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International #776
You have 10 seconds to act as Brazilian as possible
ITT: Post your favourite military marches from your cunt
Things people in your country do that everyone else should do
How are tourist on your country?
Should Australia become a Republic when the Queen dies?
This is considered a tall man in Brazil
Is Cosplay popular in your country?
Ask your answers about Russia here
Would you fuck her (him)?
Average nips girl when ive been to fukuoka
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Eire éire
If you had to live in either sweden or finland, which one would you choose?
Why are BLACK men so superior compared to wh*Te ((("""men""")))?
Do you love colombian girls?
R8 my university :3
/balt/ Anime:
This makes the American sweat and shiver
Why do american white men lust after asian women so much?
This frightens the European
WTF I love Argentina now, this stuff literally gets you high
It's a big alliance
Could i pass as local in you're country??
You're cunt
/balk/ - balkan thread
How common are these stereotypical names in their countries?
Hilo latino
Post foreign currencies you have
Cherry Picking
A blonde blue eyed swedish billionaire is willingly throwing away is heritage with a brown haired brown eyed tanned...
/Sino/ - 中国
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
What are Christian Koreans like?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sup Forums posters you recognise
This is what a finnish gypsy looks like
This is the world in 2045, after the defeat of the White Reich, but before the beginning of the Second Cold War
/ME/+/IRA/+/STAN/ = /MEIRASTAN/ ''Brotherhood'' edition
Europeans make fun of the US for being "violent"
Do you love Bahamas?
Hello Sup Forums!
What's wrong with Japan?
Could anyone stop these two?
How does a white European man obtain a Caribbean girlfriend?
My country doesn't have a general
So, I heard that this country called "Norway" is the most civilized and advanced place on Earth...
Live 1 week in New York for less than $100
Country roleplay
Ask a dane that is going to university after summer anything
What are your thoughts on authentic Italian pizza?
Why do Brits always mock Americans? Is it some secret gay love or something?
Do NOT underestimate us
Colors of Sup Forums
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ il filo
New pan-european Discord
Russian men are ugl
What countries has Sup Forums made you like more? For me:
/dixie/ - Conway & Friends
Sverigetråden - Reicuckens upplaga
Cultural spheres of Latin America
Visiting this shithole with my gf soon
Who else /black/ here
Do straight men actually have feelings? It seems like they only care about sex. Are they even human beings...
My ancestors built this. :^)
Am I finnish Sup Forums
Personality Heaven
This is what the average brazilian woman looks like
/v4/ + friends
How mutually intelligible are the romance languages? If I speak Spanish, can I understand Italian, Catalan...
I'm liek to play Heroes of Might and Magic 3. What are you liek to play, /int?
What does Sup Forums think of this guy?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Post shit from your country that's more popular in a different country. Apparently Johnny Bravo is big in India
Things you can't stand about other cunts or cultures
Post average neighbourhoods from your country
What's its end game?
/Hamburg/ ehem. /deutsch/
Chad thread
How do you say in your language
Hitler wanted to kill THIS
Tfw socially retarded
Japan will you fight with us against North Korea?
Muslim sperm
How long do you believe Russia will last when Finnish troops roll over the border?
Someone on Sup Forums posts about how much they like your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How do you call these hellish beasts in your cunt?
/fr/ - Le Francofil francophone
RIP in fucking peace Nipon
Message to Japan, India and Vietnam
Why don't black people play the guitar?
He imagined himself playing the guitar infront of the whole school
Argentina WHITE
/österreich/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is this real hispanic food?
Why are we the only white country that actually looks up to unrelenting violence?
Sverigetråden - 2dupplagan
/hell/ - /gr/
Be British
ITT: Countries that should exist
How do you say I want to eat pussy in german?
Nuke us
Southern europeans aren't lazy
What happens here? can someone give me a quick rundown?
Hey Koreans, can you read this?
What console is most popular in your country?
Post your country's cuisine after race mixing
Why are Americans so autistically obsessed with European demographics?
Why are Slavs not as good as western Europeans?
>preferring a toothpaste flag to this
Southern Europe vs. North Africa
Go out shopping
Is this true? Spen doesn't like bread or rice?
Is this girl Hispanic/Latina or White?
