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International #768
I'm so proud of being east asian
Hilo latino
Germany hate thread
Tfw no American boyfriend who'd call you his honey and babe every day
Why do Dutch and Southern Dutch(Flemings) deny their Gaulish heritage ?
Fuck you
1. flag
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
/sino/ - 中文
July 7th 2017
Why do we have the European Union but not the Asian Union or the African Union? Why can't other continents cooperate?
Are russians the most repulsive people on the world ? Both in real life and on the internet
/lang/ - Language Learning
Why were Italy and France so pathetic in WW2?
Ask an Americlap living in Florence anything
Can somebody please explain Sweden to me?
He's not French
USA have only vassals, but Russia have allies...
This and THAAD are apparently Mr. Trump's idea of friendly Sino-US relations...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Russia thread
Why is nature so cruel?
Why arent you moving to Europa?
"I'm from Japa-... I mean Poland"
Can someone translate this for me...
Our Final goal is to be one. I love China and Japan. We are the most superior people on earth...
Are these the two most arrogant countries in the world?
Why is there so many Korean on Sup Forums recently?
How many Japanese celebrities do you know?
I fucking envy westerners
Do you like modern Japan?
/cp/ - Culture Pals
I like war
How cucked is your country?
What is your shoe size
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
/hell/enic General
What the fuck Japan, you cant just do that
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
/v4/ + friends
God is not rea-
You get 5 years in prison in Germany for saying the Holocaust didn't happen
/ita/ - il filo
/cum/ Canada-United States-Mexico
Colombian shitposter
Can Asian people tell each other apart?
Easiest countries to get nationality?
In Russia, there's a political party that wants to restore the monarchy
Reminder that the Amazon jungle is our land and we can do whatever the fuck we please to it...
/한국어/ General
Kurva anyátok
/lat/ hilo latino
Is there one thing in which the white race isn't superior?
Name a single place on this planet that this flag will not cause an intense amount of butthurt
Why do Japanese people still use Kanji? It wasn't even created for their language...
Why turks are not turkic looking?
Do people here meme or would they really like to have seen a Nazi-dominated world, with all the attendant disadvantages?
Mfw I pronounce the consonants at the end of French words
Why South Americans are so liberal about gays?
What does Sup Forums think about Indonesia. particularly to someone who have ever visited our country
Post police vehicles from ur city
Is this an example of a pure Italian phenotype
ITT: continents which could be kicked off Sup Forums and nothing of value would be lost
Is putting ketchup and mayo on a pizza acceptable on your country
"OMG user your accent is so sexy"
Do "white latinos" actually exist?
One shot at life
(Islas Malvinas)
Post your town city flag
Why is poland so civilised compared to german monkeys?
How fit is the average person in your country?
While we waste our time on Sup Forums...
Sup Forums, why is Japan in so much debt and working such long hours? They have been an economic power for a long time...
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
MegaCity Thread
Why do white people hate mexicans...
Does your country have a good infrastructure?
Who is this man Sup Forums?
.So user, what are your hobbies? You don't have a job so what do you spend your massive amount of freetime on...
Why do Iberians have 4 names?
That is one ugly gook
/extraflags/ - Have more than one flag
Why are there so many losers here...
How do I impregnate a Japanese girl?
This infuriates and confuses anyone outside of South-East Asia
/balt/ /ausnz/
How do we get /leftypol/ to go back to their containment website?
/faces of int/
Remind me again whats wrong with gypsies?
Were Saiyans based on the Aryan Persians?
Why do europeans get so upset when they learn you can walk into a store and walk out with pic related in under 5...
/eire/ /éire/
When it comes down to it, will the modern world ALWAYS be America vs Russia?
This confuses and enrages the European
How do we get all the Sup Forumstards on this board to go back to their containment board?
Which country do you respect the most?
Are mediterranean girls the best?
You wake up in Izmir
Why are there Chads in every fucking country?
What is your first name?
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why are Turks so patriotic? They are a literal arab shithole full of camels and stolen greek stuff
What is wrong with them?
Tfw babysitting my neughbors daughter (16 legal age here)
Offered full sholarship to do my PhD at Princeton
Don't forget to thank Norway for some of the best cuisine in the world
/deutsch/-national-sozialistischer Faden
I would like to apologise for these
Visit another country
What is your country's equivalent of Ohio?
This confuses and enrages the Dutch
Oh boy, here we go again
Reminder that Greeks stoe Anatolian culture from the superior hittites
Germanic languages can't be beau-
Hilo latino
What is the point in travelling if you are a wagecuck? I get 2 weeks a year that cannot be taken in a row...
