"Yeah, I live off right behind the intersection by 11 right behind second avenue on third!"

>"Yeah, I live off right behind the intersection by 11 right behind second avenue on third!"
>"Right, got it!"

I hear some bullshit like this far too often from american media.

Do you faggots really walk around remembering every street in your fucking city?

If you're taking pictures of some big titted slut like that I don't understand why you don't do a rape in her?

>Not knowing where you live and the surrounding area

Are you fucking Rommel? Is this the Desert fox I'm speaking to right now?

i guess it depends where you live but it's pretty easy to guess since where i live a lot of the streets are numerical

that means you only need to know the "big" street names
so if someone says "i live in third, it's right by walter street" you could assume walter street is a big avenue that runs through the city.

and unless you're a retard in a third world country, you can guess with numerical streets. i.e., you know where 237 street is, so if someone says they live on 223, you can guess how far and in what direction that would be

i know it's bait but cmon, it's not even good bait, it's just stupid

NYC streets are numerically in order you dipshit you can find any street if you know what street you're on by going left/right/up/down

I use my phone to tell me where to go

Many cities in America were built on a grid where the street numbers are based on discance from the center streets (sort of like an x and y axis, almost always the downtown/heart of the city)
So north 5th street is the street 5 blocks north of the center street. In this way, you can know roughly the location of a place just by hearing the intersecting streets. It's not like in Europe where your cities have winding/meandering random streets and alleys.

Congrats, you are now slightly less retarded. thank me later

What the fuck are you trying to say? I'm checking every corner in my brain for Rommel trivia, but you just don't make any sense.

>I'm checking every corner in my brain for Rommel trivia

If only they were numbered!


Reported for being a redditor

Who is she

This. Seriously how could the OP be this much of a fucking retard. I'm canadian and even i know this shit.

Red Sonja

I'm so scared.

>Red Sonja

Not the character the tits

>when you're with a large group going into town after a party but there's not enough room for everybody in the driver's car so you have to order a cab and you finally get to say this to a cabbie

I think that's BelleChere.

Fuck off, Turkey

thanks senpai

>when you've been so bored all night that the idea of getting to say this has lingered in your mind ever since the cab was called but just as you're about to say it your friend chimes in from the back and steals it from right under your nose while giving you a knowing smirk and you just have to stifle your rage and push it deep down so you don't rip his eyes from his skull and literally mindfuck him

nice pic, mind if I save it?

Yep. I live on Easy Street.

OP I have no fucking clue what street is which. I do everything by landmarks.

See, that makes sense. Sometimes Americans can do things right. It just makes me shake my head harder when I see you're still clinging to the imperial system of measurements.

Fuck you I like my yards and quarts.

you should also check out alexandriabasso

It's called being an adult and driving a car, user.

>driving a car in new york

It's called being an adult and driving around

It'll be easier once you are old enough to drive

If anyone wants more of her, that's bellechere

you mean because americans have no culture or history and all your cities are artificial?

>a logical way of naming streets is "artificial" and "lacks culture"

so is using the metric system also artificial?