i just want to things to be alright edition
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stop making this stupid general you disgusting halfbreed
i love your CHI images
hope you make some more new ones
Remember this young chicano
All of your problems and ills are caused by the jews
do they really hate us?
Yes. Why do you think us Latinos have suffered for so many years?
It was the Jews who caused our ancestors to betray the Spanish fatherland.
It was the Jews who flooded our countries with pro-marxist rhetoric. Look at all of the so called "workers" movements in Latin America. The leaders of these organizations are neither Latinos nor workers.
Their end goal is to have all goyim slaving away under their repressive boot.
wtf i hate jews now
Here's your new marching song
You can (not) redo. What's done is done and that just makes it so much worse. I am sure I could be alright with a shitty past if my present and future would be atleast decent. Too bad my present is fairly bad and my future seems to be absolutely awful.
>You can (not) redo. What's done is done and that just makes it so much worse
>Too bad my present is fairly bad and my future seems to be absolutely awful.
I also ktf
Just keep going man.
My late teen years went horribly. When I was 17-19 I was completely burnt out and I was sure I was doomed to a life of wage cuckery.
I'm doing okay for myself now. Things turned around eventually. You just have to keep going
my past is good and bad my present is garbage though I just want to turn things around so I can have a better future
>tfw no chicana finnish gf
I have more than enough personal problems to be miserable about. But then when I think of the state of europe, the direction it's headed and the demographic shift I become even more miserable. Why is everything so shit? Why can't we have nice things?
She is probably getting KHAND at this very moment by a fingolian warrior.
It amazes me how spread out CHI's are yet how despised they are sucks :/
They are not despised here, they are seen as exotic, the good kind of exotic. Atleast the women are, and probably the non-manlet males are too.
You can't possibly blame one group for all the problems in the world. That's ridiculous and stupid.
>tfw I will never have a shot with a qt finnish girl
anyways you studying for your exams? better get ready
>You can't possibly blame one group for all the problems in the world
Oh, but we can.
Which one of those statements were incorrect?
San Martin was a (((Freemason))), as was Bolivar and Miranda.
Jeudeo-Bolshivism is a known fact, and is only disputed and obfuscated by the jews and those who are judaized
Already fucked up. At first the test was going well but I was taking too much time, then I had to hurry and that's when everything fell apart since I did a lot of easy mistakes when I was in a rush. Another year where my life does not move anywhere.
thats why you need to prepare better if you start studying now theres no way you will fail
How many attempts have you had?
If that was your second I'd look up an answer key or something and use it as a study reference
>start studying before they tell you what materials to study
But yes I will need to work harder next time.
It was my second attempt, though I guess you could say it was my first "real" attempt since the previous time I thought it was fine if I didn't get in since I had conscription lined up any way. The first time I just read the books once. Now I read them three times, reviewed previous exams, worked on the math and did the works really. But I guess a lot of people who get in take paid courses and study hard for longer than a month and a half so even if I put in over a couple hundreds of hours it probably was still less than avarage. Anyhow the exam will be reshaped next year so that will either work in my favour or not. I am more or less putting my hopes for the future in a possible university life that would turn things around. What's more one year of this empty existance? Though if I don't get in next year i'll be getting a bit old, but i'll cross that bridge if/when I come to it.
wait I forgot what the test was for again. it's to get into university right? why don't you try another university? one thats easier to get into
>America fucked Latin America over
>America is run by Jews
At last, I truly see!
I will apply to more schools and easier schools next year (though I did have one "medium" school I tried to get into this year). You can apply to five different programs/schools, you get three extra points for your first choice, two for your second choice, and one for your third choice and no extra points for others. But next year that priority point system will be scrapped so I suppose that will better my chances to get into an easier school. If I don't get into my first choice I would have to move to a smaller city/town which I am not too thrilled about but if it comes to that I would happily move if it means I can drag this life of mine forward.
should definitely just go for the easier school if you already failed at the other one
Next year I won't be at a disadvantage in getting to easier schools even if I prioritize my first choice. Failing this time was wierd since for the first time in my life I have no commitment to look forward to. No school or conscription. I guess I could do something cool like take a long trip abroad alone without a destination but before I can even seriously think about doing anything like that I need to work on my mental health. I have to stop being so miserable and pathetic, though I don't know how I would go about achieving this but I have nothing but time to figure that out now.
going on a trip will probably help with your mental health though
It would be a waste of a trip if I go as I am now though. Though I realize that I am probably wrong in feeling that way. I have always had the tendency to wait for the perfect opportunity that will never come (and when I have had opportunities that have been very close to perfect but not quite given to me I have been either too blind to see them or just fucked it up, not too many cases like this but they have happened) and I end up doing nothing. I am pretty sure I will go on a solo trip this year, for how long and how far will depend on many factors. I am okay with doing nothing for months but I really can't let myself fall into the habit of letting years go by with me doing absolutely nothing, I am sure that would ruin me for good.
>Though I realize that I am probably wrong in feeling that way. I have always had the tendency to wait for the perfect opportunity that will never come (and when I have had opportunities that have been very close to perfect but not quite given to me I have been either too blind to see them or just fucked it up
just go then
>I am okay with doing nothing for months but I really can't let myself fall into the habit of letting years go by with me doing absolutely nothing, I am sure that would ruin me for good
tfw this is where I am in life right now
>just go then
I'll try to get some more money before that. Also just venting now but it really is bitter admitting that a lot of my problems were caused by me tripping over mental hurdles that I myself put in place
I know how you feel since I am where I am now because of my shit state of mine
for all the good times
morite de una buena vez la concha de tu madre siempre victimizandote acá como si fueras pobre hijo de puta
porque eres tan malo
What does CHI mean?
Get the fuck out.