How do you say in your language
""""""""""United"""""""""" States of America
This board is literal crap during Eurasian hours
Average penis size for a nigerian man is 5.1 inches (12.95 cm )
Why don't white ppl take siestas? Don't you guys know they're good for both your body and mind?
Why do Argentines age so poorly?
In London
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Germany will never have this flag
Be me
/hell/ /gr/
So here's my take on an "Anglish". I've constructed an English similar to modern English...
I really fucking hate this country and every second of my life I have to spend here
It is not exciting to continue to live in one country forever, though I love my country
Have you got any reason to move to Japan except anime and manga?
The West
/balk/ - Balkan General Thread
Why does Jake Paul trigger h3h3 so much?
A perfect map for Europe doesn't ex
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Russia our biggest ally
/lang/ - Language Learning
/hawaii/ ehemals /deutsch/
Okay, lets face it. Maybe Estonia is not a slut? Just maybe
Had an altercation with a supposed 'white' Brazilian who claims to be white on account of having Italian blood...
Why does everyone on this website speak English so well?
Italian men had a spanish wife
Be anglo
A question to the europeans
Why aren't you Iranic?
Russians aren't white
Passport cover thread
Japan-America thread
Your cunt
Is it true that Arabic is even harder to learn than Japanese?
Why do americans stink?
Why do Japanese draw white people?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/lat/ - hilo latino
/axis/ general
China is garbage, From Australia
Why are Finnish people so much swarthier compared to other Nordic nations
Literal commies outside my work today trying to talk about unions
Got any hobbies Sup Forums?
Is it acceptable in your country for men to get a woman pregnant and leave her?
Why aren't you learning german right now you user?
1-your hometown
Protestant Europe is ought to rule Catholics and Orthodox's
Kurva anyátok
Get my italian citizenship
Jorge makes a thread on /r9k/
D-do you love Japan?
Culture Pals /cp/ gen32
TFW I've been here so long that I experience dejavu multiple times a day because I feel like i've seen almost every...
Grandma's sewing kit
/luso/ fio lusofono
East Asia vs Southeast Asia
Why is Greece so racist?
Argie girls are for?
Moving to Poland soon, do they treat us Burgers like shit? What should I expect?
Daily reminder that the Earth is not flat
Why does Sweden have such a good reputation outside of Sup Forums and Sup Forums?
You have 15 seconds to name a better language than English. I'll wait
Americans, what are some things about Europe that are just weird to you?
Russians... Please explain Russian Youtube Rap
Is the toasted cheese sandwich the pinnacle of Anglo cuisine?
Name a single human city that doesn't look like fucking dogshit
North Koreans did do wrong to you guys?
Better than America
/cum/ - Canada United States Mexico
Who else is a mulatto or hapa here? Do you get negative stereotypes of both races but none of the positive ones like me?
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
Yourop need more Brazilian BULLS instead of puny weak youropeen """"""""""men"""""""""" lol
Sverigetråden - Morgonupplagan
Do people in other Anglo countries know what their accent sounds like?
Are you served?
/muc/ Mexico U.S.A Canada
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Medellin is the best latinamerican city
Post parts of your country which are universally reviled
Any Spaniards/Portuguese here of Muslim/Jewish descent?
21 august 2017
So... the wall is gonna be built?
How long are your hands and how tall are you Sup Forums
How do you call the "dirt" in your eyes after you wake up?
/eire/ /éire/
1.) Your country
TFW got trolled by Sup Forums memes into not going to University because it's a "jewish scam and you'll be in debt for...
This is the world in 2050. After the final defeat of the White Reich in 2045...
Dicks of Sup Forums?
Amerilards takes the plane just to travel to another city
Νame one thing that wouldn't exist without white girls
Amerifats get triggered by seeing some little girl's flat chest
Why are Americans so uneducated? What is the US doing wrong? Even though they're such an influential and "rich" country...
1.your a cunt reee
Wake up
Post a "before and after" photo of your cunt at the same location
Are people in your country romantic?
Sverigetråden - Cringeupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Ask a Finn anything
Ask a bored Mexican anything
Post your general's starter pack
Are you ready for the imminent reign of Al-Masīḥ ad-Dajjāl (the Anti Christ) Sup Forums?
How much do you make a year Sup Forums?
Post famous people from your countries
At friends house as a kid playing video games
Post the average man from your country
/ME/ ''New brotherhood'' edition
R8 my spanish
What the fuck is wrong with German people?
