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1st for /ausnz/

>She would never do something like that
Yes she does, I will do her myself and there's nothing that you can do

Thread theme

nth for cute kiwi boys

That's alot of sweat, we must be getting some good exercise.

She doesn't
No, you won't!

intercourse is very intensive exercise...

>She doesn't
Yes, I actually lied to you I already did her and filled her full when I was doing her she had an ahegao on her face
what a slut

Why are we wearing so many clothing layers...? That's no fun.
hahahahaha, I made that wallpaper btw, I see your browse wallpaper photoshop requests.
I fucked up her cape because the source image had all this black shit.

I was about to take them off...

That's not true!

why are you guys always erping really? its gay you know.

Looks good to me desu
Yes that is true I didn't even pay her or give her any candy! She enjoyed it that much...
Don't ever post homura crying ever again

Lies, she's sleeping on my bed right now

The wonder of blur tool, truly a mans best friend.

Heh enjoy your sloppy seconds with her I will be using her again later just so you know

Won't be long now, he's falling into my grasp...

Shut UP!
She told me she's still a virgin, you baka

I don't watch idolshit so I don't know enough about LL to roleplay properly.
Did you ever tell us why you use the name? Everybody knows you.

>She told me she's still a virgin, you baka
Not after that how many times I did her muahahhahaa I will leave her next to your house again once I am done be sure too feed her for me okay?

>I don't watch idolshit
neither do I

>Everybody knows you.
T-that's bad...
I don't believe you

oh, I thought there was some reason you kept reusing the LL images.

Be sure to also wash her for me okay? I don't like when there's still old goo in her

>I thought there was some reason you kept reusing the LL images
Because I'm too lazy to go and get more from /u/

>T-that's bad...
I think its cute

You too...


I mean when there's still old cum in her vagina... Wash that out okay?

Astolfo looks cute but he's fucking annoying.

F-for me?

oh shittttttt, I'm falling hook, line and sinker. This is his plan after all.

I'm telling you, she's a virgin...
And she would never do it without a condom

panties are unironically comfortable

>F-for me?

How can you know that?
Heh I used to also do her with condom, but I would just leave the condom inside her before bringing her back to your home...
Delete that gif

>panties are unironically comfortable
How you know this is making me feel very... odd

I wear them sometimes to tease my bf. I've worn them to class before

I can't even keep track of what's happening anymore, too many role-players of different levels of gayness is confusing my penis.
>I've worn them to class before
wew laddy

She said so herself...

>too many role-players of different levels of gayness
I'm the same one, I think there's one or two other Americans who post

All that matters is you and me... right?

Always baby

me on top

>She said so herself...
Wow what a dedicated slut to you she is, a real liar she is
Here (will delete soon)

They are my panties now :3

and what a beautiful pair they are

She would lie to me

Would never*

>She would lie to me
Exactly she would lie to you muhahahahha
what a whore

If only we were balts and close together desu
(You) on the left

I don't want to live in baltland

Wouldn't mind living in Kiwiland but idk how I'd get there

No, it was a mistake!
Don't call her a whore

>No, it was a mistake!
You might think that way, but your brain knew what it was writing...
>Don't call her a whore
Be a good dog and say "please"

>I don't want to live in baltland
Very true, I didn't think about that

I would like to try living in america desu, but it would have to be somewhere on the coast maybe florida (even though I know that state is a bit of a meme).

>it would have to be somewhere on the coast
Gulf Coast is hot as balls and poor

You could move to one of the Carolinas with me..


South carolina sounds nice, somewhere not to hot but close to nature.




Ah user you, thank you very much I like it when you act so submissive like a dog.

>Ah user you, thank you very much I like it when you act so submissive like a dog.

Heh, no you need to be taught a lesson
Don't make that sound

All this fun is really ruining my sleep cycle.

>Heh, no you need to be taught a lesson


No idea if south carolina is hot, but it's definitely hot here; and I live north of SC.

I'll let you go to bed qt

Please don't be sad
I mean don't you like being abused? muahhaha

north south carolina. sounds stupid

oi, you know how to play
I might go to sleep now


No, I don't...

Sugar in Kārums curd snacks boosts thinking, while the curd improves memory.

Are you sure?

you are all faggots, balt is a place of baltic discussion etc. Not some dumping ground for your japanese fucking pedophile cartoons.

All of you foreigners leave this thread and never return. BALTS only.


Pls someone... I've gotten more drunk since the first game

Don't bully me and my waifu

I am not bullying her or you I am just telling you the truth and the truth is that she's a slut that I use every single day

>implies estonians are TRUE balts, lel

>every single day
False, she's with me right now

>False, she's with me right now
Well she will go out when you're not looking and then when I will do her :DDDD

Can you read?

Nope, I'm gonna run soon and she will stay home

Then she will just let me in and I will do her on the bed that you both sleep on
Have a good run :)

You won't do this!!
I'm not!
Hm, thanks I guess...

Yes I will...

Dumb ears, why would Sakuya put them on?

What happens on Long Island?
Yes, she a real slut and you're a cuck, be sure to clean everything up after we are done
>Dumb ears, why would Sakuya put them on?
I think that she looks cute with them desu

That's cruel...
But she dislikes them

>But she dislikes them
No she loves wearing them.
How much are you able to run by the way?

>be sure to clean everything up after we are done
She doesn't...
I dunno, maybe for an hour

The cum and sweat...
>She doesn't...
She does because I like it so Sakuya also likes to wear it
>I dunno, maybe for an hour
I mean how much kilometers?

>The cum and sweat..
>She does because I like it so Sakuya also likes to wear it
No! She's free to wear what she likes
>I mean how much kilometers?
I don't know...

Its not my fault that stockingu loves getting fucked
>No! She's free to wear what she likes
She is, but she loves to wear what I like the most
>I don't know...
Well at least approximately


Wow, Mayuri is so amazingly unsexy. Bravo.

It is!
I dunno, really

I love Kurisu
>It is!
You're right I am the reason why she loves getting fucked so much
>I dunno, really
Well that unfortunate

That's not what I meant!

>That's not what I meant!
That's exaclty what you meant
Its good