Plot hole Wouldn't the aliens simultaneously be trying to learn earth language with the advantage of better technology...

Plot hole Wouldn't the aliens simultaneously be trying to learn earth language with the advantage of better technology and larger brains.

why would france follow?

>larger brains
who says

but, it never seemed like an issue for them. they had to teach US, who cannot see time non-linearly, how to see in non-linear ways.

More specific actual plothole: if they can see time non-linearly, then they should know English well enough to communicate with our symbols. It would have made much more sense to learn our language then spell out "we come in peace and just want to teach you our language in exchange for your help in three thousand years, sound good?" but instead they dick around making them waste time until they're almost on the brink of losing it just for plot.

At the very VERY least they could have spelled out "BOMB INSIDE ROOM" and there would have been no problem.

Abbott died for nothing.

There is no reason to believe that just because they can fly around in space (however they do it) that they have anything but their bodies and their smoke language to communicate with. If they are incommunicable, which through what the movie shows us they are, then the only way for this to work would be for them to teach us their language.

Who here thinks it would have been a better ending if Louise actually did already have a baby who died, and the visions she had were often just flashbacks. And the visions near the end were simply happy fantasies of the future. Since Hannah is a palindrome, one baby ("H") leads to a new baby to replace it (the second H) One H leading to a second H. I feel this would make more sense that she would simply have fantasies and a 2nd baby instead of somehow being able to see the future/

>if they can see time non-linearly, then they should know English well enough to communicate with our symbols
how do you figure that

This is a horrible, and meaningless suggestion.

I am pretty sure your reply is a whole lot worse.

Bruh it is way easier to form English letters than complex sentence rings. They clearly know English because she fucking talks to Costello just before they leave, and he understands perfectly fine. It's retarded they don't even try to do English works with their smoke ink crap, because just a little later they use the EXACT same tactic to stop general ching chong potato from blowing their ship up. It makes absolutely no sense.

Fuck, even if they somehow in some incredibly unlikely scenario can't spell out letters in their smoke language they could still write out "BOMB" in the air with their limbs.

Think whatever you want, but please do not make any art. I just ask of you that.

Go to hell piece of shit. Idiot.

Not a plot hole.
They see time non-linearly: so they can't change the future or past. They just play it out, aware of how things are going to happen.

Also they did appear to understand English: they gave their names upon seeing the others; Costello understood conversational human speech; but even after being able to do this, he was still only able to communicate with clicks/beeps and circle writing.
The reason they went about giving us our language the way they did was because that was how it was always intended to happen. They saw this, and went along with it. Think fatalism and Dr. Manhattan.

nigga if they can into space, then they smarter than us

Because whatsherface just learned the language fully a couple minutes prior to calling Zhang, and could reach an entire year into the future. And a little after that can reach the entire life of her daughter. The aliens, who have mastered their own time language, should be able to reach from the beginning to the end of their lives, or at least a few days into the future so they can understand and communicate in English at the very first meeting.

They literally do not think in the same way that we do. Their sentence structures involve a way of thinking completely unfamiliar to humans. It wasn't about them learning English, it was about teaching us theirs. It'd be pointless to go beyond the basics of vocab that they do before they transitioned into speaking in their symbols and way of thinking. Plus, it is implied that during that conversation she has with Costello that she fully understands the way they communicate and think but just does not notice it until after her "Who is this child?" question.

No. That isn't true at all.

>it's a "I can't accept that this fictional movie did something that isn't possible in the real world so I must break it down and make it believable to satisfy my realist worldview" thread

Not bad, but I like it better the way it is.


Bruh if that's true then how did she get information from the future to use for Zhang? You can't say "they can only see it happen" when she straight up alters it by calling Zhang and getting his wife's dying words. They are diametrically opposed things.

if they time non-linearly, they woulda known everything that would happen & that everything would be cool in the end if they acted exactly how they did

no plot hole

"Why didn't X happen when my own logic says it should?" is not a plot hole


Who wants to imagine something lamer?

Are you serious? You really think there's no point in them learning our language? No point in diffusing a tense and semi-hostile situation by saying "we come in peace"? No point at all, huh? You don't think that might have put the soldiers more at ease maybe? Maybe not got Abbott killed?

they know the outcome already you total dumb ass.

Yeah man, I guess Abbott's corpse would be pretty cool by the end.

Yeah, but they can change it. She changed the outcome from war to peace with Zhang's future message, they could have easily done the same and kept Abbott alive. It's a stupid plothole. Accept it.

death is not significant to things that do not experience beginnings and ends. this scifi ain't even that complex dude.

>She changed the outcome from war to peace with Zhang's future message
the outcome was always peace, you don't understand the concepts the movie puts forward.

>oh cool one fictional thing led to another fictional thing!

At least it would be relatable. I would say the way it happend is more of an insult of our own imagination. As if we cant think of a plot that features a person seeing into the future and then it happening. What is so amazing about this fictional scenario happening, unless you haven't thought of something like it yourself? Like "whoa look that dude solved a complex puzzle" but what if you can solve the same puzzle

If we are talking about art here that it should be relatable so people could connect with it.

