I feel like this is just a gigantic blowjob to NASA

I feel like this is just a gigantic blowjob to NASA

>not liking NASA
fuck off alien scum

NASA need to keep spreading their bullshits to keep getting public funds. NASA is literally socialism and we should get rid of them.

>NASA is literally socialism
oh america

I didn't even make it through first hour. Deleted the file right away.


to reddit more like
they even had damon pretend to be iron man
what a piece of crap that film is

He's right. It should be privately funded.

pol pls

The US Government is already spending quite a lot of space funding on private aerospace companies.
SpaceX is the only US based launcher to the International Space Station.

The problem is, private companies don't give a shit about scientific exploration yet, it's not profitable for them. NASA have 50 years of experience of sending probes throughout the Solar System, and they're the best at it.

NASA in this movie is portaited as a yuppie community of smart young geniuses which just happens to be a government organization

Was listening to the classical channel on the drive home one evening. They played on the of the pieces from the film. Reminded me of Mass effect crossed with the Lord of the Rings.

This, kinda

>private companies
>scientific advancement
fucking kek. Private companies don't give fuck all about scientific advancement. it's all about the $$$ and discovery is not like in video games where you know there's something cool ahead of you. this is real life

The movie adaptation is not about space exploration.

>not space exploration
what the fuck am i reading

NASA's budget is less than 0.01% of the total budget of the USA

This... i couldn't stop face palming while watching this shit. It all just felt like a shitty version of Apollo 13

I guess Hollywood is making now the same propaganda that they used to do with US army

>China and the Asian guy save their asses
>white people treat them like shit and take credit

it's white hollywood garbage

>propaganda that they used to do with US army
You know this is illegal


Yeah they don't even say thank you to the Chinese wtf

Were you even watching?
There's a chinese dude in the capsule in the next mission with them.

Sup Forums please. Most of the movie is switching back and forth between subsistence-farmer Damon in the desert and a project by well-off nerds to save him because it's good publicity for their organisation.

>spud farming
>why they went to mars at all is now irrelephant

Guys guess whatI FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!!!!

WHOAH, dude. You used a sex metaphor. How shocking.

Mars as a foreign planet isn't that relevant in the movie. People aren't gushing about Mars, they're gushing about Matt Damon's incredible survival skills. Mars is just an inhospitable desert, an obstacle. The movie isn't going "Wow, this is Mars, very exciting!".

Btw it is a pretty fun/comfy movie to see. I don't get all the hate. The ending was a little slow and boring because you just knew that they would manage to pick him up

What does that have to do with the astronauts going there to explore mars?

So that we see nothing from space besides what's behind paywalls? get the fuck off this planet you retard

Surely you remember that the actual mission whose purpose I don't remember if we even learned occupies the first couple minutes of 2.5 hour movie. I mean, what exactly are you asking?

nothing really happened, then glover did some stupid shit then damon did some stupid shit and everybody clapped.

nothing in it was either fun or comfy.

>I'm gonna science the SHIT out of it

>gigantic, cataclysmic dust storm on a planet with 0.6% of earth's atmosphere

Divine intervention.

at least google before you criticize science, which you seem to know nothing about. dust storms happen a lot on mars and can get up to 60 miles an hour.

60 mph is not a lot for a storm

user no need to get bent out of shape. The author himself even said he just said fuck it imma do a dust storm that actually knocks shit out to cause this.

The point of user though is that the atmosphere is so tenuous that 60mph feels like a breeze on mars

I saw the film in the cinema, and didn't think much of it, but I started reading the book recently, and God, it's badly written. Potato man's diary sections are passable, if a bit technical, but as soon as it starts involving NASA, it gets pants-on-head retarded.

It's almost as though it's written by someone who's never worked somewhere with a strict hierarchy, like NASA would have. You have rando, low level technicians chatting shit to senior management. The dialog is atrocious. Completely stilted and unnatural, and the writer seems to have gone "oh shit, we only have one character, let's throw a load of named people in, mention them once and then never mention them again".

The technical parts of the book are fine, but as soon as it stops being about numbers and technical specification, it completely falls apart, laughably so.

