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International #773
/völkisch/ auch bekannt als /deutsch/
I'm bored
American culture
Is it true the non-Americans don't get cars for their 16th birthday?
What happens here?
Jokes from your country
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Faces of Sup Forums
1. the latin american country you like the most
Do people in your country hate their capital/biggest city?
Western Europe
How do you fuck a girl ?
Are Indo Europeans practically subhumans
ITT: We bully people learning our native language
Hilo latino de amistad
Japan thinks we're poor people with God-tier cuisine and an obsession with Cod
...and THIS is why you anus, little bro
Why are leaf women so beautiful?
Is it true that the Irish are considered lower class people in the UK?
This triggers the Anglo
How many times a day do you physically get out the house Sup Forums?
This is what the average brazilian girl looks like????
Hey user, I'm a tourist here, can you show me some of the highlights of you're town?
Will the Slavs ever recover?
So user, where do you work?
British Banter
Why brazil has the best of all people in of the world?
If you got a girl pregnant would you leave her?
Kurva anyátok
French culture vs UK culture
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
When will Norway and Sweden declare war on each other?
Why are illegal immigrants so common in Italy yet italians keep bringing in more?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Spain occupies two ciies in Africa
Tfw drunk on a thursday at 11am
Is The Groke a he or a she in your country?
Rip in pieces
How can white men even compete?
I fixed the world, lads
Is it true Europeans don't like juice?
Today is the 43th anniversary of liberation of Cyprus
What is Sup Forums opinion on this ancient european neanderthal woman reconstruction
White supremacist leader says US must 'become a nation again'
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT # 1882
What dos dog say in your language?
Wtf Im whiter than a slav
/urban/ - Comfy Edition
When you realize your peers from highschool are achieving impressive things while you waste your life on an anime...
Why are Mediterraneans most beautiful people?
1.Your country
Ywn get brutally gangraped by the argentine womens hockey team
Skyline Thread
No one fucking likes germans. Not even Americans, it's all lies
Why are American soldiers so weak?
Does Scandinavia have an underclass?
What is their fucking problem?
Whitewashing in movies
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Asia opinion map thread
What race are French people?
What race are Mexicans?
Could i pass as local in your cunt
European Opinion Map thread
What race are Brazilians?
What do Britshits think of the new U.S. Embassy in London?
When it comes to entertainment which language is better to learn Japanese or Korean?
ITT we say something that will offend the poster above within 10 or less words
Do you support Israel?
Why aren't you Celtic /bant/?
Do anglos have feelings?
R8 my beard int
Norwegians have no clue what a finland is
What's happening here?
/urban/ + /architecture/
TFW becoming less racist
How "liberal" are Turkish girls?
Μegali Hellas
How come Italians never talk about their Roman heritage? Unlike Poles/Brits etc...
Helmpflicht auf /deutsch/
How Russian user can be virgin
The sky turned greenish and ultrabright and something just fucking fell to the ground and now there is black smoke what...
How do I get a finnish gf?
Opinions of the nu-left from your country?
Look up people I went to highschool with on LinkedIn
Idol in brazil
Which special needs Pepe best sums up your country?
What is the symbol of misfortune in your culture?
What is Merkel's end game? Is it world peace?
Damn it feels good to be nordinc
/Hahnrei/ auch besser bekannt als /deutsch/
33% of all Bavarians want to be independent, recent studies concluded
Sverigetråden - Fylleupplagan
What are your thoughts on the French people?
Would your race mix with a Finnish girl?
Why are white people so colorful? Blue eyes, green eyes, light hair with all sorts of colors and highlights...
/balt/ + /aunz/ - /neetlith/
Why does Sup Forums look down British food and American food?
Post the most Taiwanese picture you have
How can one man be so based?
/hell/-gr The fucking christians have taken over edition
Wake up
Daily reminder Italy lost a war vs Ethiopia
When was the last time your country won a war?
Is nakedness a taboo in your country?
Mfw cute estonians try to escape my basement
Why couldn't I have been born French, Italian or British? Or even American
Should they be suspended from NATO for collusion with Russia?
July 20th, 2017
Tfw shitalian
Why are Indians so fucking creepy?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono: Edição do Faustão
Which words you put when you search porn
Hello, Good Morning, How are you doing today?
1.your country?
The death rates in Russia are higher than the birth rates again
Neu deu fad ehemals /deutsch/
/balt/ Not welcome
What boo are you?
You will die alone
Once chance in life
Tfw never heard despacito
Where do I get my Russian bf?
