Alright Sup Forums what is your expectation for Blade Runner 2049?
Alright Sup Forums what is your expectation for Blade Runner 2049?
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Ana de Armas as a sexy hooker replicant who is protected by Batista who beats the shit out of Goose
dude what the fuck film is that from?
>she will never tie you up in your sleep and gag you and then rape you while wearing a school-uniform
Why even live?
You should be able to solve this.
>she didn't sit on his face Roth is a hack
Gosling playing Driver in 2049
what is he being """punished""" for?
The director doesn't want this movie to be a souless rehash like TFA. Apparently they're going to try something new while being in the same universe as the first movie. Blade Runner doesn't have that much nostalgia value like Star Wars, Jurassic Park, or any of those other movies as far as I know.
Looks neat. Reminds of that part in the book where he goes out to like the mountains or whatever to find the Guru guy. I don't remember.
For being seduced by them, despite being a married man with kids.
They're insane.
It might not be Star Wars level, but, it is a big deal ot a lot of people. Lots of expectations to live up, Im just glad Ridley isn't directing. My hopes were crushed with Prometheus and I like Denis VIlleneuve.
>Indiana Jones 4
Fool me once, shame on you
>Star Wars 7
Fool me twice, shame on me
>Blade Runner 2
Fuck off, Harrison.
Calling it right now: this scene with Ford takes place 10 minutes before the end credits of the movie.
This goes with the theories that Ford came on set to film months while filming already started and he only appears in the 3rd act.
>filming a movie sequentially
are you refn?
I didn't hear that story, I always figured Ford would be near the beginning get a little rehash or something and then we'd move on with Gosling or whomever.
K I N O or M E E M O
Anything known about the movie's story?
Blade Runner is my favorite movie so I have impossibly high standards for this one. Probably won't even bother.
>Apparently they're going to try something new while being in the same universe as the first movie
this is what everyone said when TFA was announced
Got more faith in Villeneuve than JJ
yea but jj abrams is a hack and based denis villeneuve is NOT
underrated reply
Stop it, you're as bad as hypefaggots. There's literally no reason to speculate, wait for the movie to come out, and form your own opinion.
Its gonna be shit and I hate the fact that they use old Ford in the movie.
Not knowing if he was bot or human was a huge part to the first movie. That shit's out the window now.
Also no one will be able to ad lib a scene like rutger and the end scene from blade runner is its own reason to watch the movie.
I hate hollywood
Better than the first and will actually not be boring since scott isnt directing
>That shit's out the window now.
Uh... the first movie still exists. It's themes, ideas, and whatever are still there.
It doesn't matter if Deckard is human or replicant, what matters is that he QUESTIONS it. And then we reflect on his questioning. Whichever it actually ended up being isn't relevant, but now that we know (or we assume) that he's human, that opens up the door a little more to explore even more ideas. Even proof of humanity doesn't necessarily stop us from questioning consciousness. In fact, it's even more applicable to us because we *know* that we're human.
overrated reply
"That's right, Jay"!
>I used to be a replicant once... I did the Blade Run in 12 parsecs
hope it has a voiceover
JJ was already a known hack when TFA was being made.
not really, if they base the movie off of more of PKD's writing (my hope is Flow My Tears) then there's plenty of heady situations they can put ford into without ruining the mystery.
>Ryan Gosling
No thanks
why not name it,"do androids dream of electric sheep"
Plus if I recall right, there's two other novels after the original
>Plus if I recall right, there's two other novels after the original
no, but honestly most PKD novels are very similar
Right. The questioning of consciousness or what makes humans human applies whether or not Deckard is one. The conformation one way or the other about Deckard isn't the point.
Philosophy has been asking those questions forever and science fiction lets you ask those questions in a cool setting.
Wait, what? I thought we knew he was a Replicant. Why else is Gosling pointing his gun at him? Perhaps I should have turned the sound higher up.
gosling could be a replicant hunting old blade runners