What is the relationship between spaniards and frenchies?
Why do American restaurants rely so heavily on tips?
Why is this legal
Pick one
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
What foods are common in north america but non-existent in europe or the rest of the world?
How do you say in your language
Be a Korean man
Bahamas girls were made for
What's Finland's secret ?I need to know
In the US, aboriginals are known for being lazy alcoholics
1. country
Can I pass as a local in your country?
Sister wearing only bra and panties around the house again
Your cuntree
Ask a half Asian half Russian who's living in Israel anything
Why does Jake Paul trigger h3h3 so much?
Kurva anyátok
Russia-Turkey alliance against NATO and EU when?
How are dicks measured in your cunt?
Post your cunt fast food chain
What's the worst advice you ever got from /fit/?
Choose your poison
/esp/ hilo español hilo galle
Which one Sup Forums?
Would you eat this pizza?
Why dont families eat together anymore?
Brits pay taxes for this
Can I pass as a local in your country?
Ah yes seems like a very logical action to take
Alligators, swamps, weird crimes and death metal
Which country is:
/BRiD GmbH ehemals und nie wieder deutsch/
/flag/tism | 'Fuck you Sevier' Edition
Does South America look up to Mexico?
Really I wish I was German you have a great economy and lots of jobs for young people...
So which one are you?
What do you know about Gibraltar?
Italian girls are ...?
South European edition
Why did muslims chimp out ?
"How could a person forget about the plains, the meadows...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/base/ - basement general
Daily Japanese Thread - DJT # 1885
How do you say
Why are they so butthurt?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Amerifats get triggered when they see some little kid's wang/cunny/flat chest
Spanish culture
Rural Aussies have no right to tell the rest of the country they are Unaustralian when they copy American southern...
How do northern Europeans get so tall while practically starving themselves...
Russia thread
Why when sons of shithole inhabitants live in your country...
Are Turks European?
EU vs US
User why do you know so much about Finland?
What is the first word that comes in your mind when you see this picture?
What time do you have dinner in your country?
I dare you to show me a flag more aesthetic than Alaska's
/polska/ aka /sarmacja/
You're in a sinking canoe with a Turk and Albanian
How do you go from this
How do I defeat her?
What do Serbs, Slovenes, Macedonians and Montenegrins think about anti-Russian alliance "Intermarium"?
Unironically my next date
Be White European in 19th century
White people
Guess the country
/fug/ - Finno-Ugric / Uralic
Are trannies allowed in your countries military?
Non-Anglos should stop speaking our language and leave
Sl*vs are gross
/polska/ aka /rzeczpospolita/
What are Anglo countries famous for?
What happens here, Sup Forums...
Guess the country thread
/v4/ + friends
Why are the Irish so mean spirited?
I want a black gf
Tummies of Sup Forums
Is dating two women at once acceptable in your country?
(((Seth Rogen))) tweeted that he would use his influence to actively stop Jake Paul from getting roles in movies...
Everyone remembers where they were when it happened. Where were you and what was your reaction?
His country doesn't spend 2% of his GDP on defence
I don't trust people with Ocka accents or Bogan accents
Join game server
Why are pakis surprised again when everyone considers them animals?
Worst place in your country?
1. your cunt
Do not forget the fact that Japanese Empire did not do wrong in Asia
What does your cunt have for breakfast?
Reminder that Victorians and New South Welshmen are not Australian
Wednesday July 27th 2017
How can anyone in Europe be a virgin when prostitution is legal in many Europe countries?
Oh no now we only jizz out 100 million sperm instead of 200 million, what a shortage
¿Por qué no quieres aprender Español?
/ita/ il filo
/balk/ - Balkan Thread
Could these two pass as locals in your country?
Where can I emigrate to which has a decent amount of snow annually but not nigger cold like Canada?
What is your honest opinion on this country Sup Forums
Kurva anyátok
/tr/ :
I'm afraid of war
What does Australian culture mean to you?
/東亞/ Traditional Edition
Which do you prefer Japanese food or Korean food
The US doesn't have a passenger rail syste-
Who has the best money Sup Forums
>Columbia is 3rd worl-
What are some countries with no future?
What is the Northeast USA like, like Delaware up to Maine?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/- fil de la francophonie
What do you call this in your country?
