Thoughts on this?

thoughts on this?
also what's some other actionkino?

It's not that good, I feel it's like Kill Bill done right.

Rogue One desu

my thoughts exactly, i loved it's technical aspect too

This was a great movie because it had world building without a shit ton of bullshit exposition. It never had any characters explain abut the hotel or the hitman underground world or how they had their own currency. It was all just there and never explained to the audience. I can't remember the last time an action movie treated the audience like they weren't retarded

>what's some other actionkino?
The Raid 1 & 2

kids movie hyped on Sup Forums despite gay 'le secret assassin club' and action scenes that are apparently realistic but are still just boring Marvel tier random shit happening

pretty good. i recommend jack reacher and the accountant

yeah this. i call it the "mum test"

if there mum doesn't ask me what's going on at least 4 times in a movie, it's explaining itself too much, usually to the detriment of the pacing.

Since it's supposed to be a trilogy I'm intrigued to see what the sequel has in store for wick's motivation. I thought John Wick was the perfect action movie.

Watched and enjoyed both but are nowhere close to the level of action John wick delivers especially the accountant

How is the 2nd compared to the 1st?

I really enjoyed Keanu's character and his backstory, i i loved how they set up the conflict with the russians.

I didn't particular enjoy the all assassin's hotel/underworld thing.
I found it quite distracting and very unrealistic. Like what is the fucking point other than set it up a couple of minor characters for the "John wick franchise".

Is one of those movies where you watch it for the action anyway so is i choose to ignore that part.

Building the underground society of assassins was one of the best parts of it. Otherwise it was just another shooter movie. As said already, they didn't dive too much into it to keep the mystique of it all.

Like other said they gave it a sense of ' 'grandiose mythology', on was otherwise a straight revenge flick. You got a sense it was less him returning back to the criminal underworld but a literal trip to hades.

Con Air
The Rock
Face Off

that's some essential Cage actionkino for you

it's an average action movie that everyone overrates because action movies for the past decade have been complete trash

the only actor less suited than Keanu Reeves to the action hero role is Ben Affleck.

The club shootout was great. They even kept track of his ammo and made sure he ran out or reloaded at the proper moments.

It's very good. It's larger scale in that you go around different places as opposed to being stuck in one building, and the story is a bit different, but the action is just as good and it's overall a really good movie.

If you enjoyed the first one there's literally no reason not to watch the second.

>im a big faggot with big faggot opinions

John wick is garbage but those are even worse, well done.

It has some of the best gunfu in any movie. Shit looks so sleek throughout.

>all this plebetry

Transporter (1). Avoid all sequels.

I thought the 2nd was way better than the 1st

It made me want to shoot CAR in real life desu
Too bad it's actually too silly

I thought this one was pretty good.

It delivered what it fucking was.
Action and gun kata. The only shit that matters.

Great movie, great action choreography

this. I really enjoyed the first but the 2nd did some fantastic stuff


It was good. Not great. I think my cousin got paid 5 cents every time he pushed the film onto someone as the best action film of all time.

I liked the cop at the front door scene.