ITT: things Americans never say

ITT: things Americans never say

I'll start: ''I've never shot someone over a pair of Yeezys''

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm white

''I don't have autism''

God save the Queen

Vietnam won the war

only good one so far

"i love how europeans always have anti american circle jerks to compensate for their irrelevance"

I'm going for a diet

"I'm fat."

I lost weight

Sorry, we couped you

(because I AM NOT)



dont get triggered they just love us
give them a hug and they will hug you back


its just banter


"Burma is also called Myanmar and is situated between Thailand and Bangladesh."

"No thanks, I'd rather not die for Israel."

I don't get it

It was a stalemate

oh come on. i honestly have no fucking idea where burma is, somewhere close to india and china i guess. that's too hard.

we didn't lose. we just left everything to the commies

probably the correct answer.
would be better to have the opposite "things americans say" thread. i would copy the best ones and use them later

1776 was a mistake ... and sorry about that tea incident

too real

"of course I can show Lithuania on the map"

"Vaccines work"

I don't think about black people constantly

"I would prefer if you didn't fuck my wife"

Told you.

You could repeae lie as many times you want, but you entered that place to stop the spread of communism, and you failed to do so.

A salad and a regular coke, please.

Realistically all I need for home defence is a long rifle and maybe a handgun. An AR-15 is just for people with insecurities.

The weather outside is currently 16 degrees Celsius.

A handgun or a shotgun is better for HD anyway.

AR-15s are for plinking, medium-game and getting rid of tyrranical governments with.

Despite the memes, 99% of people here acknowledge that we lost the war. There is just a very vocal minority of automata, some of them Vietnam veterans, who grasp at straws and move goal posts in an attempt to deny it.

I know someone who has been gangraped by a pack of muslims

Do people understand how compact an AR carbine is? Do they not understand how small the cartridge it's chambered for is? If gun owners were insecure or "compensating for something" they would all be buying large caliber big game rifles. Even a common hunting rifle in something like 7mm Remington magnum would dwarf an AR.

Seriously, go to a gun store and ask to handle an AR. They're fucking tiny compared to other legacy military rifles like an M1 Garand.

t. Sup Forumsddit

It is too hot in the summer I can't sleep

you're accusing people of being Sup Forums yet you post a literally racist image

Shit I can't go out. All my clothes on the clothes line are still wet.

The microwave is useless

USA IPs make up the vast majority of the entire site, you fucking mongoloid. It's you obnoxious niggers who get pissing when someone doesn't take part in your big insecurity projection shitfest.
When the majority of anons happen to post under the same flag, with consistently the most carcinogenic bullshit, you're damn right others are going to poke fun of it. It's the basis of comedy and how we deal with the fact that your kind aren't going to fuck off any time soon.

Cancerous fucking clap.

Another helping? No thanks I'm watching my weight


I was more hinting at the braindead attitude of assuming Sup Forums and Sup Forums memes are an accurate reflection of reality

I switched gears 2000 times in a stop and go traffic today. Man, I am such a good driver and it is so much fun.

"I believe that the church shouldn't influence politics and that politics shouldn't influence the church."

Global climate change is a serious problem & we need to take the lead in doing something about it.

الله أكبر

Wait, weren't you openly supporting North Vietnam back then?

I say, without malice, sarcasm, or other false intent: God Save the Queen, long may She reign.

The declaration of independence was a mistake and the world be a better place if the Anglosphere was still united under a common crown

Kim Jong Un is a dangerous man. Look, he totally can launch a nuclear missile that would reach California! I would worry about it.

I'll start worrying when Vancouver, Seattle, San Fransisco, Los Angeles, and associated aren't the threatened cities.



>the site is dominated by Americans, taking up maybe half the userbase
>American culture and American ethos dominates the tone of the conversations
>someone from the other 50% of non-Americans points out that maybe a certain aspect of this culture is perhaps slightly idiosyncratic or unusual to them

I ve never met a mexican in my life

I enjoy taking the bus instead of driving.

Jesus, if only.

I know when I make mistakes, and can apologize for them

I will eat the salad


We make beautiful art ;^)


I live in Pennsylvania, there's no Mexicans here, only Puerto Ricans.

"Why yes, I had a life-saving operation and din't go bankrupt. On my way home from the hospital I also wasn't shot"

Yes. We lost the war because we were undermined from within by leftist traitors.

Are you in Philly? Western Pennsylvania is basically Midwest and I wouldn't say there are no Mexicans in the Midwest. inb4 nothing against them, just saying.

"No thanks, I'm full."

"I can see my penis when I look down."

"We started the Mexican-American war, and it was an aggression war based on the Manifest Destiny"

Not Philly, but the eastern part of the state.

It was actually true though, the KGB were funding antiwar/radical groups during the 1960s (as confirmed by docs that came out after the fall of the Soviet Union) and also you had members of the media like Walter Cronkite who were closet leftists presenting falsified accounts of the war to drum up antiwar sentiment.

I have to ask how many hours a day this troll spends on Sup Forums because I never come on here and fail to see a Mexican flag posting walls of anti-US butthurt.

I'll admit, this is difficult with your mom's head in the way.

i need to exercise
t. newfag

Trump is a faggot

Perhaps it would be better if we were a parliamentary democracy with more than two political parties

A 5 yo faggot

>Perhaps it would be better if we were a parliamentary democracy with more than two political parties

>country where you can choose between Labour and Tories at every election

The problem with Vietnam was that it would've been impossible to "win" the war without maintaining a South Korea-like permanent garrison forever. The South Vietnamese client government was far too weak and collapsed the minute it lost US protection.

We had a coalition government from 2010 until 2015 which included a third party.

It was the most cynical, rotten deal ever, though. Don't know how anyone can vote Lib Dem with a straight face.

electoral college in uk when?

They managed to change Tory policy
Would you rather they had abstained 'on principal'?