dovahkiin edition
Other urls found in this thread:
love rosy
The willy
the sun goes down
get the muslims out of britain
preferably to the bottom of the sea
Mental night out in south london
good fucking taste
olivia palermo is patrician waifu tier
just sent some litecoin for research purposes
I never done mdma
Some friends told me its best done with a girlfriend because its great for sex
think if I was a racist brainlet I'd off myself
don't ever post my future wife again
Song I lost my virginity to:
kill yourself you retarded autistic prick
cannot fathom your 30 years old face as you type your little posts
string me up from these roofs
diversity is our strength
How come the beggars in London are mostly white? How come you don't have gypsies like we do? How come you even have white beggars, shouldn't their social security save cover them?
wowwwww drugs dude legalise it all its natural bro........
*brain explodes whilst having stroke*
dude im tellin ya the elites are controllin us
i lost my virginity with that anime 24/7 Chillhop livestream playing in the background
worked quite well tbqh
Toot poster is really mad with liam
wrong burger
We drink to our youth, to days come and gone.
For the age of aggression is just about done.
We'll drive out the Stormcloaks and restore what we own.
With our blood and our steel we will take back our home.
Down with Ulfric! The killer of kings!
On the day of your death we will drink and we'll sing.
We're the children of Skyrim, and we fight all our lives.
And when Sovngarde beckons, every one of us dies!
But this land is ours and we'll see it wiped clean.
Of the scourge that has sullied our hopes and our dreams!
Get very hairy legs and I'm very lanky. Is this strange or should I shave me legs
Kill me, Pete
your friend never got pilly willy then
the fabled London Experience
you mean nazis? those bigots don't deserve money that is reserved for oppressed people too mentally scarred by racism to contribute to society
the homeless population has basically tripled in the last 8 years due to new social policies and cuts by the Tories
i remember when i was a kid it was really unusual to see a beggar, now i walk past 3 or 4 every day
fucking tories
get rid of liam now
mandy is a much better name than molly
We do have gypsies but they tend to camp in supermarket car parks and use the toilet facilities in the shop when it opens in the morning.
At least they do where I live
fuck off
death to traitors freedom for skyrim
One day I'm going to marry this girl
knew a girl named molly at school
she had a massive arse
What the fuck is pilly willy
Hahahaha the sound of it hahaha pilly willy
you dont and they are harmless
neeson? gallagher?
when you take certain drugs your willy shrinks into literally nothing
They have a point
>tfw no ethnonationalist Nord gf
Is this why Alan is in Thailand?
*Pillies your willy*
Heh... Tough luck kiddo ;)
More like imjustBASED !!!!
can't read nazi
can someone translate?
>when you hate Britain so much you sympathise with Hitler
is a literal Rasheed running this account?
or just a commie Brit taking self-hatred to the max?
pretty sure we won WW2
I've always known Nolan was a right-wing director, but now he's literally making movies where the Nazis win.
multiculturalism is an anti-western ideology
they say globalism can't be stopped but I don't see any bangladeshi enclaves in tokyo, you don't hear about sharia zones in beijing, saudis in santiago or afghans in taipei. diversity means open season on white nations only. perpetual guilty for white nations only. reparations from white nations only. punishment for white nations only.
pay up piggy
these fists are building up an apetite
no idea what this is
number of reported goats shagged per 100,000 people?
Genuinely don't give a fuck about your gay little internet celebrities you little fucking anorak
umm no sweetie, Russia and the USA won WW2
fuck off you lonely virgin kill yourself bro go join your dead nonce of a father
why do people say nolan is right wing
everything has to be political with these people
can't just have a movie about a moment or a time or a place, just a simple drama
it has to 'say something'
I have filtered sweden, macedona and france
fuck off cumskin
It's definitely not a Brit if you read some of the other tweets. It's ALWAYS in third-person nationality wise. The Brits, The English etc.
Rape and sexual assault casus per population group in 100,000 people or something
the original danelad (actually a British jew) is in germany, has been for ages, but we still call him danelad and he's a neoliberal
now what do we do now that there's another danish regular but he's a rorke?
Just followed her mate thanks she is FIT
But don't you see? Even when Britain was single handedly fighting fascism, it wasn't fighting well enough.
>bums a bloke
Don't worry lads, he had long hair and was wearing make up so I'm not a poof.
anyone can move anywhere. but why would you move to Mogadishu or Lahore?
number of sex crimes per 100.000 people of various immigrant backgrounds
didn't even notice him
Probably some salty celtcuck Irishman
is caralad still alive?
his films are fash as fuck
japan's decline over the last 20 years is due to it not taking in enough immigrants or having enough babies, they also have a growing turkish population. China is poor, but still has millions of non chinese working there, from different cultures. China also has hundreds of ethnic minorities from different cultures. Dunno about taipei
Tell the user that filtered me i hope he gets pilly willy
Sincierly sashko macedonian poster
racism is a totally natural and rational reaction to outsiders. blind trust in the unknown is also called "suicide".
sounds like projecting
there are very authoritarian/reactionary undertones in the Batman trilogy and Interstellar
nolan doesnt make good films hes just another american
in germany?
he got a job and deleted his Cara folder
I'm an intellectual, so the "Rorke" label doesn't fit
boyfriend just sent me this
trying to listen to Kid A again
it's just a guy howling
why do people like this?
me neither
almost certain its an irishman or indian/pakistani
Nice try to trolling french shit
I hope gypsis rape your sister and give her hepatitis c
it's not natural or rational
even if it was, that doesn't make it good or acceptable
there are lots of things that are "Natural", which we rightly suppress or ignore for the good of ourselves, society and our fellow human beings
may have to filter this frenchie
I would rather have a japanese style population crisis than have third world shitskins living here, anyone else agree? Fuck it, I'll work until I'm 72 if I means ahmed stays in syria and dies in the desert where he belongs.
yeah it was in germany