What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
what the fuck scene was this for? Got more?
>me on the right
I'm convinced Hemsworth has been doing this as well, even with juicing his weight between movies fluxs too much. Look at his arms in Age Of Ultron compared to Ghostbusters Feminist Edition.
He wore a muscle suit so he could look as buff as the comedian
gawddamn what a fucking man
haha upvoted!
Meanwhile Christopher Reeve wore nothing but spandex and looked like motherfucking Superman.
this is the first I heard about this. not like he had an impressive physique. the veins match tho.
Man he must have looked extremely unimpressive without the fake bod
the real question is why isn't he wearing a muscle suit for the negan role
For every scene, probably. mb except opening scene, where he is old.
damn I want this costume
go to any army surplus store
Is that the egg dude from LOST?
all of them. i'm surprised people didn't already know this. he also wore a wig, as seen in
>ywn taste Keemey's eggs
fbm ;_;
Cycling off anabolics will always result in muscle loss.
Especially in regards to actors, who rarely have a foundation or muscle base to begin with.
Then you have to also maintain the diet (calorie intake), which most have a specialist team for leading up to filming, for example personal trainers, dietitians, sports therapists etc.
Also probably worth keeping in mind that CGI allows for editing of physical appearance on screen as well, easily giving the appearance of greater musculature.
he's that goa'uld from that sg-1 ep with the trial
Hot diggity dog. That just tickle my balls.
Yeah, from the neck up. He was a total dyel.
>nothing but spandex
>i'm surprised people didn't already know this.
How could you tell he was in a muscle suit?
your army wear fake muscles?
Damn. I thought he bulked up from all those years playing baseball.
maybe it's because i followed the production, but it thought it pretty obvious. especially when the publicity photos were released
What gives it away? Looks like a first year lifter when you hide those pecs and abs.
He was in another episode, too.
Crease around his neck where they've tried to transition + left armpit.
look at the armpit and around the base of his neck
don't you cry no moah
Yeah he bombed the fuck out of those traitorous Tok'ra
i see the line on the neck now, but what is wrong with his armpit?
looks like folding plastic
looks a bit wonky don't you think?
i should mention the suit is not really noticeable in the movie of course. i just knew it was a suit after seeing the still photos
creepy as fuck bro
I always thought the comedian just had fat arms because they didnĀ“t get any different when being flexed, but now i know what this is.
>JDM was never tanky
My whole life has been a lie.
Shaggy from Scooby Doo
Check essay about Larry Fong, they called it fake realism or something.
Yours doesn't? No wonder we won.
Where can I get one of those?
I wonder what they meant by this too.
>casting for negan
>big guy from the watchmen is available
>cast him
>he shows up on set looking full skeletal
>why don't you take off your shirt and show your big muscles user?
>and why is your face so fat?
Been lifting for 9 years, no one ever has said that to me, no matter how much i would like it
>Jeff take off your parka, we're on set!!
It's because you call it lifting. I remember when people said "I've been working out." It sounds more practical and less douchy. It's like "I've been working to improve the muscles on my body" but when you say you've been "lifting" it's like YEAH BRO I'VE BEEN LIFTING like you're trying to sound cool or something. There's nothing better than someone who takes care of their body AND is humble about it.
It all makes sense now.
only why the fuck did they cast this weak sick shit as Negan, I will never understand.
Negan looks like THAT?
How do I get a neck like his? My pencil neck makes me look like an abortion.
yep, that's why they give him that leather jacket and make him lean a lot.
>Thousands of people are afraid of this
You're wouldn't?
>My pencil neck makes me look like an abortion
>you are would not
>be 6'2'' and ruggedly handsome
>doesn't lift
what a waste
I'm making those kinds of mistakes more and more nowadays. It scares me.
>Implying you're not doing it on purpose
>mfw watching random new JDM interview and he tells the viewers to watch Watchmen DIRECTORS CUT
>doing it on purpose
I'm not. I don't have a zany ironic sense of humor. I'm really losing my ability to speak in every form.
What must you do to restore it? Let's get to the heart of the matter.
You have at least 37 pictures of divers with funny faces?
>that pipsqueak knife
Did they not see the GUTS scene?
>you will never pin this sissy against the stairs and put your fingers knuckles deep up its sissy ass
Nah just pictures of people making "what the fuck" type expressions.
>Yeah, from the neck up. He was a total dyel.
Someone would like to have a word with you.
Didn't they do the same for 300?
Why don't they do the same to females to add bigger tits?
Next you're going to tell me Adam West was imposing.
lol damn
These days they'll tell you to start taking steroids or gtfo
>I'm making those kind's of mistake's mo're and mo're nowadays. It scare's me.
This is literally the body of an average 30-something male that does a few push ups in the morning looks like.
Only person bigger than him was Alfred, mate
>this is what /fit/tards actually believe
>bulging muscles=strength
Where the fuck did Bruce Wayne go?
Now remind yourself that that guy is 6'4.
Looks like a strong man's chest, abs and shoulders. A bit of work on those arms and he would've been super.
>CGI background
Fuck off sexist virgin
The ability to generate force requires musculature.
Within a sport that requires skill and technique, such as boxing, generated force is only useful to the point where you can utilize it properly.
Just look at the difference in physiques compared to world strongest man competitors and who you posted.
That's what I'm saying. I'm always talking about how he as Neagan he looks so frail and skinny and I always compare him to his Watchman role. But now, guess he has always been a puny bitch.
I actually live on Morgan St. My family's house is next to the one that's against the back gate. They don't let any of us mow our lawns. I'd be happy to answer all questions.
Bazinga face
>some people work out and improve their lifestyle
>some people say fuck it and just wear muscle suits
Would Christian Bale approve?
It's not actually called Morgan Street by the way. They slap stickers on top of the signs with fake names.
Because it's not like weight classes exist or anything.
Do they force you all to stay in your homes while they're shooting
Boxing is a sport with weight classes and where reach is one of the most important factors. Of course most fighters aren't muscle bound.
You can the texture on his right arm.
Yup. They pay us 600 dollars for every episode filmed here. I have no clue why its 600 exactly. If for whatever reason you have an emergency like a heart attack I imagine you have to hobble outside the damn walls without being spotted by the crew. They make us park our cars in a field OUTSIDE THE STUPID WALLS. One time I yanked the curtains open and the guy who plays Eugene and the girl who plays Tara quickly jolted their gaze at me and they both started laughing after the fat guy ran his mouth into her ear. I gave them a thumbs up and tried to hide my fear of 2 kinda famous people staring at me but Eugene's actor gave me the middle finger in response. He wasn't laughing then. I'm not sure if it was as a joke or if he thought I was flipping him off. Tara's actress looked bewildered.
That was before roids were invented
Here's the current heavyweight champ