Too left-leaning for Sup Forums

>too left-leaning for Sup Forums
>too right-leaning for Sup Forums
why live?

Just try and find a balance, most people on Sup Forums have conservative/right wing views but they're not as extreme or deluded as Sup Forumstards
Anyway, /lit/ probably seems your type of board

Weird, I post moderate right opinions and it gets trashed on, even if I put a lot of thought into it.

And fuck /lit/, I'm way too humble for them.

easy, kys

I'm right leaning, but I don't go to Sup Forums because everyone there's an idiot. Most people there don't even read opinion articles from various news sources.

I'm right-leaning in the sense that I think capitalism and democracy are the best type of government. I also believe that a strong military and putting your countries interests at first should always be a priority of a country.

However I also believe that all people are equal. And that immigration works, as long as the immigrants do not attempt to change the government of the country they immigrate too.

I mean, like it or not, the U.S. wouldn't be a superpower without early 20th century immigration.

I used to think people there were smart because I wanted to hear the other side speak and I never got enough of that, but as of late it's been shit slinging like no other.

You don't have to agree with everything you read

Normie pls go

dude if you want the socialist revolution to happen you gotta help out and spread info on classcucked sites

>I'm right-leaning in the sense that I think capitalism and democracy are the best type of government.

This is what the original left believed, in some form

>the original left
nigger what

Tell that to Sup Forums, lol. They only read headlines instead of content.

I think he's referring to liberals. And not the "left", which are more progressives, there's a difference.

The French revolutionaries

i'm a full on greenie by Sup Forums standards

i just don't really see why politics are so important on Sup Forums. I don't take this shit seriously and i don't know why anyone would

What do you mean?
anyone who wants to keep capitalism (succdem isnt socialism björnie sandnes is a moron)
glorious comrades

is this so hard to understand?

Because Sup Forums acts like they own Sup Forums, on every last board too. Sure they're right on some things but they behave like monkeys about it.

Here is half my income. I don't take it too seriously what you do with it though lol. Just give it to criminal fake refugees or something. np

nice of u kiwee
enjoy ur summar brake, butt dont lose urself and rememberr to work har wen u bak in jobb

I am left leaning ama

That has been wrong since at least last century

haha, how is the exercise of power important

I agree. We must send them back to their neo-colony in Libya so that they can work in the beautiful slave market we made for them :)

>Because Sup Forums acts like they own Sup Forums
And they are allowed to by the mods it seems.

idpol was a mistake

I don't care what they do. As long as they don't do it here. We're not responsible for every turd on this planet. And if I were I wouldn't relocate those turds into my house.

>We aren't responsible for the Libya today

I am a right wing populist

>Oh my god everyone I speak to doesn't have exactly the same views as me
That's how you sound. You whiny, unbearable faggot. KYS

>Too autistic for nur9k
>Too normal for /wizardchan/
kill me

>Leftypol memes

Pol was right again

How's that cultural enrichment going sven?


Most online communities are generally pretty retarded, so you just need to be unapologetic in your views and go to places you enjoy browsing instead of trying to fit in perfectly with their political views.
Besides neither Sup Forums or Sup Forums is a homogeneous group.

>too right-leaning for Sup Forums


learn there's no such thing as left and right


"You"'re not a populist. No one on this board "is" a populist. Populists are public figures and institutions who pander to the lowest common denominator. Saying you're a populist, as a civilian, is like saying you ARE the lowest common denominator. That you're scum; the lowest filth available on a weekday.

if you are too right-leaning for Sup Forums, that means you are still pretty far right


Yeah there's this weird lefty squad on here lately that jumps on anything

>I'm right leaning because capitalism and democracy
lmao what

that's the issue with modern politics, everything on the acceptable political spectrum is on such a small limited segment pushed far on the left. no other voices are allowed. you're a liberal in every sense and somehow """right leaning"""

>don't take this shit seriously

Yeah or fucking how about we drain libya of all its working and intellectual force so our countries get richer and theirs becomes more of a shithole.

>too dudeweedlmao for right-wing
>too racist for left-wing
>neither actually has anything to do with left-right spectrum but political conflicts are this black and white

Try having an actual personality and identity that isn't defined by your political views and memes. Why is it so important anyways, needing to have a community where everyone thinks the same politically?

Because we're living in a time where we need to choose whether to get cucked out of existence or save our race, people and culture.

And that has got everything to do with the views you have and voice on a Somalian bionicle assembly committee?

No, but any topic can easily turn into a political one.