What's a good movie/cinema/kino/flick about crippling depression?

What's a good movie/cinema/kino/flick about crippling depression?

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there are no good movies about depression

A friend I webt to high school and middle school with killed himself yesterday. He was 20. At this moment nobody knows why he did it. He left no note. I currently do not know how he did it.

My point is that depression is a horrible thing and that being edgy about it won't help you. Things seem bleak, but the only thing that killing yourself does is robbing yourself of the chance to ever become happy. You're probably a first worlder and have more opportunities than you think. Don't be afraid.

You'll miss the feel of fapping. The laughter of shitposts. The anxiousness when thinking about unrealized dreams. The nothing that exists when you have no dreams. The taste of cherry.


Grow up, pussy

this, there is no such thing as depression

kys desu famalam

your friend killed himself for attention

>The nothing that exists when you have no dreams.

>tfw haven't seen dreams for a good 5 years

There's a lot of good movies that feature depressed bastards, some are even the protagonists. But I don't know if there is a good movie that approaches depression as it's main concept.

>there is no such thing as depression
Explain these then, Mr. Pants.

I have depression and on one hand I want to tell you to fuck off with that "im so optimisitc!!!" bullshit.

On the other hand, I get what you're trying to say, and you mean well and all, and that's fine. However, "You're probably a first worlder and have more opportunities than you think." is an entirely irrelevant statement, as is the entire concept of a "first world problem!!!!! lol" because nobody's problems are worse than your own, in that everyone's mind is a just a well of experiences which nobody else could ever possibly identify with like they themselves can, because... well it's their experience and their memories, their life, etc. So to try and trivialize that and attempt to get people to see how petty their problems may be, that statement ultimately means nothing, and if anything comes off as a little high horse-ish whilst also being a bit hypocritical, albeit not on purpose, but, well you know. You're human like the rest of us, you can't help but stress over something which may qualify as "a first world problem".

I get it, it's true, a lot of us may have more opportunities than others, but everyone is born and raised in a hotbox, to have a grand sense of what could be or to fully grasp how disadvantaged others are, requires a very specific type of person. Whom, hopefully, is not a complete pretentious and preachy dickhole about it.

I'm really sorry to hear about your friend though.

>A friend I webt to high school and middle school with killed himself yesterday. He was 20. At this moment nobody knows why he did it. He left no note. I currently do not know how he did it.
Irish exits are the best exits.

When do you guys have your suicides scheduled for? December 1st here.

Maybe the Sunday that week but definitely in December

>Not crafting yourself a nifty life-sized stocking
>Not breaking into someone's house, hopping into said stocking and hanging yourself in their living room at midnight on Christmas eve.

whenever I start shitting myself

i'm going to kill myself after new year's

my last hope is this family reuinion we're having at thanksgiving/christmas, and mom said she'll invite some other families so that I can meet some girlfriend - my mom really wants grandchildren.

I hope some girl likes me. If i do fall in love, I might cancel my suicide. But at the moment it seems like I'll just do/say something stupid and ruin any chance of having a love in my life.


>andrew ((((solomon))))
>immediately starts talking about concentration camps

fucking hell, the juden just can't let it go

When I was 20 told myself I wouldn't kill myself before turning 25, that was 3 years ago and I still currently plan on killing myself. Some people are just fucked in life and don't have the strength or the support to solve their problems. Been suicidal since a young age and since then life has mostly been the same or worse. I get the sentiment that life is good and people should generally be discouraged from suicide in most cases, but I also believe that there are some people who are just not going to be happy alive on earth.

well its depressing being a jew, at least he shares his knowledge

Mary and Max

Oslo, August 31st