Which decade was the worst for movies?

Which decade was the worst for movies?

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Nostalgia aside, 80s.

>implying 80s action isn't the most iconic decade for the action genre
>implying turn of the century teen horror will ever be matched in tongue-in-cheekness and fun


80s had some shit, but 90s had independance day, which started the whole "dumb stupid blockbuster with big explosions craze" that continued with Armageddon and still exists with transformers and other Roland shit


80's was the worst for movies, and fashion.

This is why nobody likes you


Basically every action movie from 96-99 had the same retarded formula and style.

Name 10, I'll wait

90s, at least 80s garbage has a charming, self-indulgent style of excess to it.
90s shit just looks dated and flat.

that's because back in the 90s most cgi looked really bad


80s, films started making low denominator mass produced garbage. There was zero artistic merit in the works anymore

Best movie ever made is from the 90s so 80s is worse

Switchback, Broken Arrow, Face/Off, Con Air, Phantoms, Mission Impossible, Air Force One, Executive Decision, Armageddon, Enemy of the State

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)

90s were actually atrocious. the 2010's actually haven't been bad at all I'd say, but the 90s were just a decade worth forgetting. everything was bad, fashion, films, music, everything.

>The Empire Strikes Back
>Raiders of the Lost Ark
>Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
> Poltergeist
>Police Academy
>Beverly Hills Cop
>The Goonies
>Back to the Future
>Top Gun
>Ferris Bueller's Day Off
>Lethal Weapon
>Die Hard
>Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
>Honey, I Shrunk the Kids
>The Little Mermaid

Go fuck yourself.


Current decade easily far worse than 80's or 90's.


the 80s and 90s were both great, mid 00s is when Hollywood started getting shitty

Some are the same director and the rest are nothing alike.

18+ here kiddo. Go suckle on ya mommas teet

1998 babies are of age now granddad

your time is up grampy

70s > 60s > 80s > 90s > 50s > 2000s > 40s > 30s > 20s > 2010s


There is no other list

This has to be a troll post

90s were objectively the best decade for music of all time

Every single genre was at its peak and mainstream music was actually pretty based

Not to mention it was filled with new styles popping up everywhere instead of all the bullshit revivalism that goes on now

Armegeddon, bad boys, the avengers (1998), Godzilla 1998, independance day, world is not enough, tomorrow never dies, speed 2, the phantom menace, batman and robin

All terribly written style over substance explosions over writing

Hollywood died after 1980 and subsequently took film with it.

These were the highest grossing films of 1969. Compare this list to any in the 80's, 90's, or today.

late 2000s and early 90s. by far.

50s needs to be higher

Not even Sup Forums has such a shit opinion about music.

In general? Hard to say. For big studio films? There's been a steady decline since the 80's. There's hardly a handful of blockbusters between the 00's and 10's that are legit good.

Once the Reagan/Bush I era ended there was a lot more shitty CGI and shitty digital cameras.

the 2000s

>Paint your wagon

That movie is kind of messed up.

lol I can sense you're a total pleb trying to pretend you're not but I'd be curious of what decade you think was better

The only arguable ones would probably be the 60s or 70s

Asking which one those 2 decades had the worst movies is kinda like debating which girl you wouldn't have sex with in picrelated.

Both the 80s and 90s are filled with timeless classic so the argument is absurd.

The worst decade is by far the 2010s
It's so shitty, a movie like "Mad Max road fury" an extremely highly regarded film.

Kill yourselves unferages faggots

By mid-00's the craft had largely gone out the window in favor of commercial filmmaking.

I don't watch anything after 2009

Worst ordering I've ever seen. You nearly had me fooled by having 70's at top. I don't understand why plebs like you always seem to place 70's in the front of the pack but throw every other top-tier decade to the wayside.


>Which decade was the worst for movies?

90's stopped being relevant to movies after 95. After that Fight Club and not much else.

>90s movies

LMAO 90s is the worst decade for movies

90s peaked in 94 and it was all down from there

90s movies are shit-tier

Right... 1999 didn't have any good movies

1999 was a garbage year

70s > 60s > 80s > 90s > 2000s > 40s> 50s> 20s> 30s

so far 2010's should be just before 2000s if no reasonable amount of good movies come in the next 3 years, with potential to be equal or maybe better than the 90's if we get good movies

>Both the 80s and 90s are filled with timeless classic so the argument is absurd.

>dude high concept movies are so patrician lmao


The 70's are grossly overrated. New Hollywood wasn't that good.

It's a bit of toss-up late '80s to mid '90s were fucking awesome.


Relevant. Merry xmas, faggots.

Objectively they are both shit.

The Golden age Ended in the 70s.

> Poltergeist
>Beverly Hills Cop
>Lethal Weapon
>Die Hard
I used a meme filter and these are the only movies that survived.

no worse year than 1999 exists

Beverly Hills Cop is trash.

remove platoon, et, gremlins, aliens, and ghostbusters. they are bad.

I agree completely. The 80s and 90s were a big improvement over the 70s, which is one of the worst decades in American cinema

>70s at the top
>30s at the bottom
pleb detected

>the long goodbye

Jesus Christ I fucking hate detective action/suspense. You can shove that movie up your ass dipshit.