Speed Test Thread
Whoever writes speeches to this guy done pretty good job
/hell/ - /gr/
Your country
What is the nicest place you've travelled to?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
My mum just began to do drugs this night again, i fucking hate her screaming
Our jets
Kurva anyátok
Why are americans fat and stupid?
Nvm just american things
/luso/ - fio lusófono
What's his endgame?
Finland is THE worst country in the world, at least when it comes to weather
Tfw being sw*de
Are we rightful brotherhood?
/world of polska/
Rate this german Girl! WWYD?
Send help
"And on this great day, allow our two great North American nations be united as one and so forth and so forth ..."
People hate me because of the country I was born in
Be 170cm manlet
/ex-ussr/ general
Sverigetråden - Ursvensk upplaga
This is a 10/10 in America
1. Your country
Why are Americans so nice? Are Americans considered nice in your country...
How do you go from this
ITT: things Americans never say
Why does UK have a greater global presence than Germany when Germany has a greater:
Europe rate thread
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Europeons cannot afford AC(Air conditioners)
Your country
Butterfly and Moth
I want to wear this hat in Europe. How will people react?
Why do Erasmus students only have other Erasmus students as friends?
Greeks = Gods
Countries you regularly visit but end up hating more every time
Start 2 world wars
So, when will the great beast die?
What's with so many leader being short?
Nitka pajęcza
National Anthem Thread
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would you?
Be me 175cm
1. Your country
A fucking kangaroo and an emu. Really australia?
Saunas and what you can do there
/mämmi/ + /balk/
Who are the worst posters on Sup Forums?
/v4/ + good people
/ex-ussr/ + /esp/
Shadilay my friends
What do Europeans think of our SCUDs, specifically , R-11 and R-17?
Too left-leaning for Sup Forums
Rate my girlfriend. Be nice!
In this thread talk in English fashion using native grammar and translated literally expressions
Poland x USA = bff
Post traditional food from your culture
TFW this board is literally 75% generals and the other 25% just threads that are posted daily
Is it true that French people just go around playing "Alouette" on an accordion all day?
/Hamburg/ ehemals /deutsch/
/hell/ - /gr/ Νήμα Ελλήνων
He thinks America won ww2 and saved the world
/ita/ il filo
Daily Japanese Thread DJT #1875
/skandi/ - nordanbollarutgåvan
This confuses and infuriates the chinks
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Progress in the gym is coming along well
How do one acquire a black french gf?
Do you like your country?
I just took Spanish exam and failed
Just got my results back Sup Forums!
Is prostitution legal in your country?
Russia thread
Why are Amerindians so ugly especially males?
The greatest Dutchman was a Jew
/mena/= /tunisia/+ /me/ + /na/
/cum/ Canada-United States-Mexico
A German poster replies to you
USA doesn't have an ID card because it's citizens think it's authoritarian to be asked for ID by police...
Is dwindling population a problem even though everything is automated? Im talking about Japan
July 7th 2017
Why do French people pronounce the R with their throats?
Say nice things to Portugal now
Sverigetråden — Zaras erövringståg-upplagan
Canadian seal hunt
Kurva anyátok
There are plenty of Latin American bait threads made each day by that one guy. Let's make it a little different...
I fixed the world, lads
Foreigners please cum to korea
Hay folks, just got a job teaching english in Guadalajara, Mexico. Really excited for this move man!
Can the US defend against North Korean missiles?
1. Country
What do non icelanders think of icelandic cars?
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
This is considered fat and ugly in other countries
What do you think about the reunification of Korea?
Mfw i see a first worlder complaining about his country
I think we'll be together soon :)
What is your country ranked at the top for?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
Culture Pals - /cp/ gen34
Spanish anons, why do you hate us?
/luso/ – Fio Lusófono
If you could fight anybody from a certain country in a 101 fight with no weapons, who would you choose?
Americans will defend this
Hilo latino
TFW I wasted thousands of hours on Sup Forums instead of doing something productive
You wake up tomorrow and all of the continents have reunited overnight
Why Brazil has such a high crime rates?
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
What do Europeans think of our cars, specifically Lmborghini, Maserati, Ferrari?
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
What do Europeans think of our cars, specifically , Lincoln, Tesla, Caidllac
/balt/ /ausnz/
How do we fix Australia?
/polska/ + /ex-ussr/
/nachtschicht tagsüber auch /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Odens nattupplaga
We're closer to 2018 than 2016
Vive le Québec libre!