I don't even know what you're talking about dude.

Having one baby named Hannah and then having memories about her and then Louise having another baby named Hannah is not interesting.

>it's relatable to name your second born after your dead first child

>don't experience beginnings and ends
>time language is learned, so Abbott had a birth and knew time linearly before learning the language
>oh also he FUCKING DIED which is a very obvious end

Why do you even bother posting when you're this dumb? Especially acting like you're some braniac.

>the outcome was always peace
Tell that to the deleted scene of helicopters firing missiles. Also still doesn't explain how she was able to use future info in the present when apparently the heptopods aren't allowed to do the same to save their own lives.

The very premise of this film is impossible to argue in logic. We experience time linearly, and so of course Abbot dying is an end to us but when he's dead in this time he's constantly alive in other times for his perception. It's not an end, just a different time. That is the closest you can get to actually explaining what their experience is and this is very clearly established in the film.

So your argument is infinite parallel timelines for the sake of plot contrivance? That's even worse.

It doesnt have to be the same name, maybe both female. Still kind of fucked up that it seems like she would replace her daughter like that, but at least it all could actually happen.

Visions of the real future is something we cant do, so we cant connect with that. So the audience is left with the idea of seeing into the future, but just as a interesting, cool idea. Doesn't really connect with people, its the equivalent of a board game where you blert out something like "If you were able to see into the future. what would you do?" Just entertainment. It doesnt make any sense on a human level just a fun idea that the movie didnt even need to have

The only problem the film had is that they make China, Russia and Sudan be full of maniacs for the sake of having bad guys.

>We, the americans, have bad apples among us, but we're wise and calm most of the time! We have to do something to prevent the impatient and ignorant chinese people from fucking up!!

No world government would perform an act of war (attack the aliens) if 12 UFOs like those ended up where they did, out of nowhere. They would have to be crazy to act rashly against aliens that LITERALLY had more technology than us. If they're afraid of USA's atomic bombs, they would be scared shitless of a species that mastered space travel.

They make the one Chinese general only look bad. But he ends up helping fix things at the end.

I just came back from viewing this

the movie is SHIT

It was BORING to tears
the aliens look like hands
the story is boring and nothing important happens 90% of the time

im never watching another villeneuve shit movies again

waste of 25$
i want a full refund


you what

Yeah, but I thought it was stupid that she had to change his mind for everyone to unite at the end, like if he, a general, was too dumb to know not to attack the superior technologically advanced aliens. China wouldn't attack the USA because they fear a retaliation, why would they declare war against aliens without knowing the full extent of their firepower?

>China, Russia and Sudan be full of maniacs

Just like in real life

Yeah, appointing a general that dumb does reflect badly on China


>He got suckered into the "No Singles" policy

2 hours + of watching this cunts face in a white backdrop

stupid flashbacks with absolutely no depth or purpose in the story

aliens that are hidden and unoriginal for no purpose
lazy design
lazy ship
lazy plot

the movie is shit

apology for poor heptopod

when were you when abutt dies?

i was sat at home eating soilent grene when costella ring

‘abutt is death proces'


is this review accurate

They left one country out of the maniacs club.

>she pays for wine
>i pay for movies
>her choice in movies is shit
ill fix that

I paid $10 and saw it alone. What are you talking about?

yes it is accurate

its exactly what I wrote

There wasn't a ton of propaganda. Yeah it was pretty antimilitary but that didn't strike me as out of the ordinary

pretty accurate. I liked Prisoners and Sicario. While watching this you just keep waiting for something to happen. Then nothing does and the ships just turn invisible and the movie ends. It did feel sort of like a waste, but the aliens and their method of communication was still interesting I guess.

No. It's shit but for entirely different reasons. That review is very clearly from an anti-science religion fag. They are never credible.


How did I know that would pop up in there somewhere

Leftist retards detected.
I should have known better--this board is full of Reddit users now.

The point of the communication rings was really about teaching, giving her the weapon. It forced them to communicate in their language, and allowed her to gain the power of seeing into the future. Without forcing them to learn, and if they just communicated in English, then she wouldn't gain the power thus the movie just ending with them being blown up.

Abbott dying was the premise of death and their non-linear time, that you have to let it happen. It is the same with the child she has in the future that has cancer. She still feels the pain of it all, but she accepts it because that was her death process. Abbott's death process was going to inevitable.

>hurr better turn yet another thread into Sup Forums shitposting because I'm such an utter faggot I have no other means of communicating with people

>this level of smugness and condescension
>starts sentence with hurr
Yep, confirmed leftist retard

>durr better respond with the exact same insult as last time because I'm so braindead I am incapable of reacting with wit or cleverness

Voted for Trump, dickshit. Go back where you belong.

Racist AND a retard
Not surprised
This is the last response you're getting from me.

was it a ploy to get people to see the movie? Did they market it as an action movie on purpose?

There was also never that scene where Louise held that gun... was waiting for that.



Literal mental retard. Thanks for admitting you were wrong though, mongo.

Probably cut stuff. Already long runtime.

makes sense. If they would have marketed it as the 2deep4u pseudoscience that it is I'll bet half of the people that were in the theater when I saw it would not have been there.

