Why are we the only white country that actually looks up to unrelenting violence?

Why are we the only white country that actually looks up to unrelenting violence?

It proves how tough we are and how little bullshit we take. We aren't some liberal filled shithole where we think you deserve to live because you're alive

You have to earn the right to live here. You faggot Euros should look up to us.

That's why we routinely kill immigrants and minorities to show them who's boss

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And yet we have violent outbursts all the time to try to visibly prevent that

While your country invites Muslims in and give them equal rights

Most violent outbursts in the USA are due to you being overrun by savages.

ANd yet because we have guns we can shoot anyone we want and most people would approve

Most third worlders feel more safe here than your Sharia filled hellhole


You are also turning into savages. Americans are clearly integrating into Mexican culture. With all the violence that comes with it.

50% white my dudes!

There was a time, long long ago (100 years), where many violent white countries existed.
But violent countries dont get along with each other, so they fought it out, twice, until only two violent white countries remained (russia and usa), and other white countries submitted and became pacifists

How is protecting ourselves being savage?

says a lot about your country for being full of Muslims and not being able to protect yourself

And at least Mexicans speak a European language and can integrate into american society. And due to laws in Texas and Florida where you can defend yourself, you can shoot them and say you were defending yourself and you'll get off

Try doing that in Europe.

That's why all your countries look up to the USA and Russia

You wish you had what we had.

Personally I love seeing grieving mothers at funerals for their weak kids that got killed. They weren't going to contribute to society anyways

And that's acceptable behavior in the USA

>Personally I love seeing grieving mothers at funerals for their weak kids that got killed.
That's the price you pay for beeing a superpower.
But hey, somebody has to do the job, and you are still not as bad as the British Empire or the Romans, so thank you for your service, i guess

If you had a stronger culture, like the Netherlands, you wouldn't have so many Islamic terrorist attacks and minorities claiming areas and killing people who enter it. There would no need to carry guns just to be able to live in your own home.

But the only real American culture is stolen Mexican culture, like cowboys and california, black culture and Jewish media.

By that logic, can't Mexicans shoot you and say they were defending themselves, specially in areas where they are the majority in Texas. Curious, as I've lived in a 97% white state all my life.

In the Netherlands university students can form armed militias.

And can get free training from the military if they wish. Despite having nothing to do with each other.

reminder to sage American threads

Mexicans have less rights in Texas than whites do, on an unofficial level

There are stories of Mexican teens getting shot by old white dudes who thought they were going to rob them. That may or may not have been the case but the cops believed the old man anyways

Yeah because Europe never gets attacked by terrorists


We shoot brown people at their home and mosque burnings happen on a daily basis. And the government approves it

>It proves how tough we are and how little bullshit we take
I don't know that feel m8.


Considering my country is first world and developed and you're still a poor shithole that old white dudes go to fuck kids, I think we all know who really won the war

Ajajjaajja as white as us my brown friend.

Considering that, as Clausewitz teaches us, war is an act of violence to compel the enemy to fulfil one's will, and considering that America's war aim was to prevent communism in Vietnam and Vietnam's war aim was to gain independence, we really do know who won the war.


>Delicious American salt


But we still win in the long term

>Mexican culture
Niggers are more violent than any other ethnic group in the US. Chicanos aren't even close

I never heard of niggers dismembering people.


Wait, that was done by Europeans.

Nope, you actually lost in the long term. The huge expenses of that war were planting the seed of the decline of the American empire which is still ongoing. Without Vietnam you'd probably have had a manned Mars landing in the 1980s.

Oh in 1947 we decapitated Indonesians and put their heads on sticks to serve as a warning.

But we have evolved since the 40's sweetie. While you still live in the middle ages.

>we decapitated Indonesians and put their heads on sticks
There you go. So what is your fucking point?
>autistic screeching
? I don't get it. But it's probably autistic screeching.

But you are the immigrants