Panslavism is the best choice for any Slavic country. A new Warsaw Pact should be created under Russia's guiding hand

Panslavism is the best choice for any Slavic country. A new Warsaw Pact should be created under Russia's guiding hand.

>No more emigration to Western Europe
>Tripolar world that isn't dominated by the USA and China
>People of similar ethnicity and culture working and fighting for a common cause

>muh Russian boogeyman


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literally no problem with this, USA world hegemony just means we'll overextend ourselves and get fucked like Rome did.
Another white european power to handle at least some of the bullshit, right next to the mideast would be great.

no gommunism please

Very true, to be honest. Estonia should remain allied with Finland though.

>Another white european power to handle at least some of the bullshit, right next to the mideast would be great.

>the world will never calmly divide themselves along pan-ethnic lines for cultural solidarity and just not fuck with one another
>no Greater Germania
>no Neo Rome
>no Pan-Slavic Union
>no Finno-Ugric Confederation
>no Greater Persia

>another military power of comparable strength and influence will surely promote lasting piece!
Because the rivalry with the Parthians and Sassanids worked out so well for Rome?

notice how they really had problems with one another when Rome went full empire, when it was just a comfy yet strong republic hanging on the north of the Mediterranean it was mostly chill, just had some faggot Celts and Jews to deal with

none of them are pan-ethnic

You both belong to Swedistan

i think we misunderstand one another

>Germanic cucks pushing refugees and multiculturalism
>vs. 99% white country that speaks a similar language and looks like us
Gee, I wonder which one Estonia would ally with...

Are lithos slavs? I always thought Balts were pretty much their own group, or are you guys pretty similar?

>Celts and Jews

Lithuanians and Latvians speak the only two surviving Baltic languages in Europe (which have nothing to do with either Slavs or Germanics)
Estonians speak a Finno-Ugric language but are considered Baltic because of their history and geographic location

I just made this thread thinking of Slavic countries, I'm not sure what should happen with Lithuania.

You guys used to have a pretty big empire right? Also what do you feel about the Latvians since they seem like the most similar group of people to you? Would you ally with them?

Who said anything about allying?

Well yes, Lithuanians used to control the territory of modern day Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, thanks for asking.
Latvians are mostly alright, but we don't understand their language, and Latvia has a much higher percentage of Russians among their population. But overall Latvia is an alright country and it's got plenty of interesting sights, foremost among them Riga, which is really beautiful.

Well what did you mean then...?

shut the fuck up mykola

Gauls and Carthaginians are respectively Celtic and Northwest Semitic

>Another white European power
We don't want to be part of your cumskin beta race

Did Rome ever have much problem with the Indians?



Would half slavs be welcome? I know quite a few.

Does anybody know what we are living for?

Why would you even want a panslavic union? It would collapse in a few years (or even months) after being created.

decimation can fix everything