I went in never having seen a trailer. Someone told me about it, and I was excited to see a movie about aliens that wasn't about welcoming them to Earth. I thought this movie was great. Were people expecting Independence Day 3?

It was a test to see if they were worthy of their planet. If they couldn't do it then they would have left.





I enjoyed the movie and I agree

they needed our help, presumably because they wanted our ability to experience time linearly. Which would come in handy in 3000 years?

Yes Hannah was born after the arrival, what seemed like flashbacks at the beginning were actually glimpses of the future.



The more you think about the plot, the more retarded it becomes.

It's retarded like a Michael Bay movie, but at least Bay doesn't pretend he's Stanley Kubrick.

It's a movie that's supposed to make retards think they've just watch something deep and profound.

It would be much better if the filmmakers didn't pretend they're making something smart.

The most ingredients for a good movie are there: acting ( at least from Adams), cinematography, music, visuals are all top notch.

I honestly think most people were too stupid for this movie.

The two main questions I've seen raised are:

1. If Abbott/Adams can see the future, why didn't they change it?

2. Why didn't they just learn our language?

These are both incredibly simple questions to answer:

1. If you experience the future, but change it, you didn't actually see the future then, did you?

Yes, this implies there's no free will.

That's not really a ground-breaking idea though, neurologists have been telling us for years that we only make "conscious" decisions retroactively, and the genesis of these decisions start no where near the neocortex.

2. The entire point of the movie was learning their language in order to experience time non-linearly.

The aliens also wanted us to unify as a species, hence splitting the infodump into 12 parts and making us all work together.

Adams needed to say those words to Shang, nothing else would have changed his mind.

>plot holes
>technichal questions about a presented "technology"
>editing "bugs"

Things that should literally not matter to anyone who wants to get what the film was trying to do.

Its like asking how exactly the pyramids were built, using a ramp or through an internal tunnel, instead of asking and focusing on why they were built.
The technical questions matter but only for the record and for specialists to be able to put a "done" mark on the question.

>Sup Forums discusses non consequential plot holes and other technical problems with the plot instead of focusing on the message and the tools used to deliver it.

What do you expect from a board that watches that furry faggot and think that that is good film criticism.

We should instead talk about the clear asian philosophy the movie offers as a supposed solution to the problems of determinism.
There were alot of meditative moments in the movie, this includes some minimalist visuals, "mediataion" music or mantra music and a zen aspect of a truth coming from interaction with a master as oppose to following rules an codes and traditions.

this website needs a filter for any posts with anime reaction images. They always have the worst opinions.

Even the alien ships seemed like some sort of temples and not the usual sci fi designes..
It seems like a totally conscious decision to not focus on the sci fi aspects of aliens and higher technologies but use the aliens as simply a symbol of some truth that we reach that helps us live on and progress.
They could be a stand for mediation or thinking, in short a stand in for a quest for knowledge and the film makers decided this knowledge should be asian philosophy or at least partially so.

This is explained better in the short novel. Louise's understanding of writing system affects the way she perceives time and "suggests a deterministic universe where free will is exercised by not affecting the outcome of events" [this was the words of the author].

That's the thing about determinism, you just know! They already knew their presence would have triggered that chain of events and no one of their species were in any danger. Of course the audience and the dumb humans in the movie wouldn't know but the aliens did.

It worked. They are the events that have and will unfold. Time can not be changed. The humans will help in 3000 years because of the Heptaploid presence today.

It's the way it was supposed to happen
Determinism lmao

she didn't learn the language in a couple of minutes, she had memories of the future where she had already mastered the language.

Non-linear time ===///=== Linear time except they know the future too

How convienient.

the film actually spells it out for you faggots

I really hope everyone here is falseflagging as retarded Sup Forumsposters


>a flying boob implant

What was the point of the Heptapods only revealing half of their bodies up until the very end?

During the first encounter and throughout all of the language learning scenes they look pretty much the way they're described in the short story (radially symmetric barrels with seven limbs), but then at the end you see they're basically just giant squids.

Nothing really, they just wanted to be big ol squids

I dont know what the "movie meant" but i know that when they were revealed i immediately thought of an animal that interacts with a person's hand as if the hand is what is alive and reasoning as oppose to looking at the face to understand what the person wants.

The moment the movie reveals them and the heroine still looks at the stem and talks to it immediately made me think of that.
And i do think there is a good chance this is what the movie was trying to convey. As she understand how to understand them, she can finally look at them as they really are.
when they are revealed she still at the beginning looks and talks to the stem but then finally switches to looking at their "heads".

If animals could reason and understand us they would look at our faces as oppose to our hands or other ligaments, like dogs do.

... That actually makes sense

I am not him but you are basically retarded

after the movie finished in my theater there was dead silence and there seemed to be a general air of confusion.

>abbott is death process

Why do aliens communicate in Engrish?

the point wasn't for the aliens to learn earth language

the point was for the humans to learn the alien language, the universal language that transcends time

fucking retard

>tfw to intelligent to speak Earth languages