A couple of highlights:
>The press release after they announce they've made contact with Mars man has the NASA guy answer three questions. Literally three, and they're all clumsy exposition. You have some BBC reporter saying "Oh, it's going to take 22 minutes to send and receive a message? Doesn't that mean it'll take a long time to talk?", to which NASA guy replies "Yes. That's all the questions I can answer right now".

>In a flashback to when all the astro-retards were together on Mars, there's a scene about them waking up. They bitch and complain about getting out of bed so much, it's absurd. They're supposed to be well-trained and highly motivated people, and they can barely drag themselves out of bed in the morning.

>It's almost as though it's written by someone who's never worked somewhere with a strict hierarchy, like NASA would have. You have rando, low level technicians chatting shit to senior management
That's my problem with the movie. I don't really think that NASA works that way

Yeah, reading the book has made me want to rewatch the movie, because I don't remember it being that bad. I barely remember it at all.

Though I do vaguely remember one scene that would have ended with at least two people losing their jobs, something to do with a guy making his bosses stand up and then walking around them holding pens.

The impression from the books is that the author has never worked for a company before. Maybe some startup, or in a research lab (?) where the teams might be smaller, where people might get away with this kind of thing. But the second Whitney set foot back on Earth, I feel like a good two thirds of NASA would have been fired for utter unprofessionalism.

It sucks because not only is a group of serious businessmen/women suited and booted who're professionally getting shit done more realistic, it's also a hell of a lot cooler. NASA isn't ran by hotshot, superstar coders and physicists who walk around in jeans and t-shirts, meme'ing the place up. That's just some weird nerd fantasy.

for a lot of their stuff they actually do. It's not quite to CERN level where everyone is equal but a handful at the very top, but it isn't as hierarchical as you seem to think. Pure scientific research on these big projects never is.

Sup Forums knows nothing of science

More like a gigantic blowjob to botanists.

Botanists. Jesus.

Why would they send a botanist to space?

its almost like their target group was young people.

when gravity is 62% lower, it is, friendo.

>physicists who walk around in jeans and t-shirts


Also, did you not hear about the SJW's getting all upset cause a NASA scientist did a press release wearing a hawaiian shit that had women in skimpy outfits on it? His female co-worker gave it to him and he thought it wasn't a big deal, but the SJW's almost got him fired

NASA isn't a corporation, it's scientists striving for a singular goal in a cooperation


To grow plants?

>NASA isn't a corporation, it's scientists striving for a singular goal in a cooperation
Good goyim

You dense fucking wanking donkey. NASA is the only American government organization that is universally loved by the whole fucking world. Not your military, not your politicians, not your FBI, CIA, DEA, FEMA, ATF, DHS shit. If an organization deserves a blow job, NASA is it. Now fuck off to your swamp, Cletus.

to see in the soil can be used to grow plants, so we wouldn't have to take tons from earth if we ever have a colonie. also a lot of space experiments involve plants because they're easier to handle than floating space rats/ants/chimps

And? If their target audience was black people would they cast only black people as NASA scientists?

If the atmosphere is 0.6% that of Earth's atmosphere, that means a 60 mph gale on Mars has more than two orders of magnitude less force than a 60 mph gale on Earth. It would be far less noticeable than even a 1 mph breeze on Earth.

yup. other space agencies actually rely on Nasa for a lot of their own work. Who puts out the best telescopes in the world? Nasa

I can't fucking wait for the James Webb telescope to come online

It's not a corporation, but there's still a hierarchy.

NASA have funding, which they have to allocate, which means they choose which projects get funding. So the project managers have an incentive to play politics if it keeps the money coming. They may have a lot of control within their team with how things are run, with what dress-code is acceptable, for example, but they have an incentive to keep their people in line when they're interacting with the brass, otherwise their funding could be at risk.

I appreciate that within tech companies (and STEM-based businesses in general), there's often leeway given for little eccentricities here and there. Perhaps there's a higher autism rate, perhaps a higher proportion of STEM people aren't completely socially competent, but there's a difference between being patient and being a doormat. The upper management are busy people with things to do, they don't care about the exact technicalities behind a solution. That's why they have people below them. Those scenes are only in there to act as exposition for the audience, and it comes across as clunky and forced.

