80's Hong Kong pew pew pews

Why hasn't anything topped 80's Hong Kong pew pew pews?

Fuck realistic. I want to see satisfying, well-choreographed pew pew scenes.

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I watched Hard Boiled for the first time the other day. Loved it. Is there anymore similar films with unrealistic yet satisfying gun scenes?

Desperado(maybe Once Upon a Time in Mexico too), Equilibrium, and especially Shoot Em Up come close. Way of the Gun is well-choreographed and more realistic than most films. The Quick and the Dead is an over the top western, but from what I remember most of it was duels.

didnt even know the thumbs up meme came from this guys movies until I saw them
fucking dope just wish there were more criminal enterprise scenes other than Aaah hurr i love you aaaah melodrama for 2 hours until everyone dies

Yeah but all those movies suck. Hard Boiled is great in every way.

Check out The Killer for more absolutely insane shoot outs, check out A Better Tomorrow for more good gangster/cop drama and also cool shootouts.

These movies are called heroic bloodshed for a reason. They are just heightened melodrama with "mythical" themes of honor, brotherhood, loyalty, revenge, etc.

I just wish there was more CRIME
Scenes with graphic CRIME and not just a gang of suits driving around and the movie being like " yee deese dudes bad"
Are there any cool ass movies with sum bad ass crime n shit that I can grab my nuts to with as good shootouts as in these movies with less retarded melodrama?



Tbh the shootouts wouldn't be nearly as good without the characters being the ways they are and the dynamics, relationships, and themes between them. Otherwise it's just good choreography and cool stunts work. Films need the emotional/story aspect to make an action set piece truly great. But aside from Hong Kong films probably The Terminator has my favorite shootout scene (police station one)

For a Better Tomorrow 2 best pew pew pew


Operatorcore>>>>>>HK pew pew

While we're at it

MMA style fight scenes>>>>>kung fu shit

If by operatorcore you mean modern action films featuring guys with lots of attachments on their guns firing CGI muzzle flashes at enemies who bleed CGI blood in slickly choreographed, undangerous, uninteresting shootouts that look exactly the same as the ones that came before then I think I would have to disagree with you my friend. Also John Wick sucks you fucking faggot

Anyone member Heat?
That's my shit
but is there any similar shit?

John Wick is a masterpiece what are you talking about

Even with other Mann films nothing compares to the action in that one. Collateral has some great scenes and is also a really good movie. Miami Vice sucks and the shootouts also aren't that good.

Look, I like Keanu, and I appreciate a good simple revenge story, especially when it's smart and slick like that, but come on man. Even if it didn't have CGI gunshots and blood and a generic "fist fight with big bad after shooting everyone else" type ending and a bunch of other small dumb story flaws I can't remember because I watched it like 2 years ago... It's just a dumb action movie. It can't be a masterpiece without latching onto some sort of theme beyond simple vengeance and being dragged back into a bad life. Even if it was the best version of itself (which it is not at all btw), it's still just what it is. Look at Predator or First Blood or Road Warrior for examples of action masterpieces. John Wick is just decent fedora fodder.


how can one post be so fucking wrong?

If you genuinely think that John Wick is one of the greatest achievements in film then have at it, but just know that, while you sit smugly thinking I'm a contrarian or a baiter, I sit and smugly know that you are a complete and total plebeian troglodyte.

:^) you're just a h4ter


>plebeioid subhuman

You compare a gorgeous film to predator
youre just an ironic Sup Forums stepchild shitposter
why would try to explain to you why the cinematography of the film is so much better than your shitty whiny opinions describe it as lmao go away

Lmao "wow look at that swirly thing behind him this is like great cinamtography"
Do you even know what you're talking about? Anyone can tint a film blue you cunt. Fuck, I'm leaving this thread, I don't even care to argue with you anymore. You are so fucking stupid. Sup Forums is worthless

OTT action films are the best, and John Woo knows it, gods bless him.

So you havent seen it
if you can't appreciate it then you obviously HAVENT fucking seen it or you've smoked so much fucking pot, that you've forgotten about it.
You're not comparing Jonathan seflas masterful work to anything else you're just shitting on something because reddit like sit and with good reason.
It's a movie where "the boogeyman" destroys Olympus and you compare it to some fucking arnold flick in the 80-tees
It's not even fair to compare them and yet you do and you do so badly by throwing john wick away because
>aah hurrr durr vengeance aah bad guy 1v1 at the end
holy shit you're so dull
don't talk to me

The movie in the OP and all of John Woo's other shit are full of dumb story flaws. Quality of the action scenes are what make John Wick good, the same standard that makes all of John Woo's best cult favorites.

>mfw John Woo movies made me want to get a Beretta

Rice scene best scene.

The pew pew shit was cool and all but what really made it all stick was the bromances in this film. I'm straight as fuck and felt no homophobia at all during these scenes. The bromances or quasi-bromances were badass, the multi-layered storytelling.

When John Woo did Hard Target I knew it was gunna suck. The action didn't but the script was pure, usual American B-movie, straight-to-video bullshit. Woo originally wanted Kurt Russell to be in it. Only if Woo were allowed to take Kurt, the Diabeetus Guy and Lance Henriksen to Hong Kong and shoot the film (which had a good premise) on his own terms, I think we would have another Woosterpiece.

>John Wick is just decent fedora fodder.

It's not from the 80s but Vengeance was a great pew pew HK flick.
Came out around 2010 or something like that.

He's using Tula Tokarev's in the tea-house scene.

I meant in general.

Yeah I feel ya, son

why everyone mentions hard boiled at first, i think killer was better in every imaginable way. both are fun but killer is a cinematic masterpiece.

Hard Boiled has much better action, not just in quality but in sheer volume. The entire last act is one non stop action scene.

I think they were Type 54s mostly (Chinese Toks)
I bought a Type 54 just because of John Woo movies desu. 7.62x25 is fun to shoot