FJAAK boiler room edition
Other urls found in this thread:
having a snifter
kettle just boiled
gained 4 pounds
microwave just binged
got mugged for last 4 pounds
wobbly sausage
gave a man 4 british beatings
oven just beeped
carbon monoxide alarm is going off
>>Sup Forums84634848
where're all in here lids
bit quiet out
toaster just popped
doopin' hell what's wrong with me today
poo just plopped
RFID implant just activated
The redpill is the embodiment of everything our gynocentric culture seeks to destroy. It represents sexual strategy that seeks to level the playing field in a rigged game, and knowledge on how to better yourself and become the best man you can be in a rapidly deteriorating society. We are smart, confident, educated men who actively take steps to optimize our lives. We don't play by the rules. (I love making people uncomfortable with that shit.)
almonds just activated
business idea: phone app that posts your battery status to /cum/ every time it goes up or down a percentage.
Will require a Sup Forums pass.
dad just hung himself in his room
kate would definitely be with will if he wasn't a prince
fuck off don't care
my dad did that so please don't joke about it, k hun?
snorted a lot of MSG last night
want to go back to action films before everything was just fucking shitty cliche superhero shit
>frog picture
take it to bri/tv/
Nothing seems to be as timeless as the original Die Hard, Terminator etc. era. Might just be nostalgia but can't think of any recent movies that I'm happy to watch several times just because I haven't seen it in a while.
you know exactly what he means so it isn't wrong
it is a bit tho init
just makes you seem like an idiot. but if you're cool with that then apologies for trying to educate you.
me on the way to work
need a well hanged black man to fuck my boipucci
the point of language is to be understood
when someone says
>my dad just hung himself in his room
you know exactly what they're saying, even if the words might not be 100% correct
i am here
Negronicus was the most famous black Roman
just makes you seem like an idiot. but if you're cool with that then apologies for trying to educate you
this isn't an argument
mite jussed staat typen howeva eye wandt becuz u no wat i em sayen
I wouldn't have called him on it, but I'd certainly call someone on saying it's correct if it isn't.
probably because im not arguing anything.
>black Roman
lol just say Roman in future sweetie :) saves time x
thought this was finnish for a secoond
Think you replied to the wrong post mate
I'm not saying it's correct, I'm just saying that it's not entirely incorrect since you can tell what's being said
looks dutch
said alri twice and nobody replied
Will this work for retrieving data from my old hard drives or am I gonna have to be connecting it to the mobo to power it
Grammatically speaking it is incorrect and that's not open to interpretation. If we followed your rule of 'well as long as it can be understood' we'd all end up typing like those spastic Scots.
Are you supposed to wash your hands after taking a piss
don't fucking care
Seeping into some runt's room lads
i dont after doing a poo most of the time.
>look up pics of the Venezuela protests
>this is one of the first pics
Fuggggg dat body
>Sata to USB
never used one, see if there's anything about it on Youtube.
ah so you're a grammar nazi as well as a normal nazi
very impressive thailad
you're supposed to piss ON your hands - it sterilises them
that's disgusting
>Will this work for retrieving data from my old hard drives or am I gonna have to be connecting it to the mobo to power it
>big tits
how do they do it?
why? i dont get poo on my hands
having no food is bad they said
By being good Christians loyal to God tbqhwy
how can one nation be so qt
I'm not any kind of nazi, again, don't give a shit. You saying something is correct doesn't make it so.
have to use sun cream it's disgusting
might indulge in a morning spliff
you can have that one mate she rotten psml
>You saying something is correct doesn't make it so.
I didn't say it was correct you buffoon.
I said:
>you know exactly what he means so it isn't wrong
isn't wrong != is correct
What a waste. Kill yourself
why is this dunce defending his ignorance so vehemently?
perhaps you should find the correct definition of correct
thunderstorms tomorrow... heheeeee!!!!! hahahaha POO bum
He prefers the not wrong definition
dance my puppets
t. guy who said "hung"
I think he just wants lots of (You)s and /brit/ are retarded enough to give him them
It's amusing that you'd throw syntax into this since you've very fast and loose with correctness.
absolute state of this country, need to be 25 to buy alcohol when it's only 21 in the states
fuck off
ermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, no you don't?????
loved this bait
have a (You) on the house
sorry I'm already being baited at the moment.
post your mummyfus
no thanks I'm full!
still high from last night
did you sleep on the roof?
just hanged a picture up on my wall
just voted for a hanged parliament
Dude, I'm hanged like a horse