American culture

>American culture

I wonder who's behind that post

its cuck or be cucked out here

Black dude is good looking and she still cucks him

What is it women want?

That's actually his baby though. American blacks are like 20% European, so a white looking baby isn't odd at all. Bet his pigment comes out as he gets older though, along with the facial bones to follow.

>black dude
>good looking
The absolute state of yank, oh deary me


haha was it opposite day?

Mike Conly is actually a super nice guy. Idk if this is real but I'm sure he respects women.
I'm sure you're some Adonis.

I'm actually quite handsome yeah, and I'm white so instantly win against some cucked nigger or child raping paki

And they say blacks can't accent white mens' inventions.


looks dont even matter with mike conley, he is literally the highest paid basketball player in the country yet still lets himself get cucked

wait this is a basketball player? how did he get cucked

His wife fucked another man, dumb leaf

Nah Harden just got that huge contract m8, and if we're talking on a yearly basis a few make more than him. Not to mention if we include sponsorships he's not even close.
Post face time stamped to be sure.

ashley cole fucked some dyke tranny while he had cheryl cole at home

people are weird


its the century of cucks

Кaк вы дyмaeтe, вы мoжeтe этo cдeлaть? У мeня ecть нoвocти для вac, пpиятeль: вы нe мoжeтe. Bы дoлжны были ocтaвить eгo, КAК ЭTO БЫЛO, и вы нe мoгли дaжe выпoлнить этy oднy пpocтyю зaдaчy. Я coбиpaюcь пoйти к зeлeнoй гигaнтcкoй хo-хo-хo нa биpжy, yблюдoк.

Your post looks like one of those funny signs in """Russian""" you can see in Asia. Thank you fro the good chuckle.

A large variety of dick.