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Television and Film
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Television and Film #774
Television and Film
How hyped is Sup Forums about this ?
Find a flaw
Half-Blood Prince is the comfykino reigning champion of all Potter films. Prove me wrong
Be Royal Guardsmen
Characters confirmed for Infinity War
What happened? Was it real? I don't know what to think anymore
He stinks and I don't like him!
How about a thread about stuff that totally went over your head as a kid?
3.5 Million vieww in a day
Let's just talk about Rogue One
Martin Scorsese compares Trump to Bill the Butcher (Gangs of New York)
ITT: movie characters that remind you of yourself
Why is Sup Forums mad about their rogue one review? They were exactly right
The ending made me cry like a fucking bitch
ITT: fapbait
...don't that painting look dusty?
Is TJ Miller the new DUDE WEED LMAO?
FOTR - 9/10 almost perfect but frodo sucks dicks
Over the top laugh track
Gimme some Horrors
Thoughts on the 50 most acclaimed films of the 21st century Sup Forums?
About to lose an argument
Tfw you're the only one smart enough too appreciate the films of Zach Snyder
It's a Howard is jealous of his good looking male guest episode
"This will only hurt... A LOT!"
Computer, create the perfect human specimen
So now it is being confirmed when India is to be a SUPER powet in 2020 will we then be seeing the rise of Bollywood...
Videogames, anime and tv shows are a form of art
Can we just talk about how great it is to have a prequel that actually makes sense...
I took a snapshot of the Catalog and the first 24/30 posts are all in the following theme;
Why does alex jones not get enough media attention when he drops straight truth bombs?
The Empire Strikes Back
Brendan Fraser explains why Tom Cruise is starring in "The Mummy" and he's not
Be Kylo Ren
Is she the most beautiful actress?
Draco Malfoy
Matt and Trey Parker to hire Sam Hyde as writer for South Park
Time to Settle Sir Ridley
Was it autism?
Best movies of the decade so far
Isn't a clone army really unethical? I mean they're all essentially slaves/cannon fodder to the republic
Is Wanda the most powerful character in the MCU?
ITT: Documentary Kino
Guess the actors - mouth edition
Why don't A-list actresses do "HEY LOOK AT MY TITS AND JERK OFF"-type roles anymore?
Movies introducing SJW ideas before it's time
What does Sup Forums think of Neon Demon?
We have a mission for you
'Isle of Dogs' announcement
Help me please
Dude marxism v capitalism lmao
Scared, Potter?
Need more films with subliminal messages
ITT: sound design
Why are there no movies like this? This and Shadow of the Colossus. Both have a more epic...
Overrated films thread
Why was this movie called Rogue One?
Concept art thread II
Is Zoe Saldana a good actress?
Well you should ask your granma, she didn't seem so picky when we saved her ass in WW2!
It's you who's out, Gobbie. Out of your mind!
First L'Ambassadeur, and now this - truly this is the week of kino
Watching the Community episode where Subway buys Greendale
Bring Back Brendan /gen/
Galen Erso
What did she mean by this?
2 would give their lives to protect you, the others will do anything to kill you
I don't give a fuck about Moana underperforming
If you could push a button and kill every poster who holds a certain opinion about television and/or film...
Did he deserve it?
What was the secret to this shows success?
I just got back from seeing this and I felt the need to vent
Where is he in rogue one?
Rogue One flopped
What should be added to the list before we cast our votes, boys?
Check the catalog
You come here
Were the prequels just misunderstood?
Try to see what this h3h3 podcast is about
Post 10/10 actresses that deserve better careers
What am I in for?
What is the shittiest celebrity death?
Are the Chinese the most retarded filmgoers on earth?
Whatever happened to these movies? They just came out and vanished? did they flop...
Why is this amazing series never discussed here?
How do I be* rich?
ITT: Scenes that blew your mind
Do you find this ironic?
Le euthanize my dog because of my wife's son face
Does anyone else think that when Chris Chan eventually dies...
Should i watch it?