Why is Japan still stagnant? Why does Korea have a better economy?
Why isnot Spain developing aircrafts like France or UK?
How can one Kim be so based?
Meme aside, Are Greeks and Turks really genetically the same people?
Panslavism is the best choice for any Slavic country. A new Warsaw Pact should be created under Russia's guiding hand
Do you like your capital city?
How is it that some Spaniards look incredibly pale?
Would you want a qt Canadian gf? She'll buy you all the tim hortons you want and have a cute accent too
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
1. Your native language
One shot at life
/SAG/ - South Asia General
Could he pass as a local in your country?
You wake up in Tokyo
/spätschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
ITT: borders that trigger your autism
/lang/ - Language Learning
This would make Europe, and the world, 100x better. I fucking dare you to prove me wrong
Danish beer
There are actually countries that think they could invade us
This board hates Sup Forums
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
ITT anons tell us what are the worst cities/towns in their cunt
What gives a nation it's entitlement to exist?
Rape Edition
/sag/ + /ira/ + /stan/ = /sairastan/
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Which country is BEST
Food thread
/ex-yu/: Evropski Meksikanci edicija
/ita/ - il filo
Is there a reason white brits are short?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Kurva anyátok
ITT interesting nature/geography type stuff
Finnish half-Turk here, AMA
Is there anyway to stop the eternal swarthy southern Euros?
How does one acquire an african american gf?
Russia supports Catalonian independence
There are people in this board that unironically think that Italian food is better than French food
1. Your country
/balt/ /ausnz/
Why do people in Latin America always blame us for their problems? We didn't fucking do anything to you...
/ibe/ - Fio ibérico
Why are Mexican police so corrupt?
Thank you Mexico
/ex-ussr/ general
Could the men of your country handle such a ass?
Do Japanese like black?
Reminder that Italian women BELONG to big white germanic males and we will fuck you dagos up if you disagree
How many Nobel Prizes has your country won?
1. Where do you live?
Have you ever kissed a girl or holded hands?
ITT: your biggest fear
Sverigetråden - Zara stormarupplagan
D-do you like Norway user? I do
Perfect Europe
Post a sadder nation than this
Trips names my cat
¿Why is the english level of everybody you in this forum so good? ¿Where do you learn that good english...
Your cunt
How do I get a qt Japanese gf?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
1. Your country
Post beaches from your countries
Korean war's actually gonna restart. Damn, I might actually see a nuclear detonation in my lifetime
Drunken finn, AMA
I need to have remote IT job
Eesti is nordic
Culture Pals - /cp/ gen 33
I waste thousands of dollars a year fucking prostitutes which I wouldn't have to do if one JUST fucking ONE average...
Who do americans stink?
/lat/ hilo latino
Tfw Americans say "How are you" and you respond in a few sentences but then you remember they weren't really curious...
Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Japanese and Korean posters? Why do they act like such attention-whoring newfags...
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
Vive le Québec libre!
Do Americans "French" kiss...
Post Asian who has eyes and shape of face like jomon who seemed without plastic surgery
Daily reminder
Americans attack a compound where a kid with canadian citizenship was hanging out
An entire nation bullied put of a website
How can we make poland great again?
Why do Brazilians think of themselves as white?
Tfw no Polish lesbian gf to cuddle with
Old cities
What the fuck is wrong with Greeks?
/deutsch/ MAHLZEIT
Muslim immigrant adopts and raises terminally ill foster kids in california
W-we got beaches too
My ancestor :)
How's their relationship?
/esp/ - Hilo español, edición: Colorado
Sverigetråden - Morgon2dupplagan
Has anyone studied with Erasmus?
What are they known for, other than fucking Anzu?
In the future, genetic engineering of humans will become easier and faster...
China building forest city
1. you're countrie
I had a friend from Italy come over to my place for the weekend and fuck are the memes real
It's over lads
What is your opinion on Turkey and based Erdoğan?
ITT we share the map of our city
This is the ideal Japanese man
Kurva anyátok
I graduated from school a few days ago and I need to apply to a university now but I dont know what I want to study...
America accepted diversity
Hell - gr
Why aren't Arabs proud of their Roman heritage?
All races are equa-
/sag/ + /ira/ + /stan/ = /sairastan/
Where's the Biggest Shithole You've Ever Been?
All it takes is one well coordinated nuke
Who did the most to beat hitler?
/sino/ - 中文
How are Greeks and Balkaniggers preparing themselves for New Ottoman Empire?
