Is anyone looking forward to this?
same creator as Fargo TV Series.
no i saw some shitty bollywood dance meme shit and that meme actress aubrey plaza and it turned me off
>saw some shitty bollywood dance
was that what that was? why would anyone add that in?
The only thing I'm looking forward to is the sweet release of death.
Just read the fucking comics.
So its X? thier doing X? thats fucking stupid, whos idea was this?
I'm looking forward to it, but I have a strong suspicion it won't be very good.
>Aubrey Plaza as a crazy chick in overalls in an insane asylum
>just read the fucking comics
nigga this board is for adults
wow what a waste of a good character
Wow, now THAT was an awesome trailer!
no it wasn't
You good sir have no taste
no you
also TK is boring
This whole site is for manchildren, don't kid yourself.
Holy shit I don't know if this is ironic or not.
Also >capeshit
It looks neat at least.
What the fuck was that dance number ho
mite b cool
Trippy, and since it has the same creator as Fargo you'd think people would have more faith...