You can only post in this thread if you watched the best show this year
ITT: Sequels and spin-offs that were better than the original
Childhood is idolizing George Bailey. Adulthood is realizing Mr. Potter makes more sense
Is Sean Connery James Bond a Chad?
So why does this board have a very obvious bias against anything Disney...
How's the kino watching going today, my wife's son?
Blade Runner 2049 teassr
Thoughts on this film?
80's Hong Kong pew pew pews
Timetravel Shows and Movies?
I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?
So whos gunna see it
Gf just sent me this
Skeleton about to attack
Why exactly is Episode V considered the best Star Wars film (>inb4 the "but its le rogue one xD" meme)...
Can I get some anime movie recommendations...
Just watched this, wasn't very good
Why is this not being made into a movie yet? Disney are sitting on a fuckin gold mine
What went wrong?
Does Sup Forums love Poppy as much as I do?
Claim your Sopranos waifu
Who 13th Warrior here
Is Alison Brie, quite literally, /ourgirl/?
Are you excited for pic related?
Budget: $150 million
Diversity in Hollywood
Let's get a thread going about Japanese actresses
Best Sherlock Holmes
Post random film screenshots
Is that supposed to be intimidating?
Name a more perfect ending
Idea for a Darth Vader spin off movie
We all agree he is the undisputed king of late night, yes? his show is the only one i can stand...
It's an user gets drunk in his childhood bedroom and watches horror movies alone episode
Actresses you'll watch anything for, regardless of the quality
So prey = whites and predators = blacks?
Thoughts on this hiney?
Jedha is a desert planet that has a holy site for pilgrims
Will we ever get a good Ayn Rand movie? I fucking loved Atlas Shrugged and Objectivism is god tier ideology...
What are some great shows from your childhood?
/got/ general
Is this kino?
"Vader makes a pun, it's so lame"
Favourite/ Best movie of 2016
Go to theatre alone
Rate the stars movies in order
Thoughts on this hiney?
DChad General
Is his career over?
Is this where the Harry Potter franchise peaked?
Tarantino is that rare weeb who actually likes black people
What's your dream HBO project, Sup Forums?
Kyber crystals
Why are critics shitting on this?
Lena Dunham: I ‘Haven’t Had an Abortion, But I Wish I Had’
Did Rogue One revitalize anyone elses love for Star Wars again?
Guess the actor
Star Wars Episode 8 comes out next year. What does Sup Forums think of it?
Post your favourites, respectfully rate others, et cetera
Meet your new Lando, Sup Forums
It's Spreading
Miss Sloane BOMBS
Jyn Erso
Which episode did he Break Bad?
Let me be blunt. Is there a digits crisis on Sup Forums today?
People hate this guy because he tells the truth
Hi, i'm steve-o and this is the-HUUURRRAAAAGGHHUHGH
Justified>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Breaking Fag
Just finished watching it, was it good?
Literally the most autistic scene in the history of filmography
Christmas movies you make sure to watch every year
Fight Club
Why arent you watching this god tier show?
Has anybody watched this on netflix yet? if you haven't then don't bother, it was trash...
Exhales heavily through nose
Find a flaw
Did you ever stop rooting for this guy? And if you did, when?
What do darth vader and palpatine do in their freetime and after they killed and supressed all their enemies and rules...
Has anybody seen this? Is it good?
What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?
Hey guys just debating on what to get my gf for christmas. Do you think she would like a Sam Hyde T shirt...
Does this look familiar to anyone?
Serious question: Which CGI face did you find worse in Rogue One? Tarkin or Leia?
What am I in for?
When he inevitably directs his magnum opus of a film, what will it be about?
Would you let them in?
If there was a paid subscription service where you could watch actual, live bloodsport
Alright Sup Forums what is your expectation for Blade Runner 2049?
What does Sup Forums sit on when they watch Sup Forums?
Ive never seen national lampoon xmas vacation or an episode of its always sunny in Philadelphia
Is Sin City 2 worth a watch at all?
Some poor guy got fired for this didn't he?
Are there any realistic movies where Chad doesnt win?
Indian """cinemas"""
Perfect biopics don't exi-
I still don't know what's Darth Vader's plan. Create an empire? Empire of what? why...
