/got/ general


Jaime and Cercei are the children of Aerys Targaryen and Joanna Lannister.

Tyrion is the true lion of Lannister.

Bran is the best character

Bran is a crippled bitch

its true


>tfw too intelligent for more secret Targ theories

nice samefag

I'm OP not Bran poster

We're alive!

Brendan should be cast.

dumb ass the running theme of the story is about changelings. Wether concealed identity, posing as another for safety, culturally due to the circumstances of war and requiring a hostage, the children that craster cucks the nights king with.

If you were intelligent you'd realise changeling children are everywhere you chosen targ fetishist.

also the parallels between tryion and jaime are uncanny.

also jaime and brienne parallel dunk and egg. both the descendants of dunk and egg.

Is this where I complain about RLM not liking Star Wars? I didn't see any Star Wars threads.

Also what episode is Littlefinger dying, six?

post snektits

Only secret Targ theory i like. Tyrion being a Targ doesn't fit his arc at all.

Any of the Lannisters = Secret Targs theories are fucking shit and reddit tier. Kill yourselves.

its the end of 2016 and no news about the damn book

Because Trump and Puppybowl, show some respect to GRRM.

I hope tyrion is a secret targ

the more /got/ butthurt the better

This is objectively true.

He should have played Reek

>the running theme of the story is about changelings

More like cucklings.

Agreed, tyrion being the only true lannister to me is awesome.

The deformed unwanted child who has the whit of the founder of house lannister itself denied his birthright. Aerys stealing Jaimes inheritence from Tywin to name Jaime the youngest kingsguard in history despite his talent and age to keep his son at arms length.

Both becoming kingslayers, Jaime killing his father and Tyrion killing his father.

Jaime and Cercei representing the two sides the gods flip when siring targaryens. Madness or greatness.

Jaime and an Arthurian redemption story. King Arthurs influence over his story. Jaime wants nothing more in live than to be the next Arthur Dayne. All he wants is to be the best of the best with Arthur as his aspiring influence. Both Jaime and King Arthur have the golden knight appearance, redemption, both are concieved via shady means. Arthurs father glamoured himself to sleep with his enemies wife to sire Arthur.

Joffrey being the embodiment of the mad king and the great irony of being with the surviving targaryen children lost to the world and not exactly known of the lannisters usurping the throne actually had a great claim.

oh and jaimes dreams with joanna / septer lemore candle visions are another hint.


bran is the most important character


Not only in this shitty series, but in every series and book there ever was, is, or will be.

Jaimes lost hand and the potential to regain it just as victarion regains his via a fire priest is hinted at via arthur daynes television appearance fighting with dual swords.

And the most intelligent lannister being tyrion denied his birthright due to the same of the family of having a dwarf inherit casterly rock ( won by lan who obtained it via nothing but his mind ) is something of a sweet ending.

The unwanted deformed black sheep of the family, told for a lifetime of not even being tywins son is tywins true and only son who'll one day claim the inheritance which is rightfully his.

Ironic that tywin wants to hand it away to a targaryen bastard and even working around the rules of things to ensure someone who doesn't want the role and agrees with tyrions rule receives is. aka jaime who wants nothing but to be the best swordsmen to exist.

also in the stories precursor it had jon wedding arya and jaime eventually sitting on the throne and ruling for a short while, I doubt it will end with things as such but would like for him and bran to eventually face off and die in the process as things begun with jaime and bran at the tower.

jaime also being an influence of king midas. with the touch of gold. obviously differences of things turning to gold via the touch but the touch of gold nonetheless.

