Assassin's Creed is a shit


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>best video game adaptation
>lower score than Warcraft
Yeah not gonna believe the """""""""""""critics"""""""""" on this one

Worse than suicide squad


>stuntmen actually did 130 foot free-falls with no cables for this shit

That's pretty slick, at least no one died.


>Listening to any opinion before forming your own
>Listening to Rotten Tomatoes

But they didn't say that did they, you faggot?

>130 feet

wow i thought it would score like high 80% range
I thought it was going to be the movie to redeem all video game movies

hahah looks like I was wrong

when you start to go below 50%RT its guaranteed shit

I agree with this list tbqh

this graphic is retarded

>Tomb Raider filmmakers understood the source material
Yeah because the original games were shoot-em-up action fests. There was no focus on exploration or isolation at all.

Oh, and Paul Anderson understood the RE games he just didn't give a shit. He knew the studio wouldn't greenlight something that followed the plot of the games anyway

Ubisoft thought that they could just start a production company like Marvel did

They don't understand that Marvel's company was built around an accomplished film producer who was a fan of the properties and had already successfully adapted them for other companies. Ubisoft wanted the big bucks without the hard work and development of talent.

Instead, they commissioned a turd of a script, and of course didn't have anyone with the experience to tell a good script from bad. Then they let Fassbender, who didn't give two shits about the franchise outside of thinking it sounded like The Matrix, turn their Iron Man wannabe into his personal vanity project as a first-time producer

Blunder Of The Year. At least BvS didn't kill a studio.

there's a dead rising movie??

I feel like I'm the only one who unironically enjoyed the Ratchet and Clank movie.

Dead Rising was good? I loved that game. I also forget that Angry Birds is based on a game. Saw it with my nieces and really liked it. Definitely my favorite movie based on a video game.
>best video game movie
>lower rating than Warcraft
I'm convinced critics are retarded at this point.

How would you adapt pic related?

>Mass Effect: Press Any Key

PAK was the GOAT DLC prove me wrong

>silent hill

Still the best video game movie, which is saying something. Or nothing.

No shit, AC1 is the worst of the franchise

It's not based on AC1 tho, at least the historical part isn't

I think its adaptable. I'm not sure quite how.

I think it would be best to just establish the world with a small stakes movie that's in the same universe but not the same story. There's so much world building that I think it would be better to just have one that's unrelated to show a few details and make you interested, and then a follow up to actually follow the story.

But then again there's not much that's compelling about a narrative almost exclusively built around "go to point A to shoot baddies and then point B"

I loved mass effect as a game, but videogame movies are always plagued by that adjunct story-structure unless they aren't actiony.

Warcraft was decent desu.

Warcraft was terrible, and the story was almost entirely different. Not to mention them trying to paint the old horde as a bunch of poor refugees. It demonstrated a thorough lack of understanding regarding the source material. This image is disqualified.

Warcraft could've been great it just needed better casting on human side and should've been longer/edited better. Still think it's the best video game movie.

Dude what.

Which warcraft games have you played?

Hello Sup Forums from Sup Forums! Big Guy, am I right?

eat shit

also, it wasn't based on AC1, it's under Ezio's timeframe in a different setting.

Also Warcraft's ending blew ass. Stormwind should've fallen, and Orgrim should've kicked Gul'dan out of the horde and became Warchief setting up Warcraft 2.

Why is it so hard to make a good fucking film these days?

Somebody get onto making the LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD video already

I have a feeling that Stormwind will fall at the beginning of the sequel.
Though you are correct in that it should've fallen at the end of the first movie.

I'm pretty fucking sure that Gul'dan is like the main antagonist of Warcraft 2. He should still be in charge.

But I agree that it would have been better if Stormwind had fallen. Maybe they were hoping for an exciting beginning to sequel?

>bad game results in bad movie adaptation

whoda thunk it

Netflix show, market it as the next big Star Trek.

I thought Gul'dan went and did his side thing anyway with his warlock clan? Didn't he and Orgrim have beef in Warcraft 2?

>trying to take the video game medium seriously
Every time.

Yeah it's a direct to TV tier bullshit. Don't bother.

>Dead Rising


>making the Muslims good guys

ofcourse it's shit.

I liked the first Hitman movie... :(

Nigga it's so easy it's dumb.
>Cut out most of the companions, have 4 or so main companions across all movies so they can more focused.
>Liara is the blandest so she's Male Shep's love interest
>Do a straight adaptation of 3 games, trimming it out so it fits in 2 hours. Basically the first one is just the chase after Saren that leads to them discovering about the Protheans and the fight in the Citadel. Second is more protheans and how to defeat them. Third is all out war.
>Of course, change the ending of the third one.

There, I just got you a couple billion dollahs.

The trailer was boring as fuck
>hey you died! But not really, now go back to the 14th century and join these medieval fights, this sure hasn't been done before!

Well that's literally the premise of the franchise. Difference is that 17th subject was kidnapped. The others were either volunteers, brought from prison or were Abstergo workers themselves, not counting ACIV-Syndicate using the donated DNAs.

All of them.

The Horde was retconned fucking a billion times. The first three games had them as warrior tribesmen that gave themselves to the Legion in exchange for power.

Metzen retconned that shit into oblivion during WoW.

>How would you adapt pic related?

Mass Effect was literally created as a Star Wars game minus the Star Wars IP

It'd be pretty simple to do

i saw the nyc screening

all i have to say is that there are more modern day scenes than memories

that pretty much says it all

Orgrim is warchief in Warcraft 2 though and was the best war strategist the horde had

I wouldn't. Mass Effect was the average guy's favourite game in 2007, but the landscape of entertainment, both in film and video games, has changed and dumbed-down so much that everybody would think it was boring and nerdy now.

AS are the most overrated games in ages anyway.

that sounds horrible

Ace Attorney was the only good vidya movie tbqh.

Hold the fucking phone, Dead Rising has a movie?

>Your destiny is in your blood

Not a single one of these movies is good.

literally every movie on this is fucking shit

warcraft was pretty bad, I didn't like it personally, but the score on rotten tomatoes was too low

Like it was objectively a better movie than Ghostbusters and that had 73%