All my respect to dreamworks
The Force Awakens vs Rogue One
What's bigger than Star Wars?
Remember this?
Alec Baldwin's Pay for 'SNL' Trump Impression is Very Low
I'm watching jeopardy. How can a game that requires so much knowledge have such a low payout for winning...
Did Disney fuck it up by killing off the more charismatic qt?
How valuable were muh pelts?
"The Batman"
What is your go to film as background noise so you dont feel lonely?
Why is this masterpiece rarely ever talked about?
Is this gonna become a thing now that starwars has done it?
ITT: After this piece of shit fell flat on it's face, we come up with better Star Wars spin-offs
What is the essential Roman Catholic {Kino,Cinema,Film,Movie,Flick}, my fellow Christian Anons?
Is it overrated?
Why do they keep putting JLaw in things now that we have superior JLaw in the form of Haley Bennett?
Reminder to report all non-MDE threads
There's no actor better suited for the role of James Bond than Idris El--
Who is the new Authority On Movies Now That He Is Gone?
Kate Beckinsale lets her daughter Lily feel her Fleshlight
So these guys are on Jedha (or whatever) in the city and of course they bump into our protagonists just for REFERENCE...
Best movies of the decade so far
New 'Alien: Covenant' photo of Katherine Waterston armed
Is this the best high school movie ever made?
You put a jacket like this on every girl wants to fuck you
Is this kino?
Eligible projects must showcase this in two of the following ways, as the BBC reported: On-screen characters and themes...
Geez, you guys really overrated the HELL out of the Darth Vader scene (SPOILERS)
Why does this pig-faced cunt even get any "acting" jobs?
Where were you when Sup Forums got BTFO by Jay?
What was his fucking problem?
Which is better?
What did they mean by this?
On the Wonder Woman U.N. backlash
There is still not a movie about the greatest man who ever lived
This is one of the most uncomfortable and unfunny things I've ever watched
Is this kino?
What are some Sup Forums boards that are completely irredeemable at this point?
Honest question, why wouldn't you want to shoot a guy before throwing him out of a plane?
What film of 2016 had best doggo?
What are the best movies about foreshadowing and betrayal?
Will that be with or without butter, sir?
I ffinally finished binging SW Rebels and figured I'd give Clone Wars a shot on Netflix
You've got 3 seconds to name your're most favorite Star Wars character, mines Princess Leyla
Why didn't they just nuke the jungle?
"Don't CHOKE on your ambition."
'sorry chuck, I know I've been teasing you for 2 whole seasons and we've been making out on numerous occasions...
John Leguizamo
ITT: Essential Christmascore
Felicity "rat face" jones
Any trump voters here? I want to kick your ass
Jay hates Blade Runner, but liked Blade Runner 2049 trailer and wants to see it when it comes out
THE EMOJI MOVIE - Official Teaser Trailer (HD)
What did this last shot mean exactly?
Why does Sup Forums never talk about this show
This is about race, right?
Welcome to Kays Cooking Channel
Seriously what the fuck were they thinking when they made this scene...
What's next for her career?
What are the reprecussions of becoming a big guy in a short time?
Woah...really makes you think
The age of blackino is upon us
Explain how this idiotic franchise with those ridiculous costumes and retarded names made so much money
How did Tony know Christopher when they were children if Chrissy is Carmelas cousin?
When did you outgrow movies?
I ain't leavin until I get that vase!
Karen Fukuhara
/rtvg/ /sg/ /bb/ /sur/
28ish minutes into the first episode of the h3h3 podcast...
What the fuck did I just watch?
Star Wars kino is back
Ask a former Disney shill anything
Don't mind us, literally the only 2 "heroes" in the movie you give a fuck about, while everyone else is an unlikable...
Both of the leads in Star Trek: Discovery will be female:
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
Well, Sup Forums?
Newt Salamander
I honestly think that Zack Snyder should direct a Power Rangers movie
Their worst video to date?
What does Sup Forums think of Mads "Mad Mike" Mikkelsen?
