
She is beautiful I would marry her just so she can stay in my country and her family can come too.

She's using it as a publicity piece smartypants, they'll come back as soon as she profits of it and pays

Sup Forums is a brown mans board. Please direct yourself towards the nearest exit and leave you disgusting cumskinned effeminate wh*te "man"

Hard to believe you're white


Trump has to be stopped, he is literally imposing fascism on this country

Why would you deport someone who's hard working and pays more taxes than the average person? It doesn't make sense.
There are currently tens of thousands of Americans who are currently living on welfare, not working and avoidin taxes.
Deport them instead.

Illegal immigrants are criminals, they are foreigners that have not complied with the laws of the land.
I hope for your sake your new african brothers will work harder and pay more taxes than you and your people.

1 African is worth 10 Americans t b h

Yeah how dare that fascist enforce laws

Move to Africa please

Why don't Yuropeans understand common sense now? Has political ideology really affected you that hard to tbe point of brainwashing? If so, you should fuck off to Sup Forums!

He's nice and I'd honestly take him and his family out if he lets me live with him after I find a job at a hospital there

Based Donald.

Lived there for 5 years, will never step foot in America.

What city


Based Thailand, BTFO

I agree, nativists are cancer. I am white but immigrants usually work harder than the natives and do it for less pay also. They are oftentimes much more patriotic as well.

very odd English for somebody who's a native


I kno, correct? He is poor english not proper American like us


Ireland, how do we deal with the Anglo menace?

That cying scene was scripted. It is forced and fake as fuck . That bimbo probably hasn't seen her real family in ages and just pays them off to shut about it. I don't know how people can fall for this shit

>pay taxes
Where'd you get that idea?

I wonder how many of the Burgers who cry about illegal immigration regularly shop at places like Wallmart.


oh shut up you underaged gypsie

He isn't Mexican so why would he?

Don't be naive you dumb gypsie. It is fake as fuck and she starts crying like it was rehersed. She probably has never set foot in Colombia


Adios amigos