July 7th 2017

>July 7th 2017

It's 7th July 2017 you dumb leaf

it's the 5th retard

that's incorrect

that's friday, it is still wednesday


yeah, in the quadratic hemisphere, it's 6th everywhere else

>read something about 2020 in a news site
>think it's at the very least 10 years away
>it's 2 and a half

I need to get a job


I remember having a bit of a breakdown when it hit 2015. Guess I've just come to terms with the mediocrity of my life

Just pathetic

It is really but I didn't ask to be here

Who is controlling you?

No one directly but I continue to live out of obligation for my family

Why don't you just try improving your life for once?

I have been doing so continuously, but I'm now quite literally crippled from work with no prospects because I could never afford higher education. A long time ago I decided that if I have to go through life until they're gone I may as well put the effort in and try, but it simply hasn't worked out for me as it hasn't for many others around the world. Elevating one's position is largely down to a combination of circumstance, work and luck. Unfortunately I come from poor circumstances that have only deteriorated both environmentally (economically/job market) and personally (mental and physical health), as well as a clear lack of luck. If you have a magic way to get me educated or otherwise in a solid career path that doesn't involve unattainable amounts of money I am all ears.

Wish we could turn back time

>quadratic hemisphere

ur a mum lul get fuked m8

The timespeed meme is real. I just turned 23 and settled into a job and it feels like my hours/days/months/years all just sped way the fuck up recently.

getting a job cucks the fuck out of your time

its like fast forwarding through your life

not sure if worth

How else would you live? Let's be real here it's not like NEETs actually utilize their 16 hours of freetime a day.

If you work 40 hours a week you have 72 hours of freetime a week. Hardly "cucking".

Realistically you have a couple hours in the evening mon-fri after work/commute and sorting dinner. Other responsibilities may take from that too. Then the weekend (or one day of it for most young people working in min wage shitshows)

Most young people wouldn't be working minimum wage fulltime unless they were retards.

The alternative being the same but with 2 days at the weekend instead of one

People in university or highschool would work more like 25 hours or less per week.

Okay so an additional hour for going to work and back everyday. Still plenty of time.

Besides what would you honestly do besides work if you didn't have tons of money? Most people would be bored, they would not paint and write books like r9k suggests.