USA have only vassals, but Russia have allies...

USA have only vassals, but Russia have allies. So I as Pole prefer to be ally of Putin and be treated as ally and not as vassal.


Other urls found in this thread:


Rage coming in 3.. 2..

but I'm right. Poland have visas to USA, and Trump yesterday sold us 40 years old patriot missiles. Great deal xD

I have nothing against your idea.
But you are posting on imageboard so threads like these are usually full of hatred and shitposting.

Hello, Atlanta.

it's true. Poles just don't want truth. They prefer pretty lies. That's why they catch western's saliva like yesterday on Trump's rally in Warsaw.

This is your fault Ivan, you literally used Poland as a cock sleeve for so long that he thinks its love.

you'll be rewarded with place in french consulate(if they will agree) in ultracontnental alliance

I want to be part of the Eurasian Imperivm :

This is a great idea
You are slavic brothers, you should be friends

Yeah, it worked so damn well when you were "allied" with them from 1945 to 1990

The buyer decides what he wants, not the salesman. You cound just have gotten SAMP-T from france insted

imagine being so starved for attention that you make a thread like this

>Yeah, it worked so damn well when you were "allied" with them from 1945 to 1990
yep, we were 10th world economy, 2nd Warsaw Pact army, we had a lot of factories and society based on family values. Today we have only western asembly factories, no social seciurity and poor health care. Nearly half of Poles think that Polish Peoples Republic was better country.

So yes, it worked so damn well.

from lisbonne to vladivostok

No, we dont have sovereign goverment. Polish MoD is basically american agent and he represents american interests. Polish PM and President were even trained in US before elections xD

That's right. It's only state worth fighting for

t.a KGB propaganda operative
Hello, comrade.You just got put on our watchlist.

HCБOБ says hi.

> Even more brown people
Absolutely disgusting. Fuck Russians and their gook imperial fantasies

>migration limits... no, never heard

Well that wouldn't be first time Poland would exactly that what their "allies" in Moscow say

You aren't Polish.

>you have difrent opinion than majority so you are not polish xD


>Dugin actually thinks Europe wants any part of his resentment fantasy

People who believe in OPs worldview are almost not existing in Poland. Ok than, You are for 99 not Polish.

>You are for 99 not Polish.
bambo prosba


i dont get this "meme"

>t. Ahmet Swensson

An even more brainless way to say "haha you are a cremlinbot hehe", a form of shitpost which libtards use every time they disagree with russian poster or a Russia-friendly foreigner.

Remove poos, t*rks, all asians except maybe central ones, then it is gonna look like proper Eurasian empire.

in Poland literally everyone who is oppose to proatlantic direction i foreign politics is called "ruski troll" so i used to it.

We have only one antiamerican political party and Partia Zmiana was banned by polish court and leader of that party, Mateusz Piskorski, is now in arrest without conviction for year

This is what they call "liberal democracy"

but its still part of Eurasia

I would like rather to remove UK and Ireland from Eurasian Imperivm

here's your (You), enjoy it

>society based on family values

>everybody thinks my shitty opinions are shit
>must be the system's fault

I can't imagine what kind of utter stupidity you must possess in your brain to draw some equivalence between wanting Poland to be an independent country and American "liberalism", kill yourself

>wanting Poland to be an independent country
but you want to suck Trumps dick
PRL was conservative. Check operation "hiacynt"

t. russia today zombie

t. liberaha

>can't speak about international relations without making sex analogies
Why are Putinbots always like this? I bet you think having NATO troops here is "occupation" too.

What the fuck are you on about? I just explained the meaning of this stupid meme, and how it is used. Also, you know that there are libtards in other countries besides muh murrica? Yeah, I was referring to those.

im against presents of foreign military troops on my land. Both, American and Russian.

Call me "russian troll" once again xD


nie jestem zwolennikiem razem, ale ta grafika zwyczajnie pokazuje lobbingowe powiązania Macierewicza z USA.

Nie chce nic mówić, ale Korwin-Mikke, zdecydowanie nie lewak, mówił to samo o Macierewiczu i wizycie Trumpa

>So I as Pole

Same desu. The only thing i liked of our previous government is that we weren't a bitch of the usa like we are now

i can't breathe

o cos konkretnego ci chodzi?

tańcz kurwo

>But you are posting on imageboard so threads like these are usually full of hatred and shitposting.

