Please somebody invade us there is no reason for this useless country to exist

please somebody invade us there is no reason for this useless country to exist

ok i'll be in osijek tomorrow


smart croat
Greeks should come back

there's a girl there that needs to be raped

75% white country and decrasing

Welp, aren't you practically a german/eu colony like us?

Nope Croatia is a valued member of both the EU and NATO and besides that you guys have a rich history

no rape just kill us already

what do you mean?

polak subhuman in Greece

>have a rich history

shitskin america opinion
does not matter

colony too mein Brudi

>useless country
you guys were the buffer zone between us and the ottomans for centuries

odjebi pičkice mala
i mean you can fuck off you turk muslim from our territory we where deffenders of christian europe for centuries and we will continue to do so for centuries to come
lol poturčeni hrvati sa nešto srba bosanci nisu niti postojali kao narod do tita

polak subhuman

I am a Christian Greek
catholics are false christians
you want to lose your life for a false religion?

>lol poturčeni hrvati sa nešto srba bosanci nisu niti postojali kao narod do tita
Heh okinuta si duso, pa nesudim ti radi toga bio bi i ja da sam zena (kurva). Evo sad cu da ti lagano pojasnim pa da se joj malo popiskis u gacice, pretpostavljam da ces zadati neku epsku memu poslje mog pojasnjenja tipa haha vjerovatno nejebes ili haha imas mal kurac, ali dobro ti si ipak samo zena pa ti oprastam jer neznas sto radis.
Dakle ovako.
Muski nagon za seksom dolazi iz cistog primitivnog nagona koji je ostao jos od vremena pracovjeka. Razlog zasto se muskarac napali na zenu i zeli je jebati je jer mu taj primitivni zaostatak u evoluciji govori
>siroka bedra
>plodna picka
Ali naravno taj nagon je vise nepotreban jer zivimo u modernom dobu kada nema potrebe da jebes sve sto vidis kako bi osigurao opstanak svoje loze.
No kod zena je nesto drugacije.
Naravno da i kod njih ima taj nagon za pravljenje djece
>veliki misici
>velik kurac
>m8 with him
Ali kod zena on cini samo 5 posto njihovog seksualnog nagona.
Ostatak njega cine socijalni i drustveni polozaj muskarca. To jest njegov polozaj moci u drustvu. Jer su zene tisucljetima godina sjedile na svojoj guzici u pecini dok su muskarci gradili svijet i gurali krvavo ljudski rod u napredak. Tako da je kod zena ostao taj nagon da se jebu sa najsposobnim muskarcima. Ali evo te klopke tog neprekidnog niza kod zena.
Svi znamo da su zene najnesposobnija bica na planeti zemlji
Dakle one nikada nece biti na vrhu u hijerarhiji moci
Tako da ce uvjek teziti za jebanjem najuspjesnih muskaraca ali ne jebanjem njih da bi storili djete i obitelj vec da bi podigli vlastiti drustveni polozaj jer su nesposobne "ljudske" izdrkotine
>trebaju muskarce da budu netko i nesto
>jebu ih radi toga
suzice na one koje gledaju na popisane vagine kao ljudksa bica

shitty forced i am greek meme
you are a turk your country is a muslim colony

They are a nice country

You should join China and destroy useless Europe.
China is best.
China is the future.

We could switch places, OP.

agree chinas armed forces are already stronger than america and so is there economy

I do not associate with turkey.
it is a dangerous middle eastern shitskin mongrel country with 1000 different groups

it is full of slavs
croats are ugly people
dinaric people are similar to even uglier armenoids

polak subhuman

>I do not associate with turkey.
thats why you have 5 milion muslims in your country and thousands entering every day?

I am a Greek
thousands of turks leave this shithole every year

people come here only for jobs
nothing else

>thousands of turks leave this shithole every year
>people come here only for jobs
>nothing else
yeah right keep telling your self that while your city fills up with no go zones and mosques
and literally milions of muslims :)

The whole ex-yu should be invaded. The only area in the world where people are actually proud of being subhumans.

worst people in my area
are bulgarian gypsies

and i want to leave this shitskin country
all german cities are full of immigrants

Yes, Chinese men must impregnate every woman of other race, kill male infants and repeat. Within four genereations humans will be sufficiently Chinese and will be colonising the universe.

you must end this
so you can be proud of yourself that you made the world to a better place

Realest pic i've seen in a while, thanks for this Hans.

