Why was his death so forgettable?

why was his death so forgettable?

Holy shit, spoiler that, asshole!

It wasn't. It's a year later and you're still remembering it. Retard.

Because everyone had been predicting it since it was revealed that Han would be coming back. Ford was being uncharacteristically gung-ho about being in Star Wars again, so everyone knew something was up.


>remember that forgettable thing?

why cant this old fuck stop ruining movies?

he looks and acts like a senile moron and I have no doubt he's going to ruin the new blade runner movie.

When was the last time Harrison Ford actually acted as someone other than himself?

no battle leading upto it, just death

compare with obiwan, darth vader

tell that to kanjiklub

because muh epic childhood quippy guy

because it was spoiled for me before watching the film


because theres only 6 star wars movies

If you actually paid money to see a disney version of star wars and youre over the age of 20 you may be a fag

Tell that to Kanji Klub

Because he died like a chump and the movie forgot about him right after. He didn't get the hero's death he deserved or a funeral scene of mourning. I would have preferred some cheesy thing where he gets wounded, Chewbacca grabs him and brings him back on the ship, he says some dying words, they mourn, back at the base everyone is celebrating the victory, they see Chewbacca walk down the ramp with Han in his arms, celebration ends and everyone starts to mourn Han and all the others who died, then have big funeral scene with lots of extras, roll call of names of the dead, last name is Han Solo, Hero of the Rebellion.

What we got was really no build up but an obvious setup where the train was on the tracks coming straight for you. He gets stabbed and thrown off the bridge, people yell no, it cuts to Leia looking sad, and then the movie just keeps on going as if nothing happened. Leia hugs Rey instead of Chewie and that's it.

I'm just glad Ford got out before the shitstorm became worse.

Probably because the moment the movie was announced I thought "They're going to kill somebody that everybody knows and likes."

>Rebooting/expanding an old franchise
>Need to have a hook or a way to give the illusion that it's going to be interesting/not subject to a status quo
>Take old, beloved character that everybody knows
>Shove a lightsaber in him
>All the fans bleet "OMG so emotional!" as they dance by the strings of nostalgia
>Convince themselves that this feeling they feel is genuine sadness and not just a cheap shortcut to give the illusion of quality

I think they did something similar with Toy Story 3. Anyway, as soon as I found out Han was killed my reaction amounted to "Ah, they picked him."

Nobody cares about your opinion. Go get raped by a nigger, and get AIDS, cunt.

Because everyone got spoiled

You're the funniest man on this board right now


It wasn't, since we all remember what happened. We don't need some epic end, where Han get's a funeral or whatever. You nerds constantly complain about being pandered to, but also want to be pandered with Han and the old crew all interacting with each other, like this

Because nobody that could have and actual emotional reaction was with Han when he died.

>You nerds constantly complain about being pandered to, but also want to be pandered with Han and the old crew all interacting with each other
You need to think more critically.
And TFA butchered Han Luke and Leia's relationship, so I makes sense people are upset.

Hollywood Jews can't write emotional depth to save their lives.

bringing back Han is already pandering and fan service so you might as well go all the way. My point is that they give his death no significance at all. It has no impact on the story or characters, except maybe Kylo but again we can really only see that in the next movie what impact it has on him. To your point about not needing an epic end for Han I disagree. Star Wars has always bee nat the core a family soap opera drama. The characters and their connections with each other is the underlying foundation for the series. When you kill off one of the main characters from the original trilogy there should be a sense of loss and impact on the characters. Han's death instead was just a throw away. Its not pandering to be consistent with the main theme and focus of the series.

Because Han was the crappiest of the original 3 characters

It wasn't though?