Racemixing is wro-
I want to take the opportunity, on America's birth day, to thank France for helping us achieve independence
Tell me about SEA culture
/lat/ - hilo latino
If I marry my european boyfriend, does that mean I can become a citizen of his country?
Just learned that North Korea has a higher HDI than Vietnam or Indonesia
Is there anything they can't do?
Do you reckon you could survive in a post-apocalyptic world should your country get nuked?
Are they the worst posters?
This madmen are going to do it aren't they??
Post your favorite beer from your cunt
/ita/ - il filo
Just tried some Mexican soda, and holy fuck it is awful. Do Mexicans really drink this...
Americans and europeans virgens, I'm inviting you, come to Brazil and fuck our womens...
Mfw WW3 is approaching and I will be here comfy in South America
Why are whites so fucking stupid?
White rat fears the turk man
Americans literally don't know what animals are
Handsome Sup Forumsernational men
ITT we appreciate this great country
ITT: Post god-tier English
Give me one (1) reason why Canada shouldn't join the union
What went wrong?
/luso/ - Fio lusóphono
Why do.americans stink?
Which country has the cutest posters?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Is it mexico of SEA?
Will they be new axis powers that liberty have to defeat?
Eastern European countries are a complete joke
Thank you Spain!
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why did Americans own slaves?
/balt/ /ausnz/
Why didn't the Romans just conquer all of Africa?
Post controversial quotes by politicians in your country
Why Brazil got kicked out of the Sup Forumsernational Space Station? Why are you guys so mean to Brazil?
Alex Kruger, 20, for a statistics class...
Could i pass as a local in your cunt?
Sometimes it's for emphasis, sometimes it's because one word responses can seem rude or off-putting
Wake up
I wish I was born somewhere else
Sverigetråden - Prinsessupplaga
Tfw we missed our chance becoming a US State
Do you love the USA, Sup Forums?
Eastern Europe is the future
Could I pass as a local in your country?
One chance at life
Why do wh*Tes think they're people?
>be mexican
Would Middle Easterners be considered white if they werent mostly muslims?
Jungle gooks
Sauce pls
Germany votes to fine companies who don't take down "obviously illegal" activity
American beer
Give me one(1) good reason why I shouldn't move to your country
Why do ugly, fat Western men go to Thailand and exploit the local women?
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
ITT: Good music related to a war or armed conflict or whatever
Why do Europeans get heat strokes when it's 30c?
Today the Americunts celebrate their national holiday by getting drunk and jumping on tables or lighting fireworks from...
Which one is better. Your answer says a lot about you
So...nothing will happen...AGAIN
At what age did you realize that brazil is the worst country in world?
Tradicional Music
Do you ever take time to appreciate your country's countryside?
Whats his end game?
He's comming tomorrow. Wat do
/sag/ - South Asia General
Sverigetråden - Stormupplagan
Fuck this country
Culture Pals - /cp/ gen32
I am Greek
Why did I have to be born in this boring, degenerate, ugly, unpleasant shithole??
South Korea Appreciation Thread
Colombias national hero is literally a drug dealer and murderer
Now they apologize and give millions to our admitted enemies??
A thread about how shit Sup Forums is
I'm glad that mexicans are immigrating to the us. Most of the areas they immigrate to is their rightful clay anyway
Why haven't you converted to islam yet, Sup Forums?
Please somebody invade us there is no reason for this useless country to exist
Bus thread
Are Israeli girls open to goy guys?
All states, report in
/polska/ - edycja gangsterska
Hilo narco
What's the worst European country?
I love these countries
Why is Mexico so fucking shitty?
Sverigetråden - nynazistiska nättroll-upplagan
Does anyone else want to join our club?
If you tolerate this, then your children will be next
Ready for breakfast user??
Sup Forums 2017
ITT: things Russians never say
These countries have been independent nearly just as long as the USA
Be American portuboo
Freedom Edition
American pizza >italian pizza
/Basel/ ehemals /deutsch/
/balt/ /ausnz/
Soon, brothers
What does the turtle represent in your country, Sup Forums?
Are swedes really white?
Why are finland and sweden two seperate countries?
How do we stop the American menace from destroying our cultures?
Are things about to get interesting in Europe?
How Americanized is your cunt?
Dutch Doctors harvest away
Why do americans stink???
Post your city's flag
/v4/ + friends
Brits laughing at Canadian tradition
Allah agbar
Seriously somebody has to stop the Netherlands
Anglo subhumans
The Red Ensign: Canada's new Hate Symbol?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...