Blade Runner 2049
Wait, why wasn't the chair hologram too? Wouldn't that make more sense...
Leave capeshit to us
Starting in 2019, if your film isn’t diverse, it won’t be eligible for a BAFTA Award
I want my goddamn Alien trailer
"I want to ______ Elle Fanning"
Now that Margon has married a guy with restraining order against Leto and who's producing the next Harley Quinn movie...
Terror attacks all over the place
Sup Forums has memed itself into liking the prequels
Snoke in Rogue One
Can we talk about how great this was?
Ban the word "Kino"
WEBMM thread
Films your gf really really likes
It's Irelands biggest lingerie section I understand. I read that...somewhere
ITT: actresses that are considered attractive, but really aren't
Who's better?
How the fuck are these things all supposed to be the same species?
/trek/ General: Miles, Where's My Aromatic Tholian Holly Edition
Another decent Star Wars fanfilm imo. What do you think Sup Forums?
Disney gives us another volatile Emo villain
How can someone that looks like HER, marry someone like THAT
Rey's bushy, unwashed, greasy, smegma filled scavenger pussy is 20 portions. She gives BJ's for 5 portions
Has Disney Channel ever produced something that can be considered kino?
The Chinese Fireball...ooooooh!
User's have been posting and meming in the four corners of the internet for many hundreds of years...
Hey user, wanna come chill with us?
This depressing piece of shit with 0 decent actors is a "classic feel good movie" in the USA, kek
What did Rob mean by this?
We want the Mexican audience
Can Sup Forums recommend some good movies to watch?
Moé in the three dimensional for doesn't exi-
Is Rebels Kino?
Why is sony and the bond team on this guy's cock so bad? is he the only person who can play bond or what
What is thy bidding,my master?
Red Letter Media or Your Movie Sucks
/got/ general
What did he mean by this?
Theres no such thing as a perfect female char-
Best Disney princess hands down
The Emoji Movie (2017) Trailer
Is he /our guy/ ?
Can we stop pretending that this isn't a fucking masterpiece and admit that Miller is the one true kino master working...
What went right?
RIP sweet prince
Martin Scorsese's The Irishman to use De-Aging CGI
Is this the greatest kino shot ever?
What were Sup Forums thoughts about the 2015 most acclaimed films?
There are people browsing this board right now who still give money to the film industry
Same desu
Ready for kinoji?
Welp, not a fan of his anymore
Max Landis v Arrival
ITT: shows you started watching just to fap to but ended up actually liking
Jesus christ
Serious question(s):
TFA is a shitty, bland copy of ANH
Why is Jay fighting with all the Rogue One fanboys on Twitter?
Taking rotten tomatoes seriously
Thoughts on this heiney?
The Force is with me and I will use it to gas all you fucking kikes
Margot Robbie marries director Tom Ackerley in Australia
Has Sup Forums ever bought anything off of tv?
I don't want a lot for Christmas
Battle Droids, what was the point?
Simpsons jokes you never got
What the fuck did I just watch?
Nightclub scene in action thriller
YES - they banged. Her new memoirs officially confirmed it
What is Darth thinking in this scene?
ITT : we predict RT number of upcoming movies in 2017 by last two digits
What is your opinion on the opening scenes of The Dark Knight Rises? I thought was pretty interesting for me
Memes aside, Rogue One was boring as shit. The only redeeming part was the very end, when Vader started whooping ass...
Will patrician Sup Forums ever come back?
Who is this smegma smuggler?
What would it be like with DiCaprio on the main role?
Not one sex scene
A thread where we actually discuss the visuals and aesthetics in a still image is deleted because its not technically...
Greying at 40
Dunkirk (2017)
In all seriousness, have you ever fapped to a rape scene from a TV series or film?
Decapitates an unarmed emissary
Man in the high castle s2
Perfect kinos don't exi-
Daily reminder that if you think the right is pretter/better actress, that you should be banned
Official Operation: BBB (Bring Back Brendan) thread
Armond White's best films of 2016
Would Emma have made a better Rey, /tv?
Perfect grills dont exi-
What happened to Conan?