There are shitskin women on Sup Forums right now
/esp/ - Hilo español
English Teacher Appreciation Thread
Chadpals /cp/ culture pals
/ita/ - Il Filo - Edizione pietosa
I've always been depressed and chronically poor...
Why is Putin the most powerful man in the world according to Forbes?
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Let's be honest...
Kurva anyátok
If you won $1 million playing the lottery, what would you do?
Why do americans consume so much fizzy drink?
No one ever says nice things about my country even though it's one of the greatest countries in the world to live in...
American Television™
Does everyone just forget that up until the 90's east Germany was a literal totalitarian commie regime?
How do u feel about hitler
Great Firewall of China
Would you say Australia is less cucked than Canada? Looking to get away from this shithole...
What's the most popular interracial couple in your country?
What are they hiding from us?
Why can't we be friends?
How does Sup Forums organize their reaction images?
Hilo pajero
Finnish bus stop behavior is fascinating
Show us your living room, Sup Forums
Why doesn't Japan just accept more immigrants to help their birth rates and economy? Is it because they are too racist?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Will America be able to remain the world's premier superpower with its expanding Latino population?
Brazilian makes a thread about brazil
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplaga
This is the Saddam Hussein appreciation thread
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
France would be cool.. if it spoke English instead of F*ench
If you live in Americas and dont look like this, please get out of my continent
/éire/ /eire/
Was 2006 the last year to feel "normal", before social media, smartphones, Big Bang Theory, "nerd culture"...
Why are European women having sex with refugees? Are European men that much of a loser?
/fr/ - Le francofil des ombres
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Why do some semities get these ridiculous tattoos indicating wut dey wuzz?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Which cunt do brits hate more, france or germany?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What can we do to help Haiti?
Maisie edition
Your country
Why are Europeans the best at combat sports?
/cum/ Cambodia Uganda Macedonia
Hey Sup Forums I have one round-trip pass to any country in Europe. Where should I go and why?
We make the best bread go fuck yourself subhuman
Do Anglos feel stupid that they're unable or lack a motivation to learn second language...
Oriental girls are the most beautiful
Reminder that Trump voters were afraid of this
Asian men can't be masc--
If you were brutally murdered tomorrow, what could you say you gave of worthwhile value to your country?
/sino/ - 中文
Finally, no longer a Mexican citizen :)
Why is Southern Cone thinks they are white if they look like Mexicans?
Why are we so smart?
Perfect latin america cant exi-
Argentina isn't as bad as the rest of south amer-
/lang/ - Language Learning
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Brazil is third wo-
German humor appreciation thread
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
Could i pass as a local in your country?
Plz come to panama
All of South America is basically just like Mexico right?
Hilo amerindio
Start 2 world wars
Why are Anglos so swarthy?
Guess the ethnic group of this man
1. Your country
Literally lose to war against itself
What did they mean by this? Am I hispanic now?
How do we save Mexico from the corrupting influence of Latin America??
Ireland, Mexico and Italy start posting in the same thread
/balt/ /ausnz/
"Hey... is that user? Whoa man where have you been it's been so long...
/ita/ - il filo
Thread about Italy
American foreign policy will never return to preWWII era isolation
The weather truly knows where white people reside in Europe
/deutsch/ und /antihellvetia/
We wuz chinks n' shiet
Fuck Argentina!
Can I get a redpill on haggling?
Americoons will defend this
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see this flag?
Why can't we be friends?
Your first international crush thread
/polska/ - edycja prawilna polimitowa
Hows that business coming along user?
The origin of his family, name and language don't match
Most iconic book set in every country
Why does Germany hate the Jew so much?
ITT:Countries that have no purpose and nothing would be lost if they would just disappear
How do you stop 5 Serbian guys from raping a Muslim chick?
Why do you hate us?
Americans will defend this
Has anyone seen my country? i can't seem to find it and i'm worried :(
So which race will you be race mixing with?
Is Europe doomed?
Question for Polish people: Do you regard your country as corrupt and poor...
What is your honest, unfiltered opinion on Mexico?
Can we discuss asian born americans? Why are north american asians all just fucking disgusting scum...
I think italian food is overrated. I don't really see the apeal of it. All it is, is some pasta, some rotting meat...
Would you race mix with an Uralic Fingol girl?
Would you racemix with a Asian girl?
Wtf is going on in Sweden?
Are Muslims allowed to masturbate?
Finland posts in your thread
Eastern Civilizations are Forever
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Why don't you have a gun, Sup Forums?
Is it autism?
What's for dinner, Sup Forums?
1. Your country
ITT Countries that you always forget exist
Post the cunts you love
Why YOU hate Russia?