In the meantime I'm gonna go watch another movie from the worst decade ever


oh alright reddit hows things man

I love film noir and detective movies in general but The Long Goodbye is fucking terrible. Altman is an overrated hack

They're both shit-tier, so it's a tossup. 80's had some comedies like Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, The Money Pit, Airplane, fantasy practical effects kids movies from Jim Henson, and Raging Bull

Then 90's had Goodfellas, Postcards From the Edge, Disney and some Cohens Brothers movies

>implying I would use a website that requires a 10 minute waiting time inbetween shitposts

Its not a discrete decade, but the worst 10 years for movies was 1995-2005.
A lot of good stuff came out in that period, but it has the most intolerable bad stuff. The constant total misapplication of CG after Jurassic Park made it popular was horrible.

This is clearly bait. You can hardly name directors with a portfolio as large, diverse, and important as Altman's (MASH, Nashville, Secret Honor, McCabe and Mrs. Miller, Short Cuts, The Player)

Name ten good Hollywood movies from 2005-2015.


Underaged faggot detected.
If you saw those "bad CG" movies when they were released, you'd have thought the effects were fine.

Ps: kys

You're either too young or too old for this board.
90s fashion and music were great.
You could actually hear music on the radio that wasn't trash pop or hip hop.

>clearly bait
I love Altman but I can see why people think he's a bad director. The Long Goodbye in particular is bad if judged by the standards of a tradtional noir.

Everything about the 80s was atrocious.

It's not bait at all. To me Altman represents the worst indulgences of the New Hollywood style, and people only worship him because he "goes against the grain." However I do admit to a certain bias because I despise "naturalism" and "realism" in movies, and his entire approach to filmmaking annoys me. I can certainly see why actors love him though

Star Wars and Jaws, while great on their own, ruined Hollywood.
I wouldn't wish to change things because I think the interesting filmmakers just went elsewhere, but the dawn of blockbusters was the beginning of the end for the truly great era of Hollywood.

the 80's only had a few nostalgia hits. 90's has plenty of movies that are actually written well and still worth watching.

they're not great on their own though, Star Wars and Jaws are both quite mediocre films

>The current decade is the worst
This is a high school-tier opinion and always has been.

It's a satire of noir, you buffoon. And the best one at that thanks to Altman's seemingly effortless natural direction. Just merely placing a noir in the early 70s is stylistically genius since the 40s and 70s are so different from one another socio-politically. The only period that could posssibly be more contrasting is late 60's

>40s above anything other than 90s
Haha no. The war ruined film. The 40s was full of trash comedy and sentimental schlock. Get real. The 20s I can take or leave, but the 30s outclass the 40s and 50s easily.

and yet it's true

Noir/Detective and gangster films somehow becoming prestigious genres is baffling to me. Its all samey trash without good drama, comedy, or action. Some later neo-noir is good, but usually because it comes at the genre semi-ironically and injects more humanity (Brick or Blade Runner for example)

People in the past (myself included) weren't stupid. You think people in the 50s thought handpuppets looming over model cities looked real?
People were complaining about garbage CG almost immediately after Jurassic Park set the standard. What are you like 14?

>Le contrarian
I'm not even going to argue with you. Its not worth it. Piss off.

It may seem to be true if you're 15 and have an incomplete frame of reference.

>The 20s I can take or leave
The most pleb opinion ITT by far. The 20's are the single best decade in film.

The 20s get a pass solely for being old and thus acquiring an air of prestige.
Its not really worth comparing the 20s to anything else anyway. The difference in style between the silent era and everything else is so dramatic that silents and talkies might as well be two different mediums.


>he doesn't like two popular acclaimed films
no, you piss off

There are plenty of popular, iconic films I love. However both of those movies are overrated schlock. Also any adult that fawns over Star Wars is pathetic

>implying Blade Runner is good
>implying Blade Runner is better than M, Testament of Dr. Mabuse, Maltese Falcon, Double Indemnity, or Angels with Dirty Faces


The 20's was cinema perfected, you fucking pleb.

There's not a single film more powerful than Battleship Potemkin or Metropolis. MAYBE 2001 or Lawrence of Arabia

90's by far. It was when mainstream cinema started to turn against itself and everything was to be ironic and as postmodern as possible. Most of the so called "classics" from that decade really don't hold up well anymore. The 80's were corny af, but at least people still believed in the power of the art.

Not him, but I could never get into silent films. I'm sure there are plenty of great ones, but that combination of no dialogue with classical music is like zolpidem to me. As many as I've tried to watch I can't stay awake unless it's one of those short comedy flicks, and even with those I find myself nodding off toward the end

It makes me feel like uncultured swine not being able to appreciate them but I just really need sound in my movies, and I don't see the point in watching something if it's going to feel like doing a chore

>but at least people still believed in the power of the art.
Yeah because 6 sequels of Porky's and Police Academy is real high art.


It is though when it comes to movies. I'm struggling to think of a 2010s film so far that will be remembered as a true classic in 20 years time.

I'm speaking in general. Cherrypicking doesn't prove shit

Ok well what about the twenty seven combined sequels of beverly hills cop, lethal weapon, rocky, and jaws?