What's your favorite anime Sup Forums?
I've seen this film twice now and I still don't fucking know any of their names
Brit Marling
The Grand Tour will have a Christmas Episode on December 23rd...
What are some essential BRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTT kinos?
Why is there no board for art film?
Why was his death so forgettable?
Sup Forums 2016 recap
What did reddit mean by this?
Star Wars Film Ratings
What do you think about pic related?
Literally our guy
Why Hollywood don't cast asian women in leading roles?
Why did it flop?
Severe global gasoline and energy shortage
Now that the dust has settled, who will play him in the inevitable biopic...?
What is Jerusalem worth?
ITT : insanely bad production mistakes
Top tier final movie moments
Am I the only one who thinks she's hot and would smash it with no regrets?
Are there weight clauses in the contracts of actors? Or is that against SAG rules?
Are you ready for the Keanu Renaissance Sup Forums?
All memes aside
I have an idea!
I wanna licki then sticki my dicki in Debicki!
I decided its time to fill in my biggest culture gap and watch the entire Star Wars movies
WB is fucked
What's the die Antwoord of movies and tv?
Would you watch?
Send literally the entire Rebel fleet to help steal the plans for blowing up the Death Star
ITT: garbage tier Sup Forums that is glorified by easily impressionable normies
Its a Sam Hyde pretends he's being ironic but secretly wants to show off his mediocre lifts that he thinks are good but...
Downloading SD or 720p instead of 1080p
...from the first unit assistant director of
2017 New Years Resolutions for White Guys
Humanity lost against zombies you can outspeed by walking slowly
I do not believe it can be this bad. It's just not possible
What did he mean by this?
Am I the only one who fall in love with Mantis from the trailler of "guardians of the galaxy 2" ?
Jyn, there's a fatal flaw in the Death Star's reactor
Brendan Fraser: MBGA
What's the worst thing about Star Wars?
Ubisoft Studios Conspiracy - Hollywood wants it to fail
What does Sup Forums think of the Cosby Show?
tfw too intelligent to appreciate modern movies
Why in the hell did they cut out so much. the directors cut makes this movie infinitely better
What the fuck is their problem?
Official Operation: BBB (Bring Back Brendan) thread
Anybody seen Richie?
Meanwhile on female Sup Forums
What are the best dudebro humor movies?
What is your record for staying up doing nothing but watching movies and TV shows?
50 films that best capture the essence of LA
Are you ready for the comeback?
What does Sup Forums think of MillionDollarExtreme?
PHEW going to the gym every week has killed me half to death!
ITT: Celebrities who post on Sup Forums
Is anne hathaway a stacy?
I apologize in advanced, But what is his name again?
Dolce Vita
Why would he need a hooker?
Why arent women funny?
You've got 3 seconds to name your favorite Star Wars character
I just watched this, and I know i'm late to the party
ITT: Young celebrities, guessing game edition
No other director was able to handle the complexities of adultery and unfaithfulness like Antonioni. In fact...
Why'd he have to go bros ;_;
Letterboxd General
Its a joe thinks he has worked out a system that society should stick to and tells kevin smith about like hes some kind...
I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid
ITT movies Sup Forums recommended you but were shit/a borefest
What's Sup Forums opinions on this?
Garbage writing, incompetant acting, not a single laugh. What's the appeal of this...
Im not one for asian crap but this was very good. Koreans are better than hollywood
IMAX fucks up new The Mummy Trailer
Bash Rogue One for too many nostalgic references and nods to the original trilogy
Movies non-whites will never understand
They still use hard drives in this futuristic wonderland
This show is actually funny
Lot into Sup Forums
Youe face when this scene
What program is the best for watching a television & film?
Lmao @ the "Vader Hype"
Those background paintings/photographs giving the frame a horizontal line and artistic flair
“Kylo Ren, I watched the Galactic Empire rise, and then fall
Whole movie is shit
Why do people on this website hate Atlanta? It's the best comedy I've seen in a long time
Who here prefers return of the jedi over empire?
Is this a normal sized pretzel in america?