What do you think about Russian (Ukraine)?
Why couldn't we be like them...?
There's this autistic french poster who constantly posts this picture for no reason and spam HEEEHEHEHEE
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Not a single drop of French blood
1. your country
What's the most weeaboo country?
/normie/ 2.0 ehemals /deutsch/
We Turks are european hence can pass as local in white countries
Am I the only one who thinks this s.korean president is a north korean spy?
Why are French so manlet and weak?
North Korea completed Nuclear bomb
What was your country's worst ever mistake?
Are there people here that genuinely want a white ethnostate?
Remove keba-
Italian Marxist theorist and activist in the autonomist movement Franco "Bifo" Berardi has resigned from his position...
Do your co-workers steal from the workplace? Mine do. I guess if you pay peanuts you get monkeys
ITT: Post countries that will not exist within five years
Kurva anyátok
Why exactly does this board attract the most mentally ill posters?
Your country
Your gods:
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
/balt/ + /Don't know what to write in here/ High tech:
Which country would you completely wipe off the map?
Why is Sideways Germany still occupied by the French?
Why are they so perfect
Look this negro, he thinks that he has crossed to paradise
Who has the better language?
/v4/ + friends
/normie/ ehemals /deutsch/
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/urban/ + /architecture/
No one hates Hungary
Would you racemix with a Turk girl?
Try to remove kebab
Why aren't you Germanic Sup Forums ?
Playing overwatch
Should the British have kept India rather than let them be independent?
WTF I hate Britain now
Japan doesn't have a word in its native language for "love."
Why did South America suddenly become as cold as the North Pole?
Makes your nationality want to kill yourself?
I will find you
It's actually snowing in south-brazil right now
So... Abu from bambamstan just came to america. He got his american passport. Is Abu american?
Let's make German the lingua franca
"user so you're telling me you don't work, nor do you attend postsecondary education...
I want to eat kebab
Am I white?
Is your country safe?
Would someone like me be able to get a girlfriend in your country?
Never forget
Non-general Southeast Asia (aka 'hot Asia') thread
WTF is wrong with Americans?
Ancient Greece was nordic
/ESP/ Hilo español maoísta
/ex-ussr/ general
Ah yes... the latin countries <3
Is it better to take a shower at night or in the morning?
Why are Japanese posters so weird compared to everyone else?
This is France and Germany
When will J*pan answer for warcrimes?
What do you guys think about Pre-1949 China?
Why does Finland like coffee so much?
Anglo "R"
Would you rather
/balk/ + /mkd/
The absolute state of Poland
/IRA/+/STAN/ ''Sons of Timur'' edition
When will they be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity?
The Russians I have been told are not human beings at all,they are lower in the scale of nature than the orangutan
America has invaded my town :(
"Virgin boy eggs are a traditional dish of Dongyang, Zhejiang...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1. Your country
You need to start marketing yourself, Finland
/ita/ il filo
Kurva anyátok
How do you harden your penis in your country?
Why should we speak and use English?
Do boys like to pretend to be girls in your country? Pic related
Can we get a best of Sup Forums thread?
That one edgy kid who refused to pledge allegiance to the flag
A Saudi woman wore a miniskirt and published her video to snapchat
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
I genuinely hate this country and every poster from it
ITT: Insult the person above you based on flag
American in Buenos Aires. what's a good night club I can go to? also, why is Argentinian food so bland?
Subhumanness index, how subhuman are you?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Would you racemix with an italian girl?
Our foreign policy is a disaster, our country is being replaced by third world migrants...
The jury criticised Yilmaz for displaying “gaps” in her knowledge of the municipal recycling system and for not...
Post a pic of your city 100 years ago
Do people in your country love The Netherlands?
What you looking at white boy ese?
White people have no lips
Asian men are unattract-
ITT: Draw your country in MS paint from memory alone and mark where you live with a red dot
Do Argentines get furious if you call them Latinos
Why are there no Sub-Saharan African posters on Sup Forums? Where are they?
Do you miss the early-mid 2000s era of things, Sup Forums?
Why doesn't the US and Canada have an Open Border Policy like the EU? They aren't enemies, have good relstionships...
Asian women are the bes-
Tell me about your grandpas war exploits
If the white race is superior, then why are their countries being conquered and their women impregnated by shitskins?
What place do the ancient Mayans occupy in Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador's national consciousness?
Disgusting Amerindian shitholes
Islam bitchslap thread
Culture Pals /cp/ general
My Czech great-grandmother had a dairy cow named Misoola/Mizoola not sure how it's spelled but it's pronounced...
