Speaks with Latino accent

>Speaks with Latino accent

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Honestly it bugged me. It sounded like he was putting one on.

But then again this while movie was filled with goofy accents.

He's supposed to be Jewish

my face when he shot that informant in the back

Well, he's Mexican

Why are British people speaking with a British accent any better?

>since I was SIX years old!

I loved when he told off Jyn and the rest of his crew. Cassian was based

why is Star Wars character using AR-15?

>triggers drumpfkins


most of the blasters in the star wars universe are just modified versions of real life weapons

i knew i recognized him from somewhere

You sure that's not a FAMAS?

you know

Based Diego

If all Mexicans looked like that we would not need a wall

I support Trump and don't give a shit about this guy being in SW.
The issue that get us triggered is illegal immigrants, and then mexicans get triggered because we dare to say that US law should be respected, or that there are at least some consequences for breaking those laws. Apparently that's a very evil and triggering thing to do, when you try to uphold rule of law in your country.

>speaks with an occasionally British accent

White Americans are even uglier

Blaster props have always been built out of real world guns. Han's famous sidearm began life as a broomhandle Mauser.


no way jose

>Honestly it bugged me. It sounded like he was putting one on.

Some latino actors actually do that. Remember Oberyn from Game of Thrones? In real life, the actor talks like a normal American guy, the heavy Spanish accent was something he just did for the show.

Still pissed Waj wasn't in this movie

I dont know but his clip is awfully short

Space-Latino accent, I'll have you know.

I'd wager that's entirely different though.
Dorne = geographically isolated area

But yeah I don't care, it was just funny that he sounded like he was trying to be seductive

Rubbah dingy rapids broo

Rubber dingy rapids!

Im not even into guns or rifles like that but how could you even think thats a famas?

probably by being very underage, kids say the dumbest shit

>They make the Mexican a Sicario hitman assassin

Ummmmmm racist much?????

At least he is white

mfw you wanted him to speak redneck accent.

why is he so cute bros?

>Lot's of Planets have a North.

call of duty modern warfare 2

The sight. A lot of videogames have only one gun with that kind of sight and that's the famas, so kids think of it as "that gun with the handle on top".

i played a lot of MGS in my youth and im pretty sure its FA-MAS


I thought it was French. But I was wrong.