Why do people like this guy so much? I mean, I don't have anything against him...
Did O&A break up because Opie was secretly gay for Anthony?
Who was your favorite character in Rogue One, Sup Forums?
So was Deckard a replicant ? I keep reading that he was. But somehow I must have missed the scene that showed this...
Assas15n's Creed
Select all squares with street signs
Why did Bruce tell Clark he thought wonder woman was with him...
Return of the Jedi
Why was Derek having loud sex in his mother's house while his siblings were trying to sleep? You don't do that
He didn't de-escalate tensions so good! Who wants to try next?
Wil Rey turn to the dark side?
Why did she always look so miserable?
Am I the only one who thought the preview for this looked awful?
Open the last movie you just watched
ITT, We post the character who is objectively the Best Character of their respective movie or tv universe...
ESB > ANH > Rogue One > RotJ > TFA > RotS > PM > AotC
Are the critics correct? Is it REALLY that atrocious?
Daily reminder that everyone hated Taxi Driver and Raging Bull when they first came out
Shootout scene
Why was Dale considered a loser again?
Ay yo user why don you sit down an chil wit us nigga?
He's Plagueis
I've been feeling pretty depressed lately. What are some nice and positive movies that avoid mundane drama?
Now that Margot Robbie is married, how long until Will Smith quits the DC movies?
Is she "our" girl?
How did we from this
Why do so many celebrities feel the need to get random, shitty tattoos all the time?
I think he knows about the petition. He seems a lot happier in this interview than his last a few days ago
Fuck you all.... I liked this movie, much better than the Mary Sue Awakens New Hope remake people like for some reason...
Where do you think you're going goy
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Hey White Guys, Mtv has some suggestions for you
"Not that user but..."
Oh, look who hates fan service now. And yet they loved TFA
Sudden TFA Hate
Normie stuff for Rogue One
Gadot Says U.N. Wonder Woman Controversy is ‘Unfair’
Who funded the empire?
You seen these goobas?
Now that the dust has finally settled..... was it rape or not?
Thoughts on Planet Earth II?
Who hyped for the return of donutkino?
Genuine question, no bait
Why do we glamorize mafia criminals?
This movie is pure fucking kino
Who is he? Why does he have a spear if he's at the top of that tower...
All evil that happened today is the result of Bob Ross not being around to beat the devil out of it
Is Shin Godzilla the most powerful Kaiju we've seen thus far
Assassin's Creed is a shit
Will this be the next GOAT production?
What went right?
Has any movie ever surpassed this level of kino yet?
Out for a walk... are we?
You may only post ITT if you saw Fellowship of the Ring in theaters 15 years ago
This is the last time they spoke as friends
Ubisoft thought that they could just start a production company like Marvel did
A serious conversation about moderation
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Eyes Wide Shut
Who did your girlfriend vote for lads?
Get Brendan Fraser in Avatar
Lol wut?
I actually finally licked a pusy today.AMA
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Post acting perfection
What's his endgame?
Star Wars Rogue One
This is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen, holy shit
Why is nobody talking about bladerunner 2049? Am I the only one who is hyped?
How are we supposed to compete with this???
What is this movie about?
Katelyn Nacon— a 17 year old bisexual girl who enjoys singing, acting and drawing
Margot Robbie Ties the Knot
This show is trash
The final battle in Rogue One was arguably the only good part of the film...
It's pretty, it's atmospheric, it's decently acted. I want to like it, but I just just can't
It's quite nipply outside, isn't it?
I don't get it. Is he hot? I literally can't tell
THE 100 Season 4 Trailer
Hello kids
Is Jenny /ourgirl/?
How is Sup Forums preparing for the Asian Century?
Are droids sentient?
What are some legit flaws of The Force of Awakens?
D'aww Handsome Man Want Hug!
ITT: most kino death scenes
What did he mean by this?
Daily nigger hate thread
BladeRunner 2049
Larry dont upset this person. next scene, larry upsets person. theme song plays
John Wick Chapter 2 New trailer
How did Raimi manage to get PG-13 ratings for these films?
