ITT: Christmas Kino
Christmas movies you make sure to watch every year
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I watch this every Christmas too OP
>tfw you will never live in Piz Gloria
Why do people enjoy this one? I found it one of the weakest in the series and the wife's death at the end was the only thing it contributed despite Diamonds Are Forever hardly acknowledging it.
best musical score of the series, great locations, top-shelf Bond girl, well directed, fun dialogue, and the best ski chase ever caught on film
It's top 5 for me
This, plus DAF not referencing it is one of the reasons why DAF is the shittiest bond film
>DAF is the shittiest bond film
>not liking Wynt and Kid, Plenty O'Toole, Blofeld cloning himself, comfy Q shenanigans at the casino, and a car chase with a fucking moon buggy
"It's campy" is not an argument.
It is shit though
>Connery phoning it
>shitty blofeld, especially compared to Telly and donald
>hot Bond girl but she can't act and her character is shit
>shitty villians
Also fuck off, "comfy" isn't an argument either if "it's campy" isn't.
The problem is sean can't do camp for crap, at least Moore knew how to play along with with it, where as Connery just acted bored and was their for a paycheck
National lampoons Christmas vacation. Absolute Christmas kino
>DAF is the shittiest bond film
DAF is possibly the greatest Bond of them all you pleb
OHMSS is top 5 regardless
you sound like a sad, lonely person
Empire Strikes Back
DAF is far from the shittiest. It's pretty fun actually
TMWTGG, AVTAK, DAD, QoS and Spectre are all much worse
>DAF is possibly the greatest Bond of them all you pleb
Literally DAD tier, even that one was better because Brosnan at least never phoned it in
It's not a Christmas movie but for some reason I feel compelled to watch it every Christmas
Octopussy is campy and kind of fun. Diamonds are Forever is just depressing given how the previous movie ended.
I like the soundtrack, at least
Octopussy is rather dull IMO. The plot is convoluted and not very interesting, villain is forgettable, and Bond dressing up like a clown, wearing a gorilla suit and shouting like Tarzan, jesus. That's not just campy it's insulting to the character. I will say I love the pre-credits sequence set in Latin America and Maud Adams is a wonderful Bond girl and has great chemisty with Sir Roger. But those are about the only things the movie has going for it
Diamonds Are Forever is more straightforward and fun I think, it doesn't meander around too much. It also has one of my favorite endings of any Bond film. The trick to enjoying it is to never watch it right after OHMSS, instead consider it a sequel to YOLT.
Home Alone
Die Hard
you have to pick RIGHT NOW
Dalton or Brosnan
Lazenby OHMSS is the best Bond film
how did the old man die again? did he have a heart attack?
Goldeneye Brosnan > Dalton > the other Brosnan Bonds
some type of sudden death
Brosnan, but Dalton's movies were overall way better
I can't take that movie seriously anymore, thanks to this fucking brilliant scene.
Brosnan was obviously at his best in TWINE, faggot
>watching a snowy movie on Christmas every year.
This normie Christfag plebbit thread.
what an ebin post, upboated
This tbqfh. I used to buy into the "it would have been perfect with connery" meme until I realized that Connery wouldn't have had the emotional core of Lazenby. Granted I will admit I don't think Lazenby comes off as a great actor. But he gets the job done.