Jaime is Champion of the Lord of Light, and Bran is his eternal enemy. Jaime is inspired by Julius Caesar, and Zeus from Disney's Hercules, as well as Titus Andronicus, Malcolm Merlyn, Gloria Estefan and the Pinball Wizard. Bran, having no legs, is symbolic of Pluto, Ariana Grande, George Washington Carver, and Satan. The removal of Jaime's hand is symbolic of the "Cesarean Section" (NissaNissa rhymes with Pizza Pizza, Caesar's most famous quote), which is typically used to remove a child from the womb, much like Jaime removed a child (Bran) from a window. He gives his flaming sword to Brienne, and will have to also take it back from her, completing the lightbringer prophecy. Bran is the Great Other, as evidenced by nothing in particular, and is Jaime's great rival from the very beginning of the story. Bran's name, (Brandon Stark) begins with the letter B, and he lives in a place that is cold, and cold is usually associated with he color BLUE. Jaime's name (Jaime Lannister) ends with the letter R, and his house colors are RED. A Game of Thrones was published in 1996, the same year Nintendo released Pokemon Red and Blue for the Gameboy. This indicates that Jaime (Red) will have to travel across the land to eight castles and defeat their lords, and then travel farther north than he has ever traveled before to defeat his rival Bran (Blue) to become the Pokemon League Champion (Azor Ahai, CHAMPION of the Lord of Light).

GOAT copypasta

extremely homosexual

Reminder Euron is lying about the dragon binding horn's capabilities.

Reminder that Euron and Bloodraven are working together.

Reminder that Euron is using Bloodraven to make himself look more amazing than he really lets on so he can gain more support.

Reminder that the horn won't do shit when Euron blows it to take control of Daenery's dragons and it'll all be the work of Bran.

Reminder Bran will find out he's been duped by Bloodraven and burn Euron.

euron wont bind dragons but it will cause armageddon and bring down the wall


euron has ancient ironborn knowledge and knowledge of the iron wood, from which he drinks the nightshade produced from ironwood leafs.
he knowns the truth behind ironwood and ironborn.

Post your face when Winds of Winter actually ends up fucking sucking hard

You know, the reason the show is so vastly different from the books is probably that everyone all knew that it would overtake them eventually, so they altered the story so as not to spoil too much of it.

>they altered the story
you mean turned it into shit?

Tomayto, tomahto. Point still stands it's way too different from the novels to be mere coincidence.

that's because D&D are hacks

>"It's a bloody woman" cried out a Bolton man when Brienne arrived to save the day.
>"I'm asking the woman who showed me miracles do exist."
>"Weak men will never rule Dorne again."
>"It's a good thing you're not a boy anymore, because you have no cock."
>"If I had no cock I'd drink all the time."
>"Galavent ? Is that the kind of thing you start to say when your dick gets chopped off ?"
>"I saw your pecker, no kind of god would have a pecker like that."

>if hillary had been elected president, we might have TWOW by now

Hope you're happy Sup Forums

why people still care about garbage show?
why people still post dead loser?


Lose the Pokemon references and you've got an 8/10

Reminder that Maisie is /our girl/

I can't believe the Kingsmoot dialogue was approved. That was so embarrassing.

More like Anime Plot Armor.

How can Jon be Azor Ahai if he's not from the line of the mad king?

suck it up.

Well, I suppose he still has some Targaryen ancestry...

game of cucks ver 1.03

updated list a little bit, fixed the order, no more characters though, I'll add more if I find enough to update, updating with only one cuck or two is pointless. feel free to mention cuck relationships that are not on the list

>le cuck XD
what the fuck is wrong with you

dont be rude he put a lot of effort into documenting that

nothing is wrong with me

it's grrm who is obsessed on adding his cuck fantasies in asoiaf

>You will never triple team Cersei with your clan

theon/kyra/ramsay is still out of order m8

yeah forgot about it


stop replying salty cunt AND SAVE BRENDAN before he kills himself


In the books, do the members of the faceless men care about each others. Also why did the Kindly Men not remember Jaqen H'Ghar?

Is the kindly men an assassin, mentor, priest or both?
Also why is he kind and old? Does he also sleep, what is his backstory.

>Le inbred dragon people
No thanks. Low fantasy kings only, please.

"You're shit at dying" and the Dothraki 'hilariously" discussing what are the best things in the world besides fucking a beautiful woman were painful to watch as well.

I always lose it at the pizza part

who here queen meera stark

>that gif
>that post
Did you make it on purpose you retarded branmeerafag?

Do you mean book Aegon the fAegon Blackfyre or the show Aegon "Jon Snow" Targaryen?

i just googled ellie kendrick


Finally someone else understands.


so you don't even know anything about your waifu? shameful desu.

that gif isn't about Dany. It's about having titles. She was saying she doesn't need or want titles like Khaleesi, yet here you come calling her Queen Meera.



Why did you remove the GURM quote though