North Koreans did do wrong to you guys?

What did North Koreans do wrong to you guys?

>just always says 'Americans, Please go back to your homeland" "Korea is for Koreans" "Stop immigrations from USA"

Okay. I understanded it.

The sin of North Koreans is this.

>the sin which says to white master race aryan USA "Please go back to your homeland"

I am Very Very Sorry for being a filthy Korean subhuman who wants to protect our nation from rapist nigger immigrants.

Sorry, muh liberal and white racist friends.

t. a South Korean man who loves my own nation and my Koreans and Korean free Independance from USA white racists.

Other urls found in this thread:–1969)

SK is already America's bitch. You guys have a higher circumcision rate than best goy US.

>What did North Koreans do wrong to you guys?
We give them food and work visa then get ninjas with sarin gas.

경찰 아저씨~ 여기요!

영어 잘합니다 대통령님 ^^

North Korea has done far more bad shit to South Korea than the U.S. has

South Korea is rich thanks to the U.S.


>no proof
>no proof
Sorry for being Koreans of USA white racists

문재인 대통령님은 훌륭하신 애국자이시고 대한민국의 자랑입니다.

t. a South Korean man who loves our nation and my Korean people.–1969)–1969)

There's plenty more. But I can't be bothered to link every single one


네 나음 좌좀

President Moon is a smart and nice man.

We Koreans love him and voted to Moon.

Go back to Japan.

>won 41%

거짓말 하지마세요 당신은 대한민국을 사랑하지 않습니다 당신의 눈에는 대한민국 그냥 무슨 독재적 친일 식민지입니다 처음 부터

김정은 개새끼 해봐

Their sin is being more than willing to drop a bomb on your home city at the drop of a hat.

저는 대한민국을 사랑하는 애국자입니다. 문재인 대통령님도 저 같은 애국자이시죠.

>no proof
Stop occupying my homeland.


못해 김정은을 사랑하니까 알았어

무슨 말씀이 하고 싶으신 건데요?

>no proof

wew, just look at their rhetoric you fucking retard

문재인 대통령님은 자유 대한민국의 국민들이 자기 손으로 선택한 분이십니다. 독재자 박정희와는 다릅니다.

President Moon loves our country and our people.

>says "Korea is for us Koreans"
>평화적 적화통일

Kill yourself ilbe

Please don't lie. That's not what he said.

We Koreans love our president Moon.

Go back to your jab monkey land or USA a.k.a. the United States of American white racists


네 다음 쪽바리 친일파 매국노

Serious question for OP, if you want your countries to reunify which government do you want to be in charge of the new country?

Do you want it to be the North Koreans? Because there is basically no way in hell that they will give up power. Are you willing to go from being one of the most advanced nations in the world, to being practically third world? Is ending tensions between your countries really worth that? And you're an idiot if you think the U.S. leaving the South Korean peninsula would end tensions. Those fuckers have nukes pointed at us. And until that stops, or we go to war, tensions won't improve between the U.S. and North Korea.

일뽕 쪽바리 친일파 매국노는 자살하거라

친일파 오타쿠 더러워 꺼져

ilbe is Sup Forums of Korea

They are jap spys.

I think our President Moon will remove all ilbe scums

I say leave Korea for Koreans. When the North unites with the South, I'm sure the south can use all it's resources to handle all the starving people. If you need any help I'm sure big brother China will step in, just let them make a few bases on your land.

Why do you ilbe scums are all fucking ugly?

ilbe is Korean Sup Forums

They ruined everything in Korea for past 5 years.

/ilbe/ is Korean Sup Forums

They want to destroy our Korea, us Koreans.

Remove them from our country...! They must go back to Japan!

destroy X
save O

자살해 개씨발 찐따 중졸 일베충 바퀴벌레 새끼야

자살하세요 친일파 매국노 새끼야 일본에 나라 팔아먹으니까 즐겁냐?

Okay, calm down.

How can you speak in Human?

I thought you ilbes were pigs

I think ilbe poltard must kill himself for our Korea.

자유 대한민국 만세

/ilbe/ is Korean Sup Forums



경상도 원숭이가 울부짖네

SK's entire identity is based around Blizzard games, an American country. You should be grateful to them plastic man.

Kill yourself chink

Commit suicide gook

>What did North Koreans do wrong to you guys?
something about fishing something, then they got butthurt we detained their ship

Oh its just the south korean scitzo.

fair enough



Wew nigger

문재인은 훌륭한 대통령이다

Clear thing is that South Korea is already expired country. They are likely to collapse slowly like Venezuela if something serious doesn't happen. And president moon is a qualified person to acccomplish the country's slumism.

대표적인 빵갱이 문빠 새끼 보솧ㅎ

>did do
What the Fuck even i'm not using language like that

japan > korea