Of course they are.
But that doesn't change the fact that more and more Poles are looking forward to reestablishing sizeable trade and exchange with Russian Federation.
USA seldom cares about those whom it considers to be loyal.

If topics like these make you sullen, you are an Ukrop and you should go back. xD


+15 for everybody
Great work

>Poccия - пepвaя cтpaнa в миpe пo дeтcкoмy aлкoгoлизмy.


>infografy Zoidberga
>losowe anegdotki Ozjasza
mocne źródła Mati

Lepiej zapytaj Dudeła, jak podpisywanie z miejsca umów na długie lata bez uprzednich konsultacji jest mądrą podstawą sojuszniczą.

Znaczy, o ile mu Jaro już powiedział, co w tej sprawie ma myśleć.

Is there anything to really say besides "that's stupid"?

Not my fault that you have a very limited vocabulary.

>I want my country to be a shithole again because the US bombed some sand people
have fun

>I want my country to be a shithole again
>Implying USA is doing anything to contribute to our growth, be it economically or culturally


Ignore him. People like this are irrelevant margin in Poland and he's probably just trolling anyway.

>tfw Russia is a superpower

>doing anything
hmm should we?

I know, still not convinced he's fully Polish though

that was not remotely what I was saying. But if economic and cultural growth is what you want, the way to go is definitely Russia, you're right. They are definitely the experts on such things.

You really have no spine.
Just because I am taking the piss doesn't necessarily mean that you should apologize profusely. He obviously has a beef with Poland as a whole, so there is no point in debating him at all.

how is he apologizing? he is disagreeing with you.

sick bait thread my dude. russia has vassals. usa mostly has vassals too, but it at least gives them, the illusion that thy're allies.

>the US has vassals
*tips fedora*

ale co sugerujesz, że MON nie ma powiązań z amerykańskimi lobbystami i dlatego kupił jankeskie OBIEKTYWNIE GORSZE helikoptery i zdezelowane rakiety? xD

No to jeszcze gorzej, nie sa cynikami tylko wyjątkowymi IDIOTAMI

Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands are literally vassal states.

no, they are not. They are US territories populated by American citizens.

and they even do not have right to vote on elections day xD They are literally your colony.

We in Poland also dont have right to choose our real leader which is POTUS

To jest raczej eskalacja myślenia geopolitycznego w spadku po postkomunistach:

>M-m-musimy dać USA teren pod ich obozy jenieckie, inaczej będziemy gorszym partnerem w NATO!

PiS #01:
>M-m-musimy wraz z Bushem iść na wojnę do Afganistanu i Iraku, bo inaczej będziemy gorszym partnerem w NATO!

>M-m-musimy dać embargo wobec Rosji, bo inaczej będziemy gorszym partnerem w oczach USA!

PiS #02:
>M-m-musimy kupić LNG po zawyżonych cenach, przestarzałe helikoptery i rdzewiejące Patrioty, bo inaczej będziemy gorszym partnerem w oczach USA!

You're right, it's so horrible for them that a grand total of like 5 percent of their populations want to be independent.

>our real leader which is POTUS
oh grow up

>oh grow up
ok, so take your military troop and rocket shield away from us, take cia agents back and stop interfering in our political, economy and social system. Then we will be sovereign state

Russia consistently attacks it's allies lol.

>LNG po zawyżonych cenach
>twierdzenie że za ruski gaz nie przepłacamy

In fact, before MH17 the Netherlands was blocking the western sanctions over Ukraine against Russia.

And when the EU boycotted sochi the Netherlands send the King, Prime Minister and minister of foreign affairs to show that we are partners.

ale że amerykański jest droższy niż ruski to wiedz xD dodaj do tego jeszcze koszt budowy i obsługi gazoportu. a do tego trump wczoraj sam cuckował dudę mówiąc, że gaz będze jESZCZE droższy xD

ale dalej łykaj jankeską slinę i krzycz, że to deszcz. zdrówko

> Russia have allies

Yes, only two of them: the army and the fleet...


any proofs?

>twierdzenie że za ruski gaz nie przepłacamy

>Ameryka robi wszystko, by Araby zablokowały Katar i tym samym nasze dostawy gazu
>He he, nie martwcie się Polaczki-robaczki, sprzedam wam gaz, a że nie macie alternatywy, to zapłacicie akurat tyle, ile wam każemy xD

No kisnę z Anona-debila.