[/spoiler]Why can't CGI get rid of uncanny valley in 2017?
So is this SJW bullshit or not? Someone give me a straight answer
Will she finally do true kino?
ITT: Sup Forums picks Daniel Craig replacement
'Metropolis' Television Series In Development
Serena (2014) - Budget $30m, BO $4m
Is this kino?
Start watching westword
Are MTV productions considered KINO?
Which one?
Post a shot from 12:19:16
Why are art films always so freaking boring?
So they are planning something huge to replace this in the timeline, right...
Is he /our guy/?
I hate this man. I find him to be utterly worthless
Post your top films
This shit looks boring as fuck
You know what's bullshit? There are actual tanks in the Star Wars universe. Truly all terrain war machines...
So he uses the mask when he goes into space to protect his face from the effects of vacuum
IndieWire Critics Poll Results
What an odd movie
Anyone else wish there had been a kiss?
Have /got/fags gone too far?
So how is that new season of Black Mirror?
ITT: Cool responses when asked what your favourite christmas movie is
Are the National Treasure movies kino?
What is the best spaceship in Star Wars?
The hero that the Greater Nazi Reich deserves
What was shanes endgame
Official Operation: BBB (Bring Back Brendan) thread
Such a powerful shot
Has there ever been a film that made you angry?
Lord of the Rings
So now that 'Assassin's Creed' is confirmed shit, will 'Tomb Raider' be our last shot at vidyakino?
Why the fuck does it seem to be impossible to make a good video-game movie?
BBC 4 in 7 minutes, Napoleonic-era Time Commanders
You have 30 seconds to post 10 movies that everyone on Sup Forums will unanimously agree on is kino
John Wick Chapter 2
Why don't Jedi use blasters?
Tempo tempo tempo
Why did South Park turn into leftist cuckold propaganda after season 11? Just look at this webm...
Would Sup Forums be open to hosting the Super Sentai and Kamen Rider generals?
Blade Runner 2(049)
Why was he so obsessed with being in command?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Perfect women don't exi-
Time for Vidyakino?
"Mind tricks don't work on me, only money."
Baneposting x Star wars
I've got about 43 hours of flight time in my near future and I need shows or movie series to watch...
First 20 min:
Is Jyn the best developed female protagonist in Star Wars?
Y-you don't like The Walking Dead user? Why?
Kubo (2016)
The moment Sup Forums collectively decided they don't like Rogue One anymore
Just watched this. Really enjoyed it, but I read it's a bit different compared to the manga...
I Blade Run
Well, could you?
30 years later the street somehow still looks the same
Are Rich and Jay right...
What are some must-see Christmas movies?
Getting real fucking tired of the mighty whitey shit in my film and tv shows
Everyone who thought he was also a replicant, APOLOGIZE
Matthew McConaughey is willing to do season 3 of True Detective
What was his fucking problem?
How do you go from this
Childhood is when you idolize Luke!
Will either of them make an appearance in episodes 8 or 9?
ITT: Flicks you hate so much they leave you seething with anger...
Why do people rate the wire above Sopranos?
Josh Trank's STAR WARS Spin-Off Was About BOBA FETT
Shin Godzilla
You're walking down the street when this beautiful lady grabs you by the dick, what do Sup Forums?
Hold on to your butts
I'm going to the movies in a few hours - alone
Trump is gay
Scenes that are very upsetting for /tv
Half in the Bag: Rogue One
Who would you cast in the inevitable Overwatch movie?
It's here you frauds
Why are most Star Wars fans today normies?
Jyn is at least somewhat of a qt
Kate Beckinsale lets her daughter Lily feel her Fleshlight
Who will play him in the biopic?
Can we stop abusing the word "kino"
Please post more like pic related
Is this image actually from rouge one?
ITT: dead careers
Is there anything hotter than Elf Zooey Deschanel?
Be little kid me
Baneposting is dead?
"That'll show 'em! disney will ruin the franchise and my fans will regret turning against me."
'God is a squirrel'
Is rogue one worth seeing to distract me from my pathetic life if I walked out of TFA due to its cliched boringness?