Hilo soleado
The Ⲝ &そconnection
Is it true that Sup Forumss quality is down?
Ok you memelords give me one(1) reason as to why europe is better than the USA
How do we stop the Greeks?
Why dont you have a European gf?
Go to fast food place
Born in one of the best countries in the world
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
How do Spaniards feel about sudaca immigration to Spain...
I stopped dairy and gluten and I don't feel too good today, become focused but aggressive...
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Australia has no cultur-
Redpill me on this region
You're city
Updated map of 1st world countries
Blocks Your Path
Why do Argentinians hate Italians so much?
What is the point of this?
Should we worry? This USA-tier literacy. They might actually be evolving too fast afterall
What do people in your country eat for (((breakfast)))?
If South America is so shit, then why are other countries always trying to embargo and sabotage us?
Is Australia exotic to Europe? They are basically British but it's always sunny and hot or cool
Austria is a country well known for its
Russia+China vs Baltics
/hell/ Hellas General Ελλάς
Could I pass as a local in you're country?
French Kiss
Why are most nationalists from shitholes or poor countries?
Europeans dominate the /G7/
Sup Forums WILL dispute this
Are Asians bros?
Why do Germans integrate so well?
Do Muslim girls in your country wear trendy western fashion like leggings, sneakers...
Is South Africa more influenced by the British or Dutch?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
This confuses and enrages the european
Wake up
Finland is a country well known for its
So THIS ... is the true power of ... colombian women ... wHoA
Why is France such a weeb country? Apparently France is the biggest consumer of anime and manga after Japan...
Post parts of your country which are universally reviled
You all don't actually hate Germans, right?
Sverigetråden-Ursvenska upplagan
Do other languages have their equivalent of 'ebonics' like English...
This is a thread in which we discuss the Frankish language and culture
This is a Japanese princess
Your cunt
/sino/ - 中文
1. you're country
There's no language that's mutually understandable with english
Your country is at war
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Is it normal to marry black girl in your culture?
So tell me... why haven't you moved to your cunt capital yet?
Name a more iconic duo
/lang/ Language Learning paшн идишн
Be muslim
410,757,864,530 DEAD COPS edition
What is the weather like in your country?
Would you racemix with a turk girl
Kurva anyátok
Culture Pals - /cp/
How did Greece go from being cradle of civilization to such a big shithole?
Question for Taiwan Anons
Say something nice about Germany
/balt/ + /whoever/ Anime:
Why are Germans so fascinated in conquering Western Europe since forever?
How many girls have you banged, Sup Forums?
Sverigetråden - Oanständiga upplagan
What is LA like?
At least you live in Europe
Catholic filth
You wake up in 1900
German Reunification
/deutsch/ Autolordedition
How does feel to speak our language?
Why do Americans dress like this?
S-stop making fun of brazil please
Tfw isr*eli
I love north korea
Sup Forums Freaky Tuesday
STAAAHHP associating us with Mexico!!!
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT # 1880
"Lifting is a useless waste of time and cannot transform you into a Chad-"
Sverigetråden - Vänner för all tid upplagan
/ita/ il filo
Weapon most likely to equipped in ordinary home
How do you deal with the pain, fellow Yurocucks?
1. Your country
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
USA Admiration thread
Conscription thread
ITT: Famous inventions from you're cunt
Random Hate of Turkey
What is the general opinion on interracial relations and marriage among people of your ethnicity?
It's so strange that Americans have pushed their concept of whiteness into Europe and some idiots actually bought it
Tfw surrounded by shithole countries
Does your country have nice landscapes?
This confuses and enrages the modernist
Is Uruguay just a small Argentina?
Hilo latino de vacaciones en vallarta
Why do white americans care so much about their european heritage but ger angry when black americans care about their...
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Sverigetråden - Min fv upplagan
*sits in your chair*
Is there a more vile, disgusting, reprehensible, shitstain of a fucking country than GERM-money?
/esp/ - Hilo español, edición: Peces con tupe
"So user what else do you do besides the computer and going to the gym?"
/deutsch/ Hauptsache lustig im Internet
What is wrong with racists? Why cant they understand we're all one human race and we should unite?
Any wh*tey up for a fight ? Must be around paris
Is this what a pancake looks like in your country?
What kind of motorcycle do you ride Sup Forums?
Why do foreigners want to cum to japan I dont want them inside here
Average Ukrainian gril
Which ethnic group in the world produces the best amount of effeminate and cute men?
I consider myself a Thai twink
Ask a spanish police man anything AMA
Who is really to blame for the failed experiment that was the Ukraine?
/ex-ussr/ general
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...