't take the chance.
This would only get worse as time goes on without a conviction/conclusion.
I think you should, what with it being the whole reasoning behind the lady who ran the kindergarten assuming Lucas' guilt.
I know that this wasn't the point of the message and it's parents fault but holy shit, when his spat into that cunt's face, my dick went diamonds. So satisfying.
they didn't do that though
It doesn't matter if he did it or not. The point of the film is that the community turns against him with no evidence that he did it, but based on a rumour
that cunny wasn't even good looking
As a dude who worked part time one summer at a daycare center, this movie scared the fuck out of me.
I could kind of relate to people not trusting me around their kids just because I'm a man, even if they never said so out loud.
His best friend didn't grab him by the collar and throw him out of the house?
it depends on the circumstances and i wouldnt doubt it would be very easy to get swept up in things you dont think youd be swept up in. for starters your best friend probably doesnt have easy unsupervised access to a bunch of young children.
its easy to sit here on tv and say you'd give your bro the benefit of the doubt, but if you were literally told that he's been directly accused by multiple kindergartners that hes been molesting them you might feel differently even if you don't want to.
thats why the concept of the film is so powerful. without proper discipline accusations like that can overwhelm even a rational person.
I guess Lucas just never had any real friends in that town. Fuck 'em all to death.
well, the kindergarten people didn't throw him under the bus immediately. they investigated and then only did once the evidence stacked up
by then it was like an avalanche
desu i don't remember theo's immediate reaction, but i do remember he was more hotblooded than most. a violent gut reaction in his case makes sense.
even then, theo showed guilt over what he did even before the ending (when he spots him outside the supermarket)
nah, you don't remember unmemorable lines like that in a ---> FOREIGN LANGUAGE
Are you thinking of a different movie?
>the kindergarten people didn't throw him under the bus immediately
But they did?
>I'm not going to tell you why but you have to leave now
actually i'm watching the scene now (although it's on youtube without subs so i can't see what's being said) and it looks like lucas' inability to deal with the accusation and inability to give the accusation proper empathy is what sets theo off
before that they're just conversing and theo could've possibly been talked down
>well, the kindergarten people didn't throw him under the bus immediately
They kinda did. They assumed he was guilty before the investigation even started. The whole case was thrown out because the investigators had practically coerced the kids into supporting the molestation narrative, asking leading questions. They built their own fake story from the start.
Of course he did, all danish people are pedophiles.
In this scene, I realized the little cunt was also fucked up from the events. Probably she will grow up fearing the men
That fucking investigator wasn't satisfied with asking questions, he had to insert ideas into the girl's head.
>did white stuff come out?
Fucking hell. If anyone in this film was a pedophile it was him.
Don't forget the part where he asked the class of kindergartners that if they had nightmares and when they said "yes" it was infallible proof they'd been raped.
>here's some symptoms of sexual molestation
>this is stuff literally every kid has all the time
Yeah, exactly. Suggestive interrogation. It's not just a thing with kids either even though it's way easier with them. There have been plenty cases of psychologists supporting the idea of repressed memories who constantly find that the source of their patients' problems was some kind of sexual incident in their childhood. Utter nonsense in reality, but even adults can be made to remember thing they never went through. Hell, I don't trust some of my early childhood memories for this reason; they might aswell have been constructed long after the fact by me seeing old pictures and hearing stories from my relatives.
>There have been plenty cases of psychologists supporting the idea of repressed memories who constantly find that the source of their patients' problems was some kind of sexual incident in their childhood
Thanks a lot Freud.
the head lady had a convo with lucas before that where she didn't think him the devil
that's not throwing under the bus immediately, they conducted an investigation and that investigation brought up evidence that scared them, unaware of their own manipulation
they had no conscious perception they'd done so
another thing, the head lady even says klara has a big imagination
Fucking scene where he goes back inside the grocery and headbutts the dude and then they're like "oh shit this guy is like the ultimate bad ass give him everything he wants" even though there are like 5 fucking dudes who just beat the shit out of him like 30 FUCKING SECONDS AGO just standing around with there dicks in their hands, now they are scared of him like he is fucking Bruce Lee or someshit??? Literally the worst scene In movie historily. Bretty good flick tho senpai desu l.
a man at his wit's end is shocking. they only ganged up on him because they expected no resistance. he broke their mob mentality when he came back to do that
they didn't do it because he was a badass, they did it to be rid of him
This. Working with kids as an adult male is pretty terrifying sometimes. Where I worked, we had a policy that no one could be in a one-on-one with kids at any time, and it was mostly so accusations couldn't happen.
Still, the threat can be there. One of my coworkers ended up having a problem with me getting promoted over her and had a tantrum during which she vaguely accused me of doing stuff to make her feel uncomfortable. The only thing she could have been talking about was a time I turned her down, but the way she phrased it made it seem like I had done something creepy, and I had to have a talk with my boss about it.
I hope she gets cancer.
The difference being that you of course did fiddle with those kids
Yeeeup. Horrific.
I worked at a rich kid's teen travel camp. Instead of sitting around bitching with the other cynical counselors all day, me and another counselor chose to actually run around w/ the kids at amusement parks and have fun, and bond, etc, i.e., do my job. The other counselors knew this made them look bad so told the director we were too close to the kids and implied something untoward. We had to spend a couple days under the microscope being questioned, etc. It was a fucking nightmare. End of the summer rolls around and all the kids had their parents give me all the tips, nearly $900, whereas most counselors got around $50.
I knew i was innocent of anything, obviously, but just the suggestion is enough to shake you to your core.
How is "Men & Chicken," bros?
Half season into Hannibal- does it get better? It's just ok so far, not that interesting and waaay less Mads than i'd like.
It gets a lot better in season two.
He becomes a bigger character later into the season and more so in the later seasons.