Is the standalone Han movie going to be about his business with Jabba?
Asian Kino thread
Dr Pavel, I'm MIA
Blade Runner 2049 Official Trailer #1 [HD] Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, Jared Leto
There was seriously no SJW propaganda in Rogue One...
Who is your favorite actress?
New Blade Runner 2049 Teaser OUT
The Neon Demon
Opinions on this man?
Which decade was the worst for movies?
Why is he the only likable character in the entire show?
Doctor Leonid Pavel, my name is Bill Wilson and I work for the Central Intelligence Agency
Rebel Troopers
The Unjusting
You have now reached celeb status. What is your ridiculous on set or "dressing room" demand ?
Admit it, you wanted to be him
Is this good?
Why casting standards are so low at Marvel/Disney?
How is this CGI acceptable? In a world where characters like Caeser...
What's the worst episode of Louie? Is it the weed episode?
Come, meme me a meme
RedLetterMedia - CERTIFIED REDDIT by based Justin Roliand, creator of Rick and Morty
Is he /ourguy/?
Just came back from Rogue One
Enough of that Rogue One bullshit
Imagínate ser Pablo en esa foto y tener que estar como "maldición
Saying "i understand hitler" in a conference infront of people and cameras for the whole world to see and hate you
Is he /ourguy/?
Would you watch a feminist movie starring Laci Green getting BLACKED?
Malcolm in the Middle movie reportedly being discussed
Mel Gibson Appreciation Thread
Your favorite movie from the year you were born
She only did this because she knew there was nothing Emma could do to defend herself and she could easily overpower any...
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that Disney fucked up by not casting her as Rey?
Two "smart" characters on screen
What does Sup Forums think about rat people? Should they be allowed to star in Television & Film?
The sign is a subtle joke. The shop is called "Sneed's Feed & Seed", where feed and seed both end in the sound "-eed"...
Persons born in 1998 are now 18 years old
Every main character has an accent
Used SJW, Feminists, and the Alt-Right to sell their movie
It's over Scorcese is finished
Wbat were they eating on Jurassic Park?
When brad pitt is too expensive
Jennifer Lawrence would rather play Mystique in Guardians than X-Men:
How do we "fix" Rogue One?
Twin Peaks 2017
Suicide Squad is 2016's most popular movie on IMDb
Who /level ∞/ here?
Movies you just dont give a fuck about or want to watch, ever
Who tried to shoot him at the end
He's perfect
The fuck was this bullshit with Jimmy Kimmel-episode? Leave it to Netflix to ruin the charm of a perfectly good show
Tfw you realize films are the highest form of art
Is there any actors/actresses that ruin a show or movie for you just by being in it
Sup Forums
Name a show where excessive nudity exists without being the focus of the show
What did she mean by this?
What if you just spent it all so there was none left ?
Do you consider this one of the most unfairly judged movies by both critics and audiences? The cinematography...
‘Screener Season’ is Here, But Where are the Piracy Leaks?
Who could possibly be behind this?
Pleb filters
Anyone else feel real bad for this character in Outlander?
Oh, I am laffin'
This film was unfairly sabotaged by critics because it wasn't emulating Marvel like their infantile minds so...
Gabor was married nine times
Coen brothers
How you want your Goldar fam?
That's a great piece of real estate you got there. A mighty fine... piece of ass
Assassin's Creed Review
What's the best James Bond movie? They all seem kind of generic and bland to me. Casino Royale was ok I guess...
Post spoilers but dont specify a movie
Mfw the weasley twins never noticed on the marauders map that their own brother was skeeping with a guy called peter...
...What's happening guys
Do you spend more time shitposting on tv than watching tv and movies?
Why is he so cute bros?
Why is Fox Studios so terrible?
Wait so vader slices through a bunch of rebel fighters but Kylo Ren can't kill 1 former stormtrooper whom has never...
Black Sails
Is this kino?
Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Games
What did Sup Forums think of the Shameless finale? I quite liked it
Opinions on the following asset?
ITT: Post some Star Wars quips
Who will play her in the inevitable biopic?
Thoughts on this hiney?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...