>posting a pic of your country of origin

I am a Greek

i was born in this ugly shithole

How did you end up in Greece Chang?

if you see a Greek flag posting trash
then you can be sure it is a polak serbshit or albanian

Thanks then Pantelis

>balkan flag
>shitposting and moon language (which they proud of to be their OWN, every region)


Greece is just a beachhead. We're coming.

great heroes were proud of their nations and died for them, it's easy for a coward to insult people like them

Do you guys have oil, burgers, or any other natural resources?

>Great heroes
Actually a bunch of brain dead, easilly influenced morons who would die for a piece of land.

their oil is owned by us, fuck off burger

Want us to take you back ?

they died for a useless shithole like your non country that is now full of mentally retarded subhumans who would actually kill Greeks because they think that they are descendants of Macedonians

your poor subhuman shithole wasted almost 1 billion dollars to build a useless plastic building that is falling apart right now as we speak

france has to take france back first

Fuck off Ikibey, go back to being hated by your mother, family and country.

>you will never be in the Panther Guard

The Buddha has said that all life is suffering.

But I love Croatia

>Hungarian talking about moon languages

That's rich, Attila. Serbo-Croats may have a troglodyte language, but at least it's understandable to the average person not like your egerfekerszekefes.

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i checked this and it is real
they even want 30% for paris in 2030

your culture is boring and shit

bulgaria is a dangerous shithole full of subhumans

ask Serbia.

Kill yourself Ikibey. Even Algerians are better than turkshits like you. Your family hates you so why don't you kill yourself.

cheap summer vacation spot

*Invades (You)*

I am a Greek

white trash hotspot like turkey

finns are weak and their skin would burn

he isn't the real ikibey

Croatia is pretty cool, I don't know what you're on about.

he did a reality check

you have to survive getting out of your house first

Notice how the countries with most skin cancer diagnoses also have the best healthcare, I'm certain many Greeks die every year due to unreported cases of skin cancer.

Greece is a 1st world country

Every Croatian girl I ever knew was a huge bitch that loved being a bitch.

Did they put on way too much makeup and wear the tackiest dresses? Because attitude + kitsch = what we call a chehfoorkah.


Just have a few bites of this and everything is going to be fine

Nah, that's very tame compared to Serbian girls (example pic).

At least mortadella is better than your subhuman nongreek salamis.

Hope you like Piraeus Zhang Wei, you better convert to ΟΣΦΠ too

serb subhuman in Croatia
go back to your third world shithole if you don't like European civilization

China best ally

I hope all of you here die a horrible death

I curse you to it

prove him wrong

pshe pshe subhuman, your language is a degenerate patois of German, Latin and Lithuanian. You don't even belong in Eastern Europe, you should be deported to the Ruhrland.

a croat wrote that your useless non country made up a meme language and added Illyrian loan words to make it look more ancient since you have no history

>t slaveshit

go make another v4 thread and wait for me to show up there dumb fucker

75% white country
germanys bitch
are you mad algerian?

>your culture is boring and shit
>bulgaria is a dangerous shithole full of subhumans
coming from germany

greek is subhuman dog fuk u

>and added Illyrian loan words

Really? Did he mention that we further enriched it with a variety of Dacian, Venetic and Boii terms? m8, Slovenian has been pretty much the same for the last 500 years except for the late 19th century when everyone was a croatiaboo and thus mixed in Serbian.

will someone comment on that croat girl i posted is she considered hot or what
also why is her nose like that

>Even Algerians are better than turkshits like you
ok algerian

fuck off roach

odjebi nezemljo
koj je smisao slovenije uopče

I am a Greek

Greeks are better than other humans
you are a slavic subhuman


fuck you

I'd go for it. She's a 7 easily. Her nose is like that because she's from the Balkans and that's what Croats tend to look like (meaning southeastern European, that's not a black feature or w/e).

turk subhuman

>koj je smisao slovenije uopče

biti edini južnoslovani, ki niso bronzirani Turki.

I am a Greek

thats what rich people eat in our country

subhuman turk

okay please invade thanks

I am a Greek


Does this look like Greece to you?

looks like slovenia

I can not be a subhuman
I am a Greek

trash buildings

Slovenia is green and beautiful with solid European Alpine houses, unlike your desertic Balkan shithole.

Mediterranean climate > rainy green alpine shit

slovene dog inferior to proud greek in every way

non country subhuman
we should split slovenia with italy and austria you literally have no reason to exist