Fuck you

fuck you

Netherlands stronk

ikr fucking shithole

fuck you

Come to the border.

Come to Glanerbrug und say that in my face. I will reap your soul out of your body, son of a bitch.

fuck you

FUCK you

Why does Nederland h8 Greece?

fuck you

Let's meet if you have a problem, coward. Be a man one time in your life. The border is not far.

fuck netherland huuuuuuh weed fuck you

fuck you
fuck you


stupid krautniggers
fuck you


fuck you

I fucking hate summer fags

fuck you

fuck american pig

shitskin america
subhuman scum

fuck you
fuck you
fuck you
fuck you

ok now you're getting rude FUCK YOU

this thread is beyond leaflevel

didn't know future atlantis was so reddittier

You are Moroccan or some other Afro-Asian, aren't you?

wtf i like weed now