Are MTV productions considered KINO?

are MTV productions considered KINO?

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It's almost like they're begging for 8 years.

>8 years a cuck

Yes. Totally kinographies:

I'm not clicking that shit. Anyone hit me with a tldr of the video?

Do you really need it? It's pretty obvious what it's gonna be.

white guilt nu-male cuck begs for white genocide while preaching the superiority of shitskins and multiculturalism

explain to me how this is not """racist""" yet if it were a video about things black guys could do better in 2017, it would be.

Let me guess
suck the multicultural jew cock and drink the piss of the fairer sex because you're a bunch of slave-owning rapists

Is this video on youtube? I'm guessing not since everything they post there gets downvoted into oblivion kek

Got it in one.

whoah, guess that's me told!


Okay first things first, explain to me how the fuck "mansplaining" isn't a "gendered insult"?

This is some great race baiting

because sexism is privilige + POWER

MTV is doing god's work. I'm convinced this is on purpose to make SJWs and liberals look like idiots

but maybe its a triple reverse. Maybe the idea is to portray sjws as retards to bait out the easily triggered anti-sjws who will in turn make idiots of themselves

maybe mtv is just run by a chaos god

So how long until the West goes full 14/88

mene nukkumaan

This is multidimensional dominos shit right here.

>guess what white male, beyonce can care about black issues, and it's perfectly fine and natural!

But she's on MTV getting paid and I'm on an old ass Toshiba shitposting for free. So isn't she more powerful?

>Stop being racist and learn to be tolerent of others beliefs!

>Also, you can have that house nigger Kanye, we on the progressive left don't need some shucking and jiving coon who wrongthinks on our side!

every white male replying has an anime cartoon as their profile pic, dont know whats more embarrassing

Stop humoring the insane.


it's a cavalcade of irrelevance

good for the time capsule and little else

you mean 2

>sjw nonsense
>le epic 6 tweet retort
>it's another 'redpilled' anime girl poster

They deserve each other

Anime is the ultimate expression of Plato's forms. I wouldn't expect plebs to understand.

Dear cucks,

Being all nice and political correct doesn't get you laid

Well on the bright side, looks like the Clinton social media team found new work

>America was never great for anyone that wasn't a white guy
Well with the exception of the gender thing, america used to be like 90% white with the majority of the rest being black slaves. So that's basically saying America was good for its citizens. Yeah slave societies aren't good for slaves, but otherwise compared to what? I'd rather be an average jane in America (and that means being white) in 1820 rather than China.

>Black lives just matter. There's no need to over complicate it
All lives just matter. There's no need to over complicate it

>stop mansplaining

>Of course Beyonce cares about black issues. She's black. Stop hating FOX NEEEEWS
Of course many Americans care about white issues. America is a majority white nation and always has been. I'm talking to you every mainstream media outlet that still can't conceive of how Trump won.

>nobody that has black friends says they have black friends

damn white people b oppressin n shit

move back to africa? nah, that place is a shithole.

>getting triggered by MTV

The ride never ends

America used to be described as the greatest nation on earth and had immigrants flocking to it since bra enough its inception. It's "America was never great" is a really insidious pierce if "correcting the record". Of course, there was still a lot wrong with the US a hundred years ago, but you can bet it was alot better than most of Europe and the rest if the world.

>those comments


kek, no. their only motivation is money. controversy like this video causes will rain clicks upon them.

It's because white people aren't "systematically oppressed". Which is basically code for "Yeah, we know we're racist, but we'll do mental gymnastics to pretend that isn't true."

Logic doesn't apply here. You know that.

What would white women's 2017 resolutions be?

>MTV post-2003

Just because they made some really underrated cartoons and a few funny comedies 10-20 years ago doesn't excuse this mess


Are they being sarcastic? I honestly cant tell.

>2017 can't be worse than this
Oh man, these fuckers really have no idea about how far things are going to go.

Sneak peak at the future circa 2022

>America was never great

But I thought "America was already great" was the argument against Trump

reminder to report this tweet for racism against a group

fuck whitey

You do realize they're just doing this shit because it attracts clicks, right? Stop falling for it

Sounds stupid.

I'm not even white. This is retarded.

If this was about Blacks everyone would take it the wrong way.

Imagine the video with blonde, blue eyed people giving resolution advice to black people.

Imagine the outrage.

God I can't wait till we rice eaters take over the world and wipe out the whites, blacks and keep the mexicans for labor.

Then we can fight amongst ourselves in peace and commit atrocities against each other.

>God I can't wait till we rice eaters take over the world and wipe out the whites
nigger when we go we are taking the world with us


just remember who built this place, alright? remember to pay homage to the white man. "Thank you whitey!"

I wonder if people unironically think that making everyone look disgustingly beige would mean an end to all conflict and division.



Might as well pour liquid cancer into your brain

>when you're so irrelevant you have to pander to the 10 people who post on Tumblr

>yfw a white male won the US presidency in a fucking landslide


>tfw didn't vote for Trump but this still embarrasses me to no end
Fucking UW kids need something to do with finals being completed.

This all seems kind of racist.

They really don't understand this is why they lost, do they?

>MTV still exists
top kek

Why are they mad at Kanye West.

He's not white.

He's a house nigger.

He's a traitor.

I'm not white but this shit has gone too far.

It's fucking embarrassing to be a person of color at this point.


Yeezy yeezy yeezy just supported Trump man

You shouldn't call yourself a person of color, that's what the racist liberals call you.

>person of color

lmfao nigga

thats literally the leftist term for groid

>hey don't stereotype or generalize one group or race
except for white males they are the only problem, everyone else is off limits
Also It's great how people can say kill whitey unirronically and they still expect anyone to be on their side

I'm convinced you all use twitter, facebook, and reddit just to get mad about things

Daily reminder of what a culture with no white or asian influence looks like
Pic related

>lol u mad for calling out failed politics

Come on son you can do better. This is always what happens when authoritarian religions get too pushy, only now in the age of information it blows up quicker.


Because I was born white and male, I'm bad?

I didn't even choose to be born this way LMFAO (although god damn I love being white)

Fuck these fucks

If Democrats want to win, they need to end this identity politics white shaming bullshit.

They're just fuelling more people to go to the Right.

But I don't even do any of the things they're saying. Fucking racists.

He's "woke!" :^)


>2000% culturally enriched

Is she saying that no black person has ever committed a crime on a black victim?

He woke too??

mtv covering Sup Forums's high school life

Being white was a mistake

fuck i remember watch this


>It's fucking embarrassing to be a person of color at this point.

it's always been my dude

>MTv in 2016
maybe if it was 90s

I've got a secret piss fetish, so that last part actually sounds good to me.

Another white racist who doesn't understand superior black culture...