>NASA isn't a corporation, it's scientists striving for a singular goal in a cooperation


Muskfag detected.


>I'm gonna science the SHIT out of it

>character literally uses science and the reconstituted human shit of his crewmates and himself to grow potatoes and survive

10/10 kino status confirmed.

Never said there isn't some, but a lot less than traditional businesses. Still, it isn't CERN which is where sociologists go to try and figure out how they operate with next to zero hierarchy.

Calm down sperg

A good friend of mine is a physic graduated and he went to CERN for about a month. He said that the level of social awkardness and redditness of people there were unbearable

>give money to privates
>they build a telescope

woah, we really need NASA guys!

Imagine this:
>NASA is privatized
>US government has no eyes/ears/power projection in space
>Some nation emergency in space
>US government has to tell a corporation what to do, effectively nationalizing it
Now that's socialism.
At least with the current system there is a clear separation between public and private sectors.

but then why wouldnt he have, you know, fucking seeds?

he has to use potatoes form the thanksgiving dinner to start growing shit.

NASA is more flat than we think. CERN is great and more science institutes should strive to be like them.

Consider suicide. Exploring space is much more important than your childish ancap memes.

>ancap memes
jesus is the libertarianism tripe slipping into the mainstream now?

Look at the two memers I answered and you will have your answer. Luckily these retards are still a minority.


To fight the Killer Plants From Mars

Imagine if we killed all unemployed and old people. So much science...

it'd all go to military

Imagine if you put encouraged unemployed and old people to help out with science instead of killing them

Oh, good point. Too bad many unemployed people are melanin enriched so to speak.

>melanin enriched
Fuckin' loled

Fuck you I liked it.

Not op, but I do too user

it was a fun flick
"i'm going to science the shit out of this" was literally the worst part

yeah i thought it was pretty good too

Hard to believe that this actually happened. Could you imagine being stuck in outer space that long?

>I'm going to science the shit out of this

Why do they always have to include such propaganda in their films? Why is there never a main character who "faiths" the shit out of something?

Yeah! Imagine film about a preacher stuck on Mars, who just prays every time something goes wrong, and God fixes it for him.

if you argue this, why isn't american DEFENSE industry totally privatized? why does it get SO MUCH communism money / handouts / poor beggar money. I don't fucking understand why everyone says smaller government except they only mean a few things. and everyone buys into it like they're defending something monumentally american..

cause you get trash like Interstellar out of that shit thinking


as long as he also used prayer to get there in the first place and not some "spaceship" then yes that's fine. more people need to understand the importance of faith

Running with this idea

>Mid 2030's
>NASA, CNSA, ESA, JSA and multiple private companies are in a new space race... to mars!
>One Mississippi preacher sets out to show them that the true way to get to the red planet is through faith
>Prays real hard
>God hears his prayer, puts him on Mars
>But he used all his miracle points getting there... now he can't get back!
>It's up to a ragtag team of televangelical preachers to Bring Him Home!
>Led by Morgan Freeman, they have to convince all the other space agencies to pray real hard
>While the preacher can't pray for full-on miracles, he can beseech the lord for things like food, oxygen, locals to convert
>"I'm gonna faith THE POOP out of it!"
>No swearing because rated G
>Film ends with entire world converting to Christianity, praying to bring back original preacher, who pops back
>All wars end, everyone lives happily ever after

Who wouldn't want to watch that?

>whole movie's just about le SCIENCE xD
Yeah that's a plebbit joint

Fund It...

Michael Bay won't agree to direct this (no guns), try the Vatican or Uwe Boll

>Hard to believe that this actually happened

I figure it'd be fun to give it to some fundies. Write a script, pass it along, let them make the whole thing. It could be the next The Room

shit meme movie

2001 > Interstellar > Apollo series > shit > this movie

I hope you'll turn US into a shithole in less than 4 years, trumptard

#MAGA ;^)

Private sector can't into long term projects

>implying US isn't a shithole already