Glad we can all agree
Hilo latino /lat/
Dad wants me to find a job but doesn't understand no one is hiring in this country right now
Do you have these motherfuckers in your cunt?
Mfw euros have to ride cramped ass trains to go everywhere
Ancestry Tests
Chad For All Seasons
Moving to Rome in a month, specifically il Campo d' Fiori. What should I expect?
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
What colonial power was the best at murdering primitive natives?
Why are most Latin American countries obsessed with United States?
1. Your country
Islam is the religion of _____
It's another episode of the roiding gym chads bullying user again
Hi, my name is Suzuki Hayabusa. I gave my son the name "Akira" as it's a proper Japanese name befitting his heritage
R8 my genes
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why the fuck are they so good making music?
Just found out that Perú is actually whiter than México in proportionally speaking
Why do americans stink??
And you're telling me Greek people are white?
What percentage of east asian posters are actually asian?
Which one is more superior? African Union vs European Union?
I am 100% Anglo Saxon
Do Chicanos like Mexican art?
Sverigetråden - Cancerfri nattupplaga
Hey yuropeans, how does it feel knowing that the american continent is well defined unlike "europe"
The top 10 countries NEED to help the bottom 10 countries more
The American army has an entire division of trannies
How did the ">portugal" meme start?
Tfw escort pages say "no blacks"
I just want brazil and brazilians to be happy
How is this guy called in your language?
Ireland thread?
Why is South Italy so bad in comparison to North Italy?
Why can't Americans grow vegetables in their front yard?
I never knew I could go this brown, friends! Is it possible that I'm not wh*te after all?
Why are Asian women superior to white women?
Is France Southern Europe?
Your vagine
/cum/ Canada United States Mexico
Be Italian
"90% of the Swedish male population identifies as homosexual or bisexual."
1. Your country
Culture Pals - /cp/ genXXXII
Non-Anglos with Anglo names
Which empire impresses you the most?
Mmmmmh, look at THAT!
/sino/ - 中国
Is turkish really sounds like this? If it is kill me
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Kurva anyátok
This is what the average brazilian woman looks like
Could I pass as a local in your country?
This man is the Russian defense minister
/first world problems/
White people saying "nigga"
What's the worst physical pain you've ever experienced?
How does this make you feel?
1 your cunt
Posting some old pics
What`s the best country to open a bussines
Sad songs
Sverigetråden - Söthetsupplagan
Let's have a poll
Christfags are worst being on earth
Tfw 19yo
There are people on Sup Forums who have never had in n out
Your country
Angola Appreciation Thread
Tfw you have to endure the annoying subtitles while watching a movie in the cinema
Why don't Nordics used condiments? Why are their sandwiches so boring?
Sverigetråden - Krisupplagan
Be American
Be honest, how many of you guys are losers, or NEETs
Software Engineer Wage in Berlin
Comfy town thread
Don't race mix because your children will look ug-
Hi, Germany-anons, I need in your help so much. I'm poor Ukrainian and I need illegal work in Germany for 2-3 month...
I want to know what kind of food Argentines eat...
In America the most important meals are breakfast and dinner, lunch is a snack. In Europe...
I would rather have Czechia be the 51st state of the United States of America than Gayropean Union
/dixie/ - Southern US & friends
How does your country treat gingers?
Why do Europoors hate real kettles?
Do you take a shower in the morning or evening?
What's the best European country for a 'murican like me to find work in? I'm 25 and have no desire to live here...
Could I get a bf in your cunt?
Is Mexican food popular in your cunt?
Well deserved innit Sup Forums
Why is france so fucking weak?
Why aren't you defending us from Arabs and Blacks, Germanic man?
Neder hookup
Why are we soooooo smart?
How does it feel to know you will never impregnate this?
If you're not blue, you're not white
Are English people proud of the fact that they are mixed people ?
Personality Heaven
Can I get german gf if I am only 5'8?
Israel did not do wrong. They just murdered innocent Palestinian christians and Arabs. Is it bad...
Ukrainians are not Slavs. Ukrainians are Cumans and Pechenegs...
USA population overlaid on european regions with equal population
Sverigetråden - Svensk sommar
At least you live in Europe
Is it true that Jap posters make the 'Do you love Japan...
Nordmenn, how can I go about studying in Norway...
Why do we never hear about them if we have so many?
This is the founder of Ottoman Empire, Osman I
1. You are a cunt REEE
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...