Do niggers actually do this?
Do niggers actually do this?
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ask your father
oh wait
Wew lad
celebrate birthdays?
Yeah, whites do it too. Fuck even those robotic chinks celebrate birthdays dude
>the fact that he is about to eat birthday cake in the tub is not whats in question here
>is about to eat birthday cake in the tub
Did you even watch the movie? They just sing happy birthday and take the cake away.
They only brought it there so he could blow the candles
Have you really never been to a birthday party or something? Don't you family celebrate birthdays?
>the latter days of MC Ride.png
>his family is that impulsive they wont even let the man take a god damn bath before making him >make muh wishes
>he doesn't realize birthday's are less about the person who was born that day and more about the people who love that person and want to celebrate the fact that he/she is part of their lives.
I thought the autism thing was just a meme. I was wrong.
why do you still think the issue is about a celebration itself? what's wrong with your brain?
What the fuck is the issue then?
People like you make me glad I disowned my shitty family
The man is trying to take a fucking bath. Nigga works hard, has a shitty dysfunctional partner, nearly dies multiple times, in yet a simple moment of relaxation is interrupted with a complexity unnecessary birthday tribute with a shitty thrown together store bought cake.
Literally: "EEEEK!! A PENIS!!!" the thread
>The man is trying to take a fucking bath. Nigga works hard, has a shitty dysfunctional partner, nearly dies multiple times
except none of that happened yet at this point in the movie
>a simple moment of relaxation is interrupted with a complexity unnecessary birthday tribute with a shitty thrown together store bought cake.
Yeah it really sucks when you're just trying to relax and your family shows up to show how much they love you. There is nothing worse than that shit
> do niggers really do this
No, they leave a couple of weeks before the first nigglet is born
*glass breaks*
I remember when I was still a young lad and still didn't hate and loathed niggers.
Watching Family Matters, Lethal Weapon etc. I thought negroes were cool people. Then they started invading Europe and I learned what a bunch of subhuman savages they actually are.
Again the kikes lied through their ((((media)))) and it was them who decided to culturally enrich Eruope with niggers and muslim sand monkeys.
Fucking kikes.
What Death Grips video is this from?
They, just like any other race can be cool people as long as they integrate fully to white culture. What the jews have really done is not pretend blacks are cool but to promote crime and violence using music and movies so that young blacks biggest dream is to be a gangsta instead of getting a decent job and having a family.
I've always wondered why somehow Sup Forums thinks jews are trying to ruin civilization, but they never explain what their motivation is. If you really believe it's the jews, what are they getting out of any of this?
>Yeah it really sucks when you're just trying to relax and your family shows up to show how much they love you. There is nothing worse than that shit
You're obviously not married with kids yet. Give it time family. Your perspective will change
Man, I love LW1 and 2.
tip it.
Divide and conquer. They do this because they want to destroy any chance of whites ever having an ethnostate, part for fear of what might happen to them if we do part because those INTP jews just want to run the world themselves and don't want competition.
Unlike Sup Forums though I don't suggest you dig too deep in it or else you'll find yourself unable to enjoy most things when you notice all the propaganda behind it.
I should have take the fucking blue pill
*breaks glass*
You must go back
What did he mean by this?
Wise words, user
I live in a small town and my entire family comes to visit me during birthdays. It's fucking great, it feels nice knowing you have a place in this world and people that care about you.
If whites are superior, why are they being tricked by Jews?
Im gonna take a shot in the dark here and assume youre whiter than paper. Lemme guess there is party hats and a community punch bowl?
They aren't, jews are much smarter, liberals are good examples of dumb whites. Self-loathing imbeciles.
That's really nice but do they all bring a cake into the bathroom while you're taking a bath
Whites are in no way superior in every possible way. One of the biggest flaw of white societies is that they are too high trust, which is why we fall for jewish tricks.
I'm not white enough for Sup Forums standards.
Well they are not my wife and kids, and don't live in the same house as me so no, they don't.
Not to turn this into a Sup Forums thread, but I've been down the same path. When I was 15-20, I was completely full-on red pill. Browsing Sup Forums everyday just made me overall unhappy, angry, and racist toward the whole world. Then one day I realized how shitty my life was and decided to really question my belief in Sup Forums. I realized I had no proof of the things I believed in (jews trying to destroy whites out of greed, all blacks being innately criminal, etc.) and decided to adopt my perspective on life based on my ACTUAL real life, not some website. Today, I'm 25, happy, enjoying life, have a girlfriend, and a college degree. Just grow out of it and don't treat an Internet website like an objective